food shortage in jersey

I really think some people are so delusional about the Messiah and gubmint that they thought there is no need to prepare. Like The One would just hold up his arms and protect them from Mother Nature. They figured in the worst case scenario, Dear Leader would simply feed them all with a single loaf of bread and turn the water into wine. Don't worry, they thought. No reason to prepare. Obama will take care of us.

It's gonna take a few days to get relief fully flowing. Tempers are gonna flair. Soon stories of looting and violence.
It was a storm that was 1,000 fucking miles across, you fucking imbecile!

How stupid do you have to be to think that such a storm is going to miraculously leave Hoboken unscathed?

could be the mentality.... that the government would take care of them.

I'm sure you live in a log cabin, practice sustenance farming, and go shoot your own meat.

Make fun of someone for being prepared, while your starving waiting for someone to come and save your worthless ass. We'll be setting back eating what's ours and going about our daily routine.
Where would you have relocated your survival stash?

I'm not even going to answer such a stupid question... I don't think a week's worth of food should be considered a survival stash. You have to be a complete fucking moron to be out of food so soon after a storm that you knew was coming for over a week... Jeeezus.

And you don't know that he didn't have a weeks worth of survival stash that was trashed by the storm. I just assume he was bitching for the sake of bitching, but knowing that area, wouldn't be surprised if he just lost everything. Hoboken is in Hudson County, I'm not sure if it still is, but was the most densely populated area of the US. It's also a low lying city on the bank of the Hudson River. Every square inch is used, and yes, there are many in basement apartments, who were probably trashed by this record storm.


You may recognize this train/subway/bus/ferry station from the movie "Funny Girl", but this is what it looked like when Sandy hit:


You can see the Freedom Tower in the background.

I know prepper's they will have a back up to what supplies they have stocked up. so you ignorant fuck shut the hell up
Soooo.... someone give me the odds that New York City is enforcing its 'trans-fat', '20 oz. sugar Pepsi', and 'Salted food' bans right now?

Yeah...we know...
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Don't be pissed off at the red cross or the government, people should have been prepared better. STOP FUCKING DEPENDING ON OTHERS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.
Don't be pissed off at the red cross or the government, people should have been prepared better. STOP FUCKING DEPENDING ON OTHERS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.
Hello... Obama... People are starving in New Jersey... Anyone? Anyone? I don't think Mr. Obama is listening...

obama got comforted by the news that Bette Midler was able to have her annual Halloween bash.
Don't be pissed off at the red cross or the government, people should have been prepared better. STOP FUCKING DEPENDING ON OTHERS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

Some people are just trying to stay afloat. Not everyone fits your scenario.
Don't be pissed off at the red cross or the government, people should have been prepared better. STOP FUCKING DEPENDING ON OTHERS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

I have to agree with Reb here. Mostly. I think that most of the people effected could have done far more to prepare. How many were supposed to evacuate and did not?
As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

Some people are just trying to stay afloat. Not everyone fits your scenario.

It's cause an effect poor planning will always cause people to be in the "stay afloat" mentality. Maybe they have learned their lesson and make better plans in the future.
As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

And the red cross can kiss my ass. I used to donate to them during every national or major international disaster. No more. Trying to reject the charity of food or clothing and DEMANDING cash is beyond the pale. I understand logistics and manpower but I also understand some people give what they are able to and if the RC isn't prepared for it that's their problem.

As much as I agree with you there are some who simply may not have had the funds to stock up due to this shitty economy and the unemployment situation.

Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

I have to agree with Reb here. Mostly. I think that most of the people effected could have done far more to prepare. How many were supposed to evacuate and did not?

Did you have the same opinion during Katrina?
New York and New Jersey failed to protect themselves by not taking the predicted stronger storms because of the rise in ocean temps.

It will probably take a couple more "Sandys" before they understand the new normal in weather patterns. It's all the nay sayers about the effects of global warming they have to thank for their ignorance.

Ignorance is expensive and dangerous. A few more big storms in the Northern Seaboard and there will be talk of a 40 ft tall 40 ft thick sea wall protecting populated ares.

:suck: Huggy the idiot opens mouth & inserts retard's propaganda penis yet again. :suck:

The USA has already reduced it's carbon emissions / footprint back to what it was in the 1980's. This was beyond the Kyoto goal & Al Gores hype. :puke: Yet greentards regurgitate their well swallowed propaganda of how the evil USA's increasing carbon emissions caused this storm. :cuckoo:
The rise in ocean temps had nothing to do with Sandy. Sandy as a hurricane was weak. So weak that it barely made it into a Cat 1 category. If it wasn't for that blast of cold arctic air Sandy would never have become a superstorm.

It's not global warming. It's global cooling.
Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

I have to agree with Reb here. Mostly. I think that most of the people effected could have done far more to prepare. How many were supposed to evacuate and did not?

Did you have the same opinion during Katrina?

This is just the beginning. Heed my warning things are going to get worse.
Better get prepared
I have to agree with Reb here. Mostly. I think that most of the people effected could have done far more to prepare. How many were supposed to evacuate and did not?

Did you have the same opinion during Katrina?

This is just the beginning. Heed my warning things are going to get worse.
Better get prepared

If you mean that I need to stock up on pornographic magazines instead of relying on the internet, then I'm covered.
Being irresponsible with money is no excuse. People should be better prepared instead of trying to keep up with the Jones they should take care of themselves. I wonder how many of those people have the newest cell phone or high dollar gadget? Live within your means.

I have to agree with Reb here. Mostly. I think that most of the people effected could have done far more to prepare. How many were supposed to evacuate and did not?

Did you have the same opinion during Katrina?

Yes even moreso there. Because if you live in a hurricane prone area AND below sea level you should evacuate when advised to.

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