For all the tinfoil hat wearers


Aug 28, 2003
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New York
I've been hearing that the war in Iraq was "all about oil" since the very beginning. I'm confident that now that so much time has passed you guys must have tons of proof to support this claim. Remember how so many of you said the US is currently "stealing" oil from Iraq? I'm sure you have proof of that now. Here's a small excerpt of a discussion between Russert and Kucinich:

MR. RUSSERT: Congressman, you made a very strong charge against the administration and let me show you what you said on January 19. “Why is the Administration targeting Iraq? Oil.” What do you base that on?
REP. KUCINICH: I base that on the fact that there is $5 trillion worth of oil above and in the ground in Iraq, that individuals involved in the administration have been involved in the oil industry, that the oil industry certainly would benefit from having the administration control Iraq, and that the fact is that, since no other case has been made to go to war against Iraq, for this nation to go to war against Iraq, oil represents the strongest incentive. ...
MR. PERLE: ... I find the accusation that this administration has embarked upon this policy for oil to be an outrageous, scurrilous charge for which, when you asked for the evidence, you will note there was none. There was simply the suggestion that, because there is oil in the ground and some administration officials have had connections with the oil industry in the past, therefore, it is the policy of the United States to take control of Iraqi oil. It is a lie, Congressman. It is an out and out lie. And IÂ’m sorry to see you give credence to it.

This was in February of 2003. Do you guys have proof yet, or are you going to continue looking foolish spouting unsubstantiated rhetoric?
I seriously wish that people would begin to understand the true reason we invaded iraq....

hussein was the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll :p:
Its almost like a battle of attrition with these people. You debunk 1 theory, they come up with another. It's endless. I guess the new strategy is to keep making accusations without backing them up from now till election day. Its the whole "anybody but Bush" movements modus operandi. Keep throwing shit against the wall and hope something will stick.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I seriously wish that people would begin to understand the true reason we invaded iraq....

hussein was the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll :p:

DK I give you credit, at least you have a sense of humor:clap1: :clap1:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I seriously wish that people would begin to understand the true reason we invaded iraq....

Please don't feel like I've lumped you into that crowd. I know you are a liberal, but you aren't a conspiracy theorist.
Please don't feel like I've lumped you into that crowd. I know you are a liberal, but you aren't a conspiracy theorist.

Youve got em fooled, dont you DK????

(ha ha - jk)

I havent had my coffee today yet, so Im a shit.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I seriously wish that people would begin to understand the true reason we invaded iraq....

hussein was the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll :p:

Had me going for a sec. Nice one!
How was your Easter feast, OCA?

You had my mouth watering with the description - been along time since Ive had a good Greek meal!
Same as every year, I was 3 sheets to the wind by noon and ate a full dinner like 5 times that day. In other words it was good. Not like back home though. In Northern California the Macedonians own a piece of property in Calistoga(Napa) that every easter they open it up for whoever wants to show, live band and everything. Not unusual when its good weather to have 5-6,000 people there. Its awesome because on Saturday night there is a church service at 11 p.m so as soon as that was over all my buddies and me would just change and leave, get there and start drinking at 3 or 4 in the morning. Miss those days but there has to be something like that here on the East Coast just haven't found it yet.
they do that where I come from too!

My family and I used to go with one of my honorary uncles, mr. Kosta Valahos. Damn it was good and DAMN do I miss it!
Is his name Valahos or Vlahos? The reason I ask is Vlahos means stupid hillbilly in greek lol :laugh:

Its Vala - I remember that much.....but hell, it IS morning and we all know that I am ineffective at best in the morning hours...


Thanks for the giggle!
Originally posted by jimnyc
I've been hearing that the war in Iraq was "all about oil" since the very beginning. I'm confident that now that so much time has passed you guys must have tons of proof to support this claim. Remember how so many of you said the US is currently "stealing" oil from Iraq? I'm sure you have proof of that now.

I'm wondering why nobody has posted the proof yet. Shouldn't this be easy to prove? You don't just steal an entire countries oil supply undetected!

I'm still waiting...
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
it must be because the pipeline to israel isn't finished yet jim :p:

I heard they were making a pipeline directly to Halliburton and that they were soon to be the worlds largest supplier of oil.
Originally posted by jimnyc
I heard they were making a pipeline directly to Halliburton and that they were soon to be the worlds largest supplier of oil.

im sure exxon, mobil, and the others are quite put out. there's always libya i guess ;)
911 was an inside job ,why did building 7 fall ,why was there molten metal in the sub - basements ,why did norad stand down ,how could the towers fall at free fall speed , why did bush lie about seeing the first plane hit the building ,why did he lie about prior knowleadge, what about pnac and northwoods ,wheres bin laden ? the anthrax terrorist ?

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