For First Time ,a U.S. Capitol riot defendant is

I really think there is a big issue when a moderator has a vandetta against a poster and attacks and lies the way you do.
I ask perfectly reasonable questions, and you call it a vendetta while simultaneously maligning leftists.
I ask perfectly reasonable questions, and you call it a vendetta while simultaneously maligning leftists.
The vendetta is when you constantly LIE about what I’ve said. In this thread alone, you said I complained about “low IQ blacks” when I never said that. Yesterday you claimed that I said blacks were responsible for poverty for poor decisions and that I held whites blameless - AFTER I made it clear that the poverty resulting from poor decisions applies to whites and blacks both. You claimed I had a “meltdowh” because I saw A poster with a black in it, when that was not the case nor was it the issue.

Lies, lies, lies.
Nope, another lie.

And here’s the thing, You said I wouldn’t answer your question, and I said I would as soon as you apologize for your deceitful, nasty way of debating - by lying about what your opponent has said.

Im still waiting.
Went back to your original post:

"Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate. So they are poor due to their own actions, and that’s the excuse for their committing a disproportionate share of the crime?"

It is a fact that poverty is a big driver of crime among ALL races. I bet you would find lower, middle and upper class blacks have the same crime rates as similar class whites. I bet you would find, just like with your family, not all poor blacks commit crime eithet. But poor people do commit a disproportionate share of crime and more black people are poor.

To then blame it on their "own actions" as a. entire group is what to me sounds racist. Nowhere here did you apply it to whites until challenged on it. The causes of black poverty are many, including single parenthood and including the effects of historic racism. So I won't apologize for that, it is what you said here in this thread. But I will apologize for the low iq comment.
Went back to your original post:

"Yeah, and they’re poor primarily because of the high out-of-wedlock rate. So they are poor due to their own actions, and that’s the excuse for their committing a disproportionate share of the crime?"

It is a fact that poverty is a big driver of crime among ALL races. I bet you would find lower, middle and upper class blacks have the same crime rates as similar class whites. I bet you would find, just like with your family, not all poor blacks commit crime eithet. But poor people do commit a disproportionate share of crime and more black people are poor.

To then blame it on their "own actions" as a. entire group is what to me sounds racist. Nowhere here did you apply it to whites until challenged on it. The causes of black poverty are many, including single parenthood and including the effects of historic racism. So I won't apologize for that, it is what you said here in this thread. But I will apologize for the low iq comment.
Again with your lies. You’re disgusting. I originally applied It in reference to blacks because the poster I was responding to was talking specifically about blacks! When you jumped on me, as usual, I explained that this applies to whites, as well, and gave a couple of examples.

And look what you lying POS did earlier in this thread. You claimed I said “low IQ blacks” were getting into college. I said no such thing! I have been complaining about two standards of admission, based on race, which unfairly penalizes one of the races. It’s racist. You’re fine with it, because racism that favors the black race is to be applauded, and any white who objects to the racism demonized by telling lies about her,

You also said I had a meltdown because I saw a single poster that had a black person in it. That too is a lie. You know full well that the problem is that corporations are deciding to exclude whites from their advertising material. How likely would it be otherwise to walk past 20 posters, and all 20 posters show one race and one race only - and that race is just 14% of the population?

Why is the company that makes hair products picking four blacks - one for each of four posters - to advertise their goods, and not one white - when blacks are such a minority? An intentional decision to exclude whites!

How is it that TurbiTax sends a promotional mailing, and in it are thfee unrelated individuals talking about how great TT is - and ALL of the three are black? An intentional decision to exclude whites!

And your gathering together an ad from Target, in which some whites are shown, to show that not everyone is excluding whites entirely would be the same as if you complained, 60 years ago, that blacks aren’t being served in Alabama, and I showed you a photo of blacks being served in New York.

Shame on you! As a mod, you should be setting an example how to debate with others, and you are one of the worst - lying about what your opponent says to defame them (if this were real world and you were lying like this, you’d owe me a fortune), and then argue over a point the opponent never made.

Now I am done with you. I don’t lower myself to dregs like you IRL, and I won’t here either,
Again with your lies. You’re disgusting. I originally applied It in reference to blacks because the poster I was responding to was talking specifically about blacks! When you jumped on me, as usual, I explained that this applies to whites, as well, and gave a couple of examples.

