For fans of Duran Duran,Rick Springfield,and Kevin Bacon Footloose fans.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I was flipping channels on my tv set and just came across a performance that Duran Duran gave in London back in 2010 and watched it and just got reminded of just how much I loved that band back in the 1980's. they were one of my favorites back then and NOW they ARE my favorite because unlike so many other groups where the singer does not have the same voice anymore and does not sound good 40 years later anymore ,their lead signer Simon Lebon DOES. Its amazing how they STILL have that magic all these years later and they STILL look very good for their age and still have a lot of energy. My two favorites of theirs are HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF AND WILD BOYS. :thup: :yes_text12:

It is not just because of the songs in this video that i can watch this video over and over and over again "which i have done over a a hundred times now and dont plan on stopping." why I love these two videos so much it is because of the ENERGY these guys bring,especially the Guitarist. with the how he jumps around in the 3rd video,I think you will be as amazed as I am and love the energy he gives.:thup:

are there anybody else here at this site that are Duran Duran fans and can watch these three videos here below over a 100 times and not get tired of it or is it just me? for you Duran Duran fans,dont you agree with me that these 3 concert performances are four stars? You gotta love how the fans really feed of them as well,they must have really energized the band.

Here are two videos of the same song WILD BOYS,please watch both,the first one first and the second one second.look hoW much different they changed.hard to believe the blond haired guy in the red shirt is the same as the guy in the first video with the long hair isnt it? he DRASTICALLY changed,for the better in looks incredibly.

This video here of the london conference TOTALLY gives me goosebumps.:thup: anybody else does it?
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Like I said,is there anybody else here that LOVES DURAN DURAN as I do and can just keep watching these two song and three VIDEOS over and over again over a 100 times and NEVER get tired of it,or is it just me? these three videos are just so special to me and hold a special place in my heart that I just have to watch them ALL THE TIME

this song and video is not part of the title and OP i realise but i am including it anyways though cause this song is ALSO one of my top favorite songs of all time and the video as well as the song ALSO gives me goosebumps and i can watch over and over a 100 times.this REM song.their most famous.

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while watching these three videos od duran duran i remembered how i always loved rick springfield back then,well same with those two videos of Rick Springfield,these two videos are VERY SPECIAL to me and ,i would not enjoy hearing the songs as much on the radio near as much as i LOVE watching the videos here as well.:thup:

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and FOOTLOOSE is my favorite movie of all time the video isnt special for me but the SONG i just totally love,crank it EVERYTIME when I hear it on the radio

I totally love this music as well,it soooo much made the scene.was one of my favorite moments. :thup:

and THIS scene gives me goosebumps EVERYTIME,I have watched it HUNDREDS of times. anybody else get goosebumps form it?:)

here of course you get to here the ENTIRE song. this is fun to watch as well although not as quite as exciting.:)

That other fraud movie with the same title needs to be called CRAPLOOSE. the producers of that film need to be shot.
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I appreciate the 80's more than at any point in my life.

but Duran Duran...are a chick band.

Chicks liked them in the 80's because they looked like chicks.

No hate...but they are a chick band.

Rick Springfield too...he was a soap opera star who sang to chicks.

Motorhead was a man's band...Slayer, The Dead Kennedy's
Dude if you dont like them thats fine but no need to come on here and and rag on them,,this thread is for FANS who love those two songs and their concert performances as much as I do.

oh and they are different now,they have aged and have MASSIVE appeal with men such as myself now,if you reread the OP you will see WHY.:uhoh3:

I wish people would read the "'OP" in the thread before coming on here instead of just the title of the thread.if you all did you would see that i mentioned i love the VIDEOS of springfileds as well WITHOUT the songs.:uhoh3:

okay sense you dont like them,what about the three footloose videos FROM THE MOVIE,any comment on THEM?

I guess you did not like that movie either sense no comment on them?
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Footloose was done by Kenny Loggins, Kevin Bacon was just an actor in the movie.

sense you
Footloose was done by Kenny Loggins, Kevin Bacon was just an actor in the movie.

I am going to guess from the comment sense you did not talk about the videos or listen to them obviously, you did not like the movie? if thats the case WHY are you even on the thread? this is for FANS who LOVE the movie or those three artists.cant people around here read? :cuckoo:
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I was simply pointing out who wrote and performed the song plus the fact that KB was only the actor in the movie and you go all snowflake on me........ Why are you being defensive?
because you did not mention if you love the songs and love watching the videos over and over as i asked fans of the movie in the op is why. :uhoh3: had you mentioned that and commented on the videos as well i would not have cared,i would be fine with the post. whats the point coming on here if you are not going to watch the videos and comment on them and talk about much you like them which is the point of the thread?:cuckoo:

again i wish people would read the freaking op instead of just talking about the title of the thread.geez.
I like Queen and Freddie was a complete fag.

