For all the pickers!!!


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
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Hey all,
Just need some advice, here's what I got:
My brother-in-law has a R&B group in Cali. he was down recently for
a visit and he heard me playing my Gee-tar for my daughter. He called me
from Cali last night and wants me to play on a few of his tracks.
I'm trying to find the best way to record and send him some stuff over
the computer. I haven't done this in years. Any suggestions??? Is there any
good software out there for this??? Is there a gadget that I can hook into my
equipment and run through the computer???

Just want to find the best way to good a good sound using a computer
One, you could find out what program he's using,so the formats will be compatable. That way he could send you what he has down on CD, and you add whatever tracks you need & send it back. As far as directly from the computer, I'll have to ask my son; he has a studio. But I will check.
Just asked. Said that any music store/chain that has recording equipment will be able to help you; there's all kinds of stuff out there. The only problem is that doing it the way you want, it'll be EXPENSIVE.
Joker, I know that for about $300, yopu can get an effects box with a USB port. Aside from that, I'm not too sure but I think the price only goes up from there.
Thanx fellas,
I'll explore further. I might just get some recording equip. or break
down and buy some studio time.
Thanx fellas,
I'll explore further. I might just get some recording equip......

If you do, make sure you get ahold of a salesperson who actually knows what they're talking about. Aaron informed me there's some recording equip that will allow you to record as many tracks you need but once it's recorded you can't re-record over what's been put down. So, if the timing is off or you mess're stuck. It's called latentcy.
One more thing, Joker. If you can afford studio time....and you have the room, buying the equip would be your best bet. I mean, in the end, you'll have something tangible.
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