Florida school for boys nightmare / hell

Over 138 boys were killed during 1910 to early 2000s
Many of the kids sent here faced horrors that as utterly amazing to believe

Many boys were beaten to hamburger meat for any slight infraction
Many were sexually abused

Florida red neck good old boys at local and state level did zero and covered it up

Its a horror story.

Historic Photographs: The Dozier School for Boys - CBS News
Aug 07, 2013 · Florida's former Dozier School for Boys, seen here in a 1968 photograph, has earned a lasting reputation for abuse of its inmates, CBS News reports. 96 …
Let me guess. It was run by a religious sect.


Florida's Dozier School For Boys: A True Horror Story : NPR

Oct 15, 2012 · Florida's Dozier School For Boys: A True Horror Story Forensic anthropologists are working to find the unmarked graves of the 81 boys known to have …
Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys | Abandoned Florida
The Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys was first organized under an 1897 act of the legislature and began operations on the Marianna campus on January 1, 1900, as the Florida State Reform School, under the control of five commissioners appointed by the governor, who were to operate the school and make biennial reports to the legislature.

Over 138 boys were killed during 1910 to early 2000s
Many of the kids sent here faced horrors that as utterly amazing to believe

Many boys were beaten to hamburger meat for any slight infraction
Many were sexually abused

Florida red neck good old boys at local and state level did zero and covered it up
Having grown up in Florida it was talked about in whispers by us boys. The gossip and horror stories turned out to be true.
This is not about political parties
Tell that to DudleySmith who blamed Democrats. DeSantis and his Department of Education is now aggressively interfering in the school system by dictating exactly what should be taught and not taught in civics and other classes.
Most of these boys committed minor crimes or were orphans
I just heard about this
What always got to me being a state run facility and was subject to inspections why did not anyone notice the abuse. Why no one was put in jail. There are other facilities for the mentally ill that have similar histories.
What always got to me being a state run facility and was subject to inspections why did not anyone notice the abuse. Why no one was put in jail. There are other facilities for the mentally ill that have similar histories.

We don’t want CRS and 1619 project taught
It’s fake nonsenses to cause racial hate
I don't know what CRS is. You may mean CRT, critical race theory. I don't think there is any need to worry about it being taught. The 1619 project seems to be a New York Times thing which is disparaged by many historians. It's a hodge podge of essays by different authors. I don't see how it would ever be taught.

CRT was an academic thing by civil-rights scholars and activists in the 1970's. It was dredged up more recently as something to scare people. There has never been a serious threat to teach it in public schools contrary to what some people fear.

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Wrong . It’s being taught all over the country
Telling white kids that they’re evil and racist
Wrong . It’s being taught all over the country
Telling white kids that they’re evil and racist
I have no idea where you got that. You think it's taught in K-12 schools? You will have to give me a reference.
Young boys have been targets of homosexual predators since time began. Just when we thought we had the system under control and the BSA, Boy Scouts of America won the Supreme Court decision to discriminate against hiring overt homosexual leaders, the democrat party declared war on the Boy Scouts. Young girls risk their mental and physical well being when the gay agenda in the democrat party forces them to share lockers and showers with confused boys. The radical left rightfully blames the Catholic Church for ignoring a legacy of abuses of young boys but the media conveniently leaves out the unfortunate fact that sexual abuse on boys is committed by homosexual predators.
Did you learn and remember that from basic American history, or did you just look that up so you could feign indignation? I grew up in Michigan. They never taught 100 years of Mich history. Did you learn the history in a Florida school?

I learned in school how to look up stuff first, before blathering idiotic claims. Apparently Michigan schools don't.
Of course it’s being taught
They’re just clever enough to disguise and camouflage it by a different name
Not one of these demons was ever prosecuted for their crimes
Some boys were dumped into swaps for the gators
What always got to me being a state run facility and was subject to inspections why did not anyone notice the abuse. Why no one was put in jail. There are other facilities for the mentally ill that have similar histories.

People with no families to stick up for them on the outside of institutions have no recourse; the abusers can do what they want, and paying less than subsistence wages for labor doesn't exactly attract Florence Nightingales and Jimmie Stewart movie characters. Try a surprise visit to nursing homes for even 'middle class' elderly and you will feel like shooting most of the staff, and most of those are run by 'for profit' scumbags. allegedly supposed to be superior to govt run ones.
I don't know what CRS is. You may mean CRT, critical race theory. I don't think there is any need to worry about it being taught. The 1619 project seems to be a New York Times thing which is disparaged by many historians. It's a hodge podge of essays by different authors. I don't see how it would ever be taught.

CRT was an academic thing by civil-rights scholars and activists in the 1970's. It was dredged up more recently as something to scare people. There has never been a serious threat to teach it in public schools contrary to what some people fear.


lol you're as ignorant of that stuff as you are about who ran this orphanage.

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