Florida was lying, underreported Covid deaths by at least 5000


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

sounds to me they didnt follow the false reporting requirement and report everything as a covid death and just gave it like it is,,
LOL grabbing at any straw. You guys just don't give up do ya? First off, yahoo news. secondly, your article and author seems to be building his accusations on figures that are suspect to say the least. 400,000 in 2020? you say? What's the usual number of deaths in the us on a yearly basis? it's 280,000 isn't it,...if i remember correctly? so that means that there were only 120,000 deaths from covid you want us to believe. In reality....only 6000 approximately died OF covid. The rest were old folk put into jeaopardy by tyrant blue state governors, and a politicized medical field. And let's not forget.... shooting deaths, motor accidents, heart attacks, other causes were placed in the covid colum.

Add to the above that hospitals were paid $39000 for ventilated patients ( WHO CONSISTENTLY DIED) and $14,000 for treating a covid diagnosed patient. And that latter was anyone that had to go into hospital for ANY reason, as a general rule, tested positive for covid whether they had it or not.

This is a virus with a 99 % recovery rate. It does not warrant this kind of hysteria. What is with you giys who are having cows over this, attacking people who have alreay figured out that this is not about your health. it's about your obedience. And you obedient people, you like to think of your obedience as virtuous when what you really are is ...a coward.
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

From yahoo.....they are as goofy as CNN.
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

sounds to me they didnt follow the false reporting requirement and report everything as a covid death and just gave it like it is,,
Right they didnt classify car deaths or pianos falling on your head as Covid.
In the alternate universe, this will mean that deaths were OVER-reported by 50,000, and the baby-eating deep state did it.
New research published earlier this month in the American Journal of Public Health argues that Florida is undercounting the number of people who died from COVID-19 by thousands of cases,

Since when is an assertion of something the same as a proven fact?

asserting something does not make it a fact
In the alternate universe, this will mean that deaths were OVER-reported by 50,000, and the baby-eating deep state did it.
New research published earlier this month in the American Journal of Public Health argues that Florida is undercounting the number of people who died from COVID-19 by thousands of cases,

Since when is an assertion of something the same as a proven fact?

asserting something does not make it a fact
They classified their deaths correctly is what the assertion means.
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

How utterly fucked up that leadership would play politics over an epidemic. The emphasis should have been on accurate information, prevention and immunization.

What fools US citizens have become.
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

First, Yahoo is NOT a real news source

Second, you should take your meds

Third, well let's stick with the first two

Fourth, BlueAnon said so!!!
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

Hardly makes up for the CDC over reporting covid deaths by 94%.
Oh wow, I guess Desantis wasn't almighty after all.

How utterly fucked up that leadership would play politics over an epidemic. The emphasis should have been on accurate information, prevention and immunization.

What fools US citizens have become.
You didn't seem to mind pandemic politics when the democrats were playing it all through last year. Hypocrite.

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