And look what you lying POS did earlier in this thread. You claimed I said “low IQ blacks” were getting into college. I said no such thing! I have been complaining about two standards of admission, based on race, which unfairly penalizes one of the races. It’s racist. You’re fine with it, because racism that favors the black race is to be applauded, and any white who objects to the racism demonized by telling lies about her,

You also said I had a meltdown because I saw a single poster that had a black person in it. That too is a lie. You know full well that the problem is that corporations are deciding to exclude whites from their advertising material. How likely would it be otherwise to walk past 20 posters, and all 20 posters show one race and one race only - and that race is just 14% of the population?

Why is the company that makes hair products picking four blacks - one for each of four posters - to advertise their goods, and not one white - when blacks are such a minority? An intentional decision to exclude whites!

How is it that TurbiTax sends a promotional mailing, and in it are thfee unrelated individuals talking about how great TT is - and ALL of the three are black? An intentional decision to exclude whites!

And your gathering together an ad from Target, in which some whites are shown, to show that not everyone is excluding whites entirely would be the same as if you complained, 60 years ago, that blacks aren’t being served in Alabama, and I showed you a photo of blacks being served in New York.

Shame on you! As a mod, you should be setting an example how to debate with others, and you are one of the worst - lying about what your opponent says to defame them (if this were real world and you were lying like this, you’d owe me a fortune), and then argue over a point the opponent never made.

Now I am done with you. I don’t lower myself to dregs like you IRL, and I won’t here either,
Your having a meltdown again. You want more ads rather than target? How about the Disney ones? There is a saying that if you throw a stone in pack of dogs the one the yelps loudest is the one that was hit. You don't object to Asians or hispanic people shown in ads out of proportion to their population, ONLY blacks. And you keep posting topics like that.

If you don't want people to draw certain conclusions, then don't post stuff like that .

It is enough
Your having a meltdown again. You want more ads rather than target? How about the Disney ones? There is a saying that if you throw a stone in pack of dogs the one the yelps loudest is the one that was hit. You don't object to Asians or hispanic people shown in ads out of proportion to their population, ONLY blacks. And you keep posting topics like that.

If you don't want people to draw certain conclusions, then don't post stuff like that .

It is enough
There’s an answer to that with the AsIans, but you need to apologize for lying about what I say to falsely portray me as radisr and putting (false) words in my mouth For the same reason.

in the meantime, I’m on another thread fending off antisemite who is defending Hitler and throwing around phrases like The Final Solution and Juden. I notice that the lefties who attack at even what they wrongly interpret as racism have no comment, or criticism, toward the antisemite.

To summarize: pointing out anti-white bias is not racist. Saying you are hoping for another Final Solution re The Juden is.
There is no "trying to understand" the causes of poverty in that. Not at all. Not when you hear "it's their own fault".

That's the "blame casting" that's different than the FUNDAMENTAL reasons for being poor that are not racist in any sense.

It's more complex to cast blame than you admit here.

Because the BLAME in poverty being "inherited" IS ALWAYS ON THE CURRENT generation and the choices that they MAKE -- not the parents, not the grandparents, and CERTAINLY not over decisions and situations that occurred over the past 200 or 600 years.

Parents can BREAK that poverty cycle for their kids ONLY IF -- the KIDS make the right decisions. And that's a crapshoot on any individual basis no matter how HARD the parent(s) try.

If the kids break dance their way thru school, dont take advantage of the educational opportunities their parents sacrifice for, start chucking out babies at 16 to get welfare spending money to LEAVE the household -- Then the BLAME IS ON THEM -- regardless of color, ethnicity.

Other bad decisions would be pledging to gangs, climbing up the crime ladder from petty to serious, drug use or dealing, and random stupid/violent acts.

THAT'S the breakdown of who's to blame.

If the parent(s) dont give a shit -- the cycle just waits for a responsible ADULT to come along and break it. Got nothing to do with race. But BY THE NUMBERS -- some races ARE more devoid of those responsible grown-ups that HAVE LEARNED the lesson. My guess that's from environment around you, lack of role models, and a personal philosophy of perpetual hopelessness and victimhood. That latter element is dutifully served up by the woke education establishment thru CRT and other victimhood tales. And the political establishment that has FAILED FOR GENERATIONS to make a wit of difference in that deadly philosophy.
To continue… are more enraged by me for noting that whites are being excluded or downplayed in marketing material than you are with someone who defends Hitler. your double standards are blinding.

