Florida Doctor: "This devastating surge didn't need to happen...

well it most certainly does. You guys who have submitted to the vaxx...i believe you know deep down you scrood up. Now you want everyone in the same boat with you. You were lied to on the masks. you bought it...now we know beyond a doubt masks are worthless...even fauci has said so. You social distanced...that was silly. The goal there was to isolate americans so they couldn't be together, talk and figure out that this is BS. Now the vaxx and the vaxxed are coming down with covid. The CDC has covered up the number of deaths and injuries from the vaccine. From their own information on their sites. CDC/niaid?fauci and associates have worked with the Chinese and they still are. FDA is not concerned with american's health. They are funded by Big Pharma.
If You believe in your heart the vaccine is good...then you're protected...against covid, against the unvaxxed. So you should be perfectly happy...but you're not, are you. :wink:

Here. about 7.5 minutes. Got the stomach for it?

You need to turn off youtube.

It sucks IQ points out by the second

I wonder how many of the poor fools who have died were wearing one of desantis' "Fauci" t-shirts. He should be proud, huh?!
The doctor is a fool. The virus is surging worldwide, even in the most highly vaccinated areas. It would have happened anyway. About the best you can argue is that it happened in Florida quicker than it would have.
and you need to stop believing every word out of the government.
The Doctor is not "the government."

The nurses who are struggling to keep up with the ER surge of those who have refused to get vaccinated are not "the government."

But thanks for playing.
The Doctor is not "the government."

The nurses who are struggling to keep up with the ER surge of those who have refused to get vaccinated are not "the government."

No...YOU don't get it. Those doctors pushing this scam vaxx ARE gov't doctors. Even the doctors that don't want to do it are forced into it OR lose their practices. Don't be stupid. LOOK it up. Nearly everytime it's tried...the medical field will obey the gov't's order to refuse treatment or force a treatment. every. time.
The other answer?

well it most certainly does. You guys who have submitted to the vaxx...i believe you know deep down you scrood up. Now you want everyone in the same boat with you. You were lied to on the masks. you bought it...now we know beyond a doubt masks are worthless...even fauci has said so. You social distanced...that was silly. The goal there was to isolate americans so they couldn't be together, talk and figure out that this is BS. Now the vaxx and the vaxxed are coming down with covid. The CDC has covered up the number of deaths and injuries from the vaccine. From their own information on their sites. CDC/niaid?fauci and associates have worked with the Chinese and they still are. FDA is not concerned with american's health. They are funded by Big Pharma.
If You believe in your heart the vaccine is good...then you're protected...against covid, against the unvaxxed. So you should be perfectly happy...but you're not, are you. :wink:

Here. about 7.5 minutes. Got the stomach for it?

Yep, this sums it up well - from The Four Reasons Real Science Fails to Sway Vaccine Mandators and Otherwise Lucid People

Already Vaxxed and Unwilling to Admit a Mistake​

Mark Twain may or may not have said, “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Whether he said it or not is irrelevant here because the sentiment is true and fully applicable to the current vaccine debate.

I had a lengthy text chat with a friend who happens to be a doctor. He was vaxxed. He’s a conservative and has been fighting to prevent mandates because he believes only the most vulnerable should get the shots. He’s in his 70s and stands by his decision. No matter how much evidence I send his way showing that he may have made a mistake, he follows up with other vaccine-friendly studies to justify his decision.

This seems to be common. Anecdotally I can say there are very few people I know who have taken the injections who are now admitting they regret it. I’ve heard otherwise from some of those I inquired with about this subject, but I haven’t seen it myself. Confirmation bias seems to be in play with many of the pro-vaxxers.
I have friends who are regretting it right now... some of them THEY will NOT get the second vaxx. ANd definitely NOT any booster. Even their doctors have said to them....'why did you do this...you have antibodies'.
Here is the truth, and I've been following all the rules, and I'm not an anti-vaxxer, NONE of the experts or doctors knows what would or wouldn't have happened under different sets of circumstances.

The entire world is dealing with this virus 18 months later. Name a major country and we can find devastating data in one column or another when dealing with this virus.

What I'd love to hear and see when the dust settles, is an honest, statistical breakdown of the secondary deaths due to this virus. I'm referring to suicides, family violence, marital breakups, children losing their education, people losing their businesses, careers on and on.

Everyone getting vaccinated would help...in the short term. We then have boosters to follow. How many? We then have the mutation and future viruses and how they will be dealt with.
You can’t reason with a LibBot.
A new study has revealed that people who are “fully vaccinated” carry a staggering 251 times the normal viral load of COVID-19. Experts are concerned that this may pose a risk to those who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine, and it also seems likely these increased viral loads could result in more so-called “breakthrough” cases of those who have been vaccinated contracting COVID-19.
A study by the Oxford University Clinical Research Group published on August 10th in The Lancet found that fully vaccinated people carry 251 times the viral load of coronavirus as compared to those who have not received one of the controversial vaccines. “Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020,” reads the study.

The vaccines seem to allow vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming sick, transforming them into super spreaders who experience symptoms later on, as reported by Daily Veracity:

The study focused on healthcare workers who were unable to leave the hospital for two weeks. The study showed that fully vaccinated workers, about two months after injection, carried and transmitted the virus to their vaccinated colleagues after infection.

They also passed the virus to unvaccinated people, including their patients. The vaccine used in the study was the Oxford/AstraZeneca (AZD1222) vaccine.

In reaction to the study, Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), tweeted “as we have said—side effects and efficacy are measured in years. Not weeks and months. Another study that should cause all reasonable people to pause.”

As we have said—side effects and efficacy are measured in years. Not weeks and months. Another study that should cause all reasonable people to pause.

— Paul Gosar (@DrPaulGosar) August 25, 2021

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday granted full approval for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, opening the door for vaccine mandates across the US. This comes just days after the Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Rochelle Walensky admitted that COVID-19 “vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 is waning,” adding that those who were “vaccinated early” are at an “increased risk of severe disease.”

SEC filings have shown that Moderna has made $12 billion as the government and major institutions push for forced vaccinations, as was previously reported by National File. Stéphane Bancel, the Chief Executive Officer of Moderna said they are “looking forward towards our vision of a single dose annual booster that provides protection against COVID-19, flu and RSV for adults. I look forward to the start of our Phase 3 trial for CMV this year and to clinical proof of concept data in the coming quarters from our therapeutics pipeline. We believe this is just the beginning.”

STUDY: Fully Vaccinated Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load Of COVID-19, May Be Super Spreaders - National File

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