Don't feel bad cause you listen to drag queens playing instruments.

Footloose was a good movie when viewed through 80's eyes.

However it is complete faggotry in all honestly.

Especially Lithgow's character.

Obvious, closeted, homosexual.
okay you dont like the movie,you dont like rick springfiled or duran duran or REM so WHY the fuck are you on here when this thread clearly is is for FANS of the either of three groups or the movie footloose. its not to come on here and crap on the artists or the movie as the OP CLEARLY says.
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Really? Wow........ Have you considered professional help? And that's not a joke or a put down.

oh fuck off trollboy. the OP CLEARLY asks to talk about the songs and videos if you love them and says for FANS,,you did not do that,you come on here and troll and ruin the whole thread, talking about something irrelevent like kenney loggins.time to use ignore for you fagboy.

had you not been an asshole and read the op you would SEE Kenny Loggins Footloose was not the ONLY song i posted and and asked people to talk about.I asked to talk about the THREE VIDEOS HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO AND NEVER songs that are NOT song by Kenny Loggins asshole.
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I was flipping channels on my tv set and just came across a performance that Duran Duran gave in London back in 2010 and watched it and just got reminded of just how much I loved that band back in the 1980's. they were one of my favorites back then and NOW they ARE my favorite because unlike so many other groups where the singer does not have the same voice anymore and does not sound good 40 years later anymore ,their lead signer Simon Lebon DOES. Its amazing how they STILL have that magic all these years later and they STILL look very good for their age and still have a lot of energy. My two favorites of theirs are HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF AND WILD BOYS. :thup: :yes_text12:

It is not just because of the songs in this video that i can watch this video over and over and over again "which i have done over a a hundred times now and dont plan on stopping." why I love these two videos so much it is because of the ENERGY these guys bring,especially the Guitarist. with the how he jumps around in the 3rd video,I think you will be as amazed as I am and love the energy he gives.:thup:

are there anybody else here at this site that are Duran Duran fans and can watch these three videos here below over a 100 times and not get tired of it or is it just me? for you Duran Duran fans,dont you agree with me that these 3 concert performances are four stars? You gotta love how the fans really feed of them as well,they must have really energized the band.

Here are two videos of the same song WILD BOYS,please watch both,the first one first and the second one second.look hoW much different they changed.hard to believe the blond haired guy in the red shirt is the same as the guy in the first video with the long hair isnt it? he DRASTICALLY changed,for the better in looks incredibly.

This video here of the london conference TOTALLY gives me goosebumps.:thup: anybody else does it?

John Taylor of Duran Duran is an extremely under rated bassist. He is the king of syncopation. His bass playing is legendary.
Rick Springfield's album Living in Oz is one of the best guitar albums I've ever heard.
Footloose was a great movie. I may have to revisit it.
The beauty of music is there is something for everyone.
I appreciate the 80's more than at any point in my life.

but Duran Duran...are a chick band.

Chicks liked them in the 80's because they looked like chicks.

No hate...but they are a chick band.

Rick Springfield too...he was a soap opera star who sang to chicks.

Motorhead was a man's band...Slayer, The Dead Kennedy's
Lol, I feel the same way about them but that being said they were in my collection along with journey and a few others. Let's face it having them close was a smart idea when you were trying to get
Hell yeah!

Evenflow gets it!

Bands like DD, and Rick Springfield are for gettin ass...NOT for lettin men get yours....LA Ram Fan?
Lol, took me a few years to drink wine with out getting bitter beer face but I finally got there. I am sure I don't have to explain why I did it to you.

The the squirrel.

All men...must chase...and catch...the squirrel.

Whatever must be done to prepare the squirrel trap...must be done.
Lol, in Rams defense. I have been chasing that squirrel for so long the lines can get blurry. Where does chasing the squirrel end and I begin?
We become we chase...we are the squirrel.