Im still waiting for the apology. You can start by admitting that I never said “low IQ blacks,“ as you claimed I did last night, and that I have never in fact made any mention of IQ related to whites OR blacks.
That's the "blame casting" that's different than the FUNDAMENTAL reasons for being poor are not racist in any sense.

It's more complex to cast blame than you admit here.

Because the BLAME in poverty being "inherited" IS ALWAYS ON THE CURRENT generation and the choices that they MAKE -- not the parents, not the grandparents, and CERTAINLY not over decisions and situations that occurred over the past 200 or 600 years.

Parents can BREAK that poverty cycle for their kids ONLY IF -- the KIDS make the right decisions. And that's a crapshoot on any individual basis no matter how HARD the parent(s) try.

If the kids break dance their way thru school, dont take advantage of the educational opportunities their parents sacrifice for, start chucking out babies at 16 to get welfare spending money to LEAVE the household -- Then the BLAME IS ON THEM -- regardless of color, ethnicity.

Other bad decisions would be pledging to gangs, climbing up the crime ladder from petty to serious, drug use or dealing, and random stupid/violent acts.

THAT'S the breakdown of who's to blame.

If the parent(s) dont give a shit -- the cycle just waits for a responsible ADULT to come along and break it. Got nothing to do with race. But BY THE NUMBERS -- some races ARE more devoid of those responsible grown-ups that HAVE LEARNED the lesson. My guess that's from environment around you, lack of role models, and a personal philosophy of perpetual hopelessness and victimhood. That latter element is dutifully served up by the woke education establishment thru CRT and other victimhood tales. And the political establishment that has FAILED FOR GENERATIONS to make a wit of difference in that deadly philosophy.
Good post.

The thing is, it’s really not that difficult to break out of poverty - not when you consider the opportunities this country gives to poor people. Now it doesn’t mean that one can rise to affluence, but certainly, one can leave poverty behind by CHOOSING to simply 1) graduate from high school, 2) take advantage of Pell Grants for a minimum of a vocational certificate, and 3) not having babies out of wedlock when you can’t afford to support them.

That‘s it. As I said from the outset, blaming racism for what I call the small subset of blacks who remain mired in poverty (since the vast majority of blacks are working to middle class, like most white Americans), does, as you note, promote feelings of victimization, resentment, and hostility - all of which keep people down.
No one was murdered, over 150 police injured, some severely, 5 people died either directly or indirectly. The Capital was looted and feces smeared on the walls. A

Got a link for the feces and looting? MAYBE one laptop was taken. MAYBE -- after HOURS of the Cap Hill ALLOWING people to roam the halls, the restrooms were over-taxed?

Is a flag pole -- a weapon? What what weapons were confiscated?

Is taking selfies with Cap Hill police in the Senate chamber a chargeable, violent, despicable act?
Maybe, you're not looking for the truth to get determined on some of glaringly wrong early reports on the Capitol breach. For instance -- It took NINE MONTHS to determine if "Nancy Pelosis' laptop was stolen from her office.

Other wrong or fake reporting included a lot of missing items that were taken away for decontamination by Cap Hill police because of having been tear-gassed or pepper spray.
Got a link for the feces and looting? MAYBE one laptop was taken. MAYBE -- after HOURS of the Cap Hill ALLOWING people to roam the halls, the restrooms were over-taxed?
They weren't allowed in. They were rioters who vastly outbumbered the police and attacked them, forcing their way in. Noobe "allowed it". Are you seriously trying to make excuses for rioters?

Overtaxed restrooms? Give me a break. I've stood in long lines at crowdwd events and never once saw piles of human left around the place or on the walls. How does that lead to feces smeared on the walls?

Is a flag pole -- a weapon? What what weapons were confiscated?
So only guns count as weapons? YOU CAN'T HURT PEOPLE WITH METAL POLES? I can't seriously making that false argument which has been used to try minimize the event.

In many of the Floyd riots there were no guns either. Does that actually change anything? No.

