Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.
I'm waiting for what Judge Sullivan has to say. He wants the original 302 and you can bet your ass he'll get it.

He has delayed his sentencing so Mueller can wring every once out dirt the little Napoleon has left...

Nah. Mueller has already recommend no jail time. He's just waiting for Sullivan and sentencing.

Sullivan could very well ignore Mueller and sentence Flynn to jail.

Have to wait and see.

Sullivan's statements today certainly suggest that the judge isn't pleased with all.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

When the judge that is sentencing you literally says that he's not hiding his disgust for your crimes.....things don't look so good.
Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

All you whiners that say the judge is going to slap Mueller around can sit down now. Mueller is a professional that knows what he is doing....unlike your orange king who is spontaneous and wrong, most of the time.
He knows what he's doing.
He's destroying evidence and misleading the court by filing bogus 302s.'re once again wildly clueless and huffing batshit conspiracy fumes pulled sideways out of your ass.
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

So CNN reported the facts? Amazing!

I bet FOX was reporting facts holiday on-line shopping is up this know....really important stuff....:21:
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.
No Flynn pretty much did himself in. It's amazing what people will admit to when you are in the next room with a gun pointed at your son's head.
Actually, threatening someone's family falls into line with some of Mueller's past behavior / unethical acts...but I want to dig / see some facts / information about what's really going on.

It's obvious what's going on.
Flynn was dirty as hell. He was caught lying, he was charged, pled guilty, threw his co- conspirator business partners under the bus, cooperated with the govt fully and is now hoping for no jail time.

The only ambiguity is what he had to share about the Trump campaign and transition.
Given that Mueller recommended no prison, indications are, Trump should be worried.
We'll see.

We will indeed.

Here's what Michael Flynn admitted he lied to the FBI about

"Prosecutors say Flynn lied to the FBI when asked if he had asked the Russian ambassador to help constrain Russia’s response to President Barack Obama’s retaliation against Russia for its interference in the 2016 election, where he expelled suspected intelligence agents and shuttered two Russian diplomatic compounds in the US. Flynn also claimed not to remember Kislyak’s reply where he said Russia would, in fact “not take retaliatory measures” at that time.

Perhaps the biggest revelation from this charge: Flynn, according to prosecutors, reported back to an unidentified “senior official with the Presidential Transition Team” about his discussion with Kislyak."
So its great to live in a Bannana republic isn't it? If the Federal government wants to go after you they can break you because you cant afford the legal fees to fight them. But as long as its someone else and not you, then thats ok.

View attachment 235392

Personally I am surprised Mueller was never indicted / sent to prison for intentionally hiding evidence that proved the guy he sent to jail was innocent. By doing so he 'stole' years from this guy's life, illegally, knowingly.

If it is proven that a prosecutor does this, as it was in Mueller's case, that should be an automatic jail sentence for a duration no less than the time done by the person you wrongly put in jail, and you should lose your license / right to ever practice law again.

Even after it was revealed that Mueller hid evidence that could have proven the guy was innocent, even after it was proven undeniably that the guy was innocent and Mueller knew it, when asked about it Mueller defensibly declared it was possible that the guy he sent to prison could have taken part in the crime...which was immediately debunked using the information Mueller had hidden!

And exactly on cue, as soon as the judge doesn't follow the insane pseudo-legal gibberish our conservatives had imagined for him....

........they just fold the judge into the conspiracy.

You can't use evidence to convince a conspiracy theorist, folks. Anything that doens't ape the conspiracy, becomes part of it. Its their mantra.
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.

You can't appeal a guilty plea.
He could get a reversal if his attorney brings a case against the prosecution for violating his rights. "Appeal" may not be the right terminology. I knew of a case where a man was caught with a carload of stolen property. He admitted he was guilty but his attorney was able to get him off because none of the stolen property was marked, therefore not positively identifiable by the owners. He ended up being acquitted and got to keep the stolen property. My feeling is that Flynn won't fight it and if he doesn't stab Trump in the back, Trump will commute his sentence. Flynn is probably not inclined to go after Mueller because of the threats against his son. Mueller is a POS for involving family to get what he wants.
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!
i'm only talking bout the harsh commentary a judge passed down to someone they were going to sentence.

he backed off it quick. you tell me why?

on second thought, don't bother.
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.
90 delay means the judge is begging flynn to plead not guilty

Was this before or after the judge admitted
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit

Read his plea agreement:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Are there transcripts actually available for what was said between FBI and Flynn? and what is it then that made the judge in this case take back charging Flynn with treason? A guilty conscience maybe ?
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!
i'm only talking bout the harsh commentary a judge passed down to someone they were going to sentence.

he backed off it quick. you tell me why?

on second thought, don't bother.

Rather than you speculating, just read what the judge said about it.

""I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics poor, confused little soul.

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!
i'm only talking bout the harsh commentary a judge passed down to someone they were going to sentence.

he backed off it quick. you tell me why?

on second thought, don't bother.

Rather than you speculating, just read what the judge said about it.

""I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

to have a judge call you a traitor to your country and turn around and say "don't read too much into what i say..."

you'll defend anything that you deem to help your emotional mindset.
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.
90 delay means the judge is begging flynn to plead not guilty

Was this before or after the judge admitted
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit

Read his plea agreement:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Are there transcripts actually available for what was said between FBI and Flynn? and what is it then that made the judge in this case take back charging Flynn with treason? A guilty conscience maybe ?

The judge never said he was charging Flynn with treason. He asked the prosecution if they could have charged him treason.