As LA has become the balloon knot chasing Rick and Duran Duran.
Lol about five years ago my wife of 26 years and I separated. I have a buddy that works at a radio station and gets a shit load of free concert tickets. He comes up with Def Leppard and Journey tickets. He says hey I know your not a big fan but do ya want to go. I am like hell yes you know how much trim is going to be there I was being it as just a chance to kinda get out and learn some social graces again. We get there find a spot in the grass. End up with maybe the wildest people in the audience right behind us . It was a group of late twenties ladies and they are having a good time. I am sitting with one of them on her blanket and having a nice little chat. She asks me how often I listen to Journey and I reply" I think this might be the first time ever with my clothes on" . That little chick said nothing and about fucked me on that blanket in the middle of 100 thousand people. I had to tell her to hold off till we got to the hotel. Lol, first night out in separation life. I would rather be lucky than good.
I loved D&D back in the 80's....and yes they were definitely a chick band. I remember some crazy girls would get in fights over who was going to marry Simon and Nick. I was more of a Wham and Prince fan. Most of the guys listen to rock and metal, which I appreciate now, but back then it was all about if the singer was cute. And no none of us ever acknowledge any of them being gay. For girls you could be anywhere and if a D&D song came on we would all start screaming...
I loved D&D back in the 80's....and yes they were definitely a chick band. I remember some crazy girls would get in fights over who was going to marry Simon and Nick. I was more of a Wham and Prince fan. Most of the guys listen to rock and metal, which I appreciate now, but back then it was all about if the singer was cute. And no none of us ever acknowledge any of them being gay. For girls you could be anywhere and if a D&D song came on we would all start screaming...

Hellokitty thanks for coming on and actually talking about the topic, :thup: finally someone comes on and understands this thread is fir FANS of Duran Duran,Rick Springfield,REM, or the scenes from the original footloose movie,thst it’s not for trolls to come on and rag on them.

you are so correct,my sister she was crazy over best friends sister was as well.It’s so obvious thst Nick is gay,he is bisexual actually,he goes both ways.he is married and has three look at Nick and the makeup he put on,he screams gay.he wore lipstick and makeup back then making it obvious.

.you look at all the band members whst they look like now my guess is Nick and Simon are for sure gay.I don’t think the other 3 are though the Taylor’s,Roger,Andy and John are.they sure don’t look it,not the way they have matured anyways.

Couple questions for ya.

one ,did you watch those videos.if so,doesn’t it amaze you how much they have changed especially John Taylor,back then he looked like a girl,but now he actually looks like a good looking dude,blond hair agrees with

last question,from watching those three videos,are you impressed and amazed over the energy they brought in the performances in those three videos,ESPECIALLY the third video wild boys,thst guitar guy Andy Taylor,smoking the cigerette he really gets into it with his incredible energy agreed? Oh one more question as well,ln watching and listening to those three videos,do you get goosebumps over them,those video performances,same as me or not.:) Especially the wild boys song performed in England.again The one thst Andy Taylor brought so much energy to jumping around with his guitar.
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The sexual preference of an artist has nothing to do with the ability to write great music.
John Taylor of Duran Duran is an extremely under rated bassist. He is the king of syncopation. His bass playing is legendary.
Rick Springfield's album Living in Oz is one of the best guitar albums I've ever heard.
Footloose was a great movie. I may have to revisit it.
The beauty of music is there is something for everyone.
Doesn’t it blow your mind how much John changed from 1984 to 2010, I mean how did he go from looking like a girl to a handsome good looking guy,you never figured that would happen from just dying your hair blond. Did you watch those three videos of Duran Duran as requested.MOST importantly,did you watch those four music videos from footloose Hellbilly I strongly suggest you do if you have not,especially watch the one where he is in the tractor chicken race and let me know if it gives you goosebumps as it does me deal.:)
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Some people are passionate about the music they love. You should respect that.

Obviously he doesn’t,i can’t stand queen the group he likes but If he created a thread talking about how he loves songs of theirs and clearly asked you to watch videos and comment on them in his op I would sure as hell not go on his thread ragging on them putting those artists down on his thread Especially when the thread CLEARLY says it’s fir fans who LOVE their songs and the op CLEARLY asks people for the FANS of thse songs and the movie,to watch the videos and comment on if you can watch them over and over again.some people around here seem to have reading comprehension problems.

did you watch those videos of their performances,if so,did it give you goosebumps,if not, weren’t you impressed with the energy of BOTH the crowd AND them,especially the guitar guy jumping around like the was,he really looked like he was having fun don’t you t agree. :)

and what kind of shit is thst about me chasing Rick and Duran Duran,funny not one perp from the jerk about the REM video or how great and exciting those scenes from the footloose movie we’re,.

again I strongly urge you to take a look at those four videos scenes from footloose on this thread,one of them is Bonnie Tyler not from the hopefully that will inspire you to take a lol ok at the movie again. :)
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