Is taking selfies with Cap Hill police in the Senate chamber a chargeable, violent, despicable act?
Oh clearly that was all they were doing...I guess all those Floyd rioters were having a jolly old sing around the bonfire event too.
Maybe, you're not looking for the truth to get determined on some of glaringly wrong early reports on the Capitol breach. For instance -- It took NINE MONTHS to determine if "Nancy Pelosis' laptop was stolen from her office.

Other wrong or fake reporting included a lot of missing items that were taken away for decontamination by Cap Hill police because of having been tear-gassed or pepper spray.
The lap top was still stolen as were many other items caught on video. What is the magic number below which it's ok to loot?
Acquitted.As reported by Reuters a mere 3 hrs ago.
Thank Heaven and also Donald Trump.It was done via a bench trial
not a Jury Trial by a U.S. District Judge appointed by Trump.
How's them Potatoes.
Thank heaven??? Wtf has god got to do with it?
Was Trump involved in the trial also?
Good post.

The thing is, it’s really not that difficult to break out of poverty - not when you consider the opportunities this country gives to poor people. Now it doesn’t mean that one can rise to affluence, but certainly, one can leave poverty behind by CHOOSING to simply 1) graduate from high school, 2) take advantage of Pell Grants for a minimum of a vocational certificate, and 3) not having babies out of wedlock when you can’t afford to support them.

That‘s it. As I said from the outset, blaming racism for what I call the small subset of blacks who remain mired in poverty (since the vast majority of blacks are working to middle class, like most white Americans), does, as you note, promote feelings of victimization, resentment, and hostility - all of which keep people down.
I disagree that it really isn't hard, otherwise no one would be poor. I think people underestimate the degree to which being able to be in the right place at the right in the right point in your life can make difference.

Making some of those choices...graduating from highschool, not being a teen pregnancy statistic, often means breaking with family and precedent at an age where wisdom is rare. Easy? No. Yet another reason I strongly support first generation college students. There was a good book on poverty and why it can be so hard to get rid of called "Nickel and Dimed".
To continue… are more enraged by me for noting that whites are being excluded or downplayed in marketing material than you are with someone who defends Hitler. your double standards are blinding.

Im still waiting for the apology. You can start by admitting that I never said “low IQ blacks,“ as you claimed I did last night, and that I have never in fact made any mention of IQ related to whites OR blacks.
:lol: I already did. I mixed you another poster.
That's the "blame casting" that's different than the FUNDAMENTAL reasons for being poor that are not racist in any sense.

It's more complex to cast blame than you admit here.

Because the BLAME in poverty being "inherited" IS ALWAYS ON THE CURRENT generation and the choices that they MAKE -- not the parents, not the grandparents, and CERTAINLY not over decisions and situations that occurred over the past 200 or 600 years.

Parents can BREAK that poverty cycle for their kids ONLY IF -- the KIDS make the right decisions. And that's a crapshoot on any individual basis no matter how HARD the parent(s) try.

If the kids break dance their way thru school, dont take advantage of the educational opportunities their parents sacrifice for, start chucking out babies at 16 to get welfare spending money to LEAVE the household -- Then the BLAME IS ON THEM -- regardless of color, ethnicity.

Other bad decisions would be pledging to gangs, climbing up the crime ladder from petty to serious, drug use or dealing, and random stupid/violent acts.

THAT'S the breakdown of who's to blame.

If the parent(s) dont give a shit -- the cycle just waits for a responsible ADULT to come along and break it. Got nothing to do with race. But BY THE NUMBERS -- some races ARE more devoid of those responsible grown-ups that HAVE LEARNED the lesson. My guess that's from environment around you, lack of role models, and a personal philosophy of perpetual hopelessness and victimhood. That latter element is dutifully served up by the woke education establishment thru CRT and other victimhood tales. And the political establishment that has FAILED FOR GENERATIONS to make a wit of difference in that deadly philosophy.
I was with you until the last paragraph when you did your own blame casting. If poverty has not significantly changed through multiple political cycles, then it isn't a simplistic issue of whatever ideology you don't happen to like.
They weren't allowed in. They were rioters who vastly outbumbered the police and attacked them, forcing their way in. Noobe "allowed it". Are you seriously trying to make excuses for rioters?

At some point, Cap police went from holding the line to waving people in. THIS -- is undisputed and ADMITTED by Cap Police AND HEAVILY DOCUMENTED. Get up to speed. Dump the media propaganda and fake news.


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