As for why, there's no need to speculate. The judge explains why in his own words:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.
90 delay means the judge is begging flynn to plead not guilty

Was this before or after the judge admitted
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit

Read his plea agreement:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Are there transcripts actually available for what was said between FBI and Flynn? and what is it then that made the judge in this case take back charging Flynn with treason? A guilty conscience maybe ?

The judge never said he was charging Flynn with treason. He asked the prosecution if they could have charged him treason.

As for why, there's no need to speculate. The judge explains why in his own words:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics
Judge slams Michael Flynn: “All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."
Weren't your ilk saying that the judge was going to throw the plea deal out and release Flynn?
'My ilk'? Generalize much, snowflake? :p

Sullivan appropriately hammered Mueller's team and demanded they release the information. After they did, the fact that the FBI and Mueller had no video evidence, no audio evidence, no notes, no transcripts, and a bunch of almost completely blacked out documents and a 302 written 7 months after Flynn's interview was enough to catch Sullivan's eye. I think he, like any objective, moral, ethical judge out there would have been prepared to toss the case out.

The fact that Flynn refused to change his plea and the almost certainty that there has to be more to what we have seen / has been reported changed that.

As I said, the fact that Flynn refused to change his plea does not take away from the FACTS that during this investigation it has been exposed that:

- The FBI went 'rogue', deviating from proper protocol and procedure in the handling of both sides of the investigation

- With both Hillary (to find her innocent) and Flynn (to indict him) the FBI did not video or audio tape the interviews, did not take good notes, & did not provide transcripts.

- In Flynn's case they did not write up a 302 for 7 months.

- In Hillary's case they failed to put her under oath

- In Flynn's case, they told him no lawyer was needed and his Miranda rights were violated (they did not tell him answering questions could be used against him legally...which is enough legal grounds to toss his entire interview).

- Comey testified his FBI agents reported Flynn never lied.

- The US IG reported the FBI was caught altering witness testimony after it was given AND that the FBI biasedly refused to indict Abedin and Mills for the same crime

If we EVER get another US AG that's worth a damn, before all of this gest swept underneath the proverbial rug the DOJ, FBI, and Mueller and his team should be held accountable, things change.
Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit
judge fucked up all over today.

Judge Apologizes For Suggesting Flynn Is A Traitor, Delays Sentencing

while i was at lunch, the tv was on cnn. if the guy running the cafe wasn't so cool i'd find elsewhere to eat for this reason alone, but hey - i'll put a vizio remote in my phone and change it next year. :) problem solved.

today however, the ticker on CNN was saying the judge in flynns case was telling him he sold out his country, was a traitor and he was thoroughly disgusted with flynns actions.

i guess when he went to lunch he was told how bad this made a "Judge" look. in reading this story he came back saying "well i don't think you committed treason" but isn't that what a traitor does?

i would ask for another judge to pass on the sentencing. apparently this guy won't be able to seperate emo from the case.

The judge that was supposed to be letting Flynn go? That judge?

Seems the right wing narrative on Judge Sullivan just flipped.

Let the batshit conspiracy creation commence!
i'm only talking bout the harsh commentary a judge passed down to someone they were going to sentence.

he backed off it quick. you tell me why?

on second thought, don't bother.

Rather than you speculating, just read what the judge said about it.

""I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

to have a judge call you a traitor to your country and turn around and say "don't read too much into what i say..."

you'll defend anything that you deem to help your emotional mindset.

Laughing....another conservative who ignores the evidence and instead makes up whatever they'd like. Again, rather than screaming shrilly in all caps babbling about 'emotions', you can just read what the judge actually said:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Now who is a better source on why they judge asked the prosecution questions about treason. The judge......or you?
Flynn will win on appeal if he chooses to pursue it.
90 delay means the judge is begging flynn to plead not guilty

Was this before or after the judge admitted
Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Flynn cleared it all up in court.

Another dopey RW narrative comes to an unceremonious conclusion.

Will they ever learn? poor, confused little soul.

“All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out."

"I am not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense," Sullivan said, straining his voice and taking a brief pause. "Yes, your honor," Flynn said, though he was not asked a question.

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

Nothing says 'cleared it all up in court' like the judge actually saying that he's not hiding his disgust for the defendant's crimes.

Well the judge said this

"I made a statement about Mr. Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House," he said. Sullivan added that he realized that was incorrect.

maybe before a judge slanders someone he needs to think first... or do facts matter? Obviously the judge was wrong by his own account so what else is he wrong about?

So what are Flynn's crimes? does anyone know? he misspoke maybe when he didn't realize the FBI were not there just to ask him questions but but going to look for anything that was off from his recorded conversation which they already had. Sure they got him on a process crime so that would enable them to expand the investigation on Trump. Flynn was a necessary egg that needed to be broken for the omlette nothing else. He did nothing wrong that warrants his entire life being ruined after a life of military service. Its bullshit

Read his plea agreement:

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Are there transcripts actually available for what was said between FBI and Flynn? and what is it then that made the judge in this case take back charging Flynn with treason? A guilty conscience maybe ?

The judge never said he was charging Flynn with treason. He asked the prosecution if they could have charged him treason.

As for why, there's no need to speculate. The judge explains why in his own words:

"I was just trying to determine the benefit and the generosity of the government," he said. "Don't read too much into the questions I ask."

Michael Flynn sentencing - CNNPolitics

When I remember Chucky boy Scummer's threat that the Intelligence community has "Three ways from Sunday to get you" .... yeah, I think a little speculation is a healthy thing

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