Flip...! Flop...!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH
<center><h2><a href=http://www.misleader.org/daily_mislead/Read.asp?fn=df08302004.html>Bush Misleads on Global Warming</a></h2></center>

<blockquote>Campaigning for the presidency in 2000, George W. Bush promised to place mandatory caps on carbon dioxide emissions to control global warming.1 After he assumed office - in what was widely seen as payback for the energy industry that helped finance his campaign - Bush quickly reneged on his pledge.2 Bush claimed such regulations were inappropriate because there was no clear scientific link between human activity and global warming.3

But last week, a report signed by Bush's Secretary of Commerce Don Evans and Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham,4 concluded, "rising temperatures in North America are due in part to human activity."5 The report found that global warming was already causing draught, damaging farms and changing migration patterns.6

Nevertheless, the Bush administration is still content to do nothing. John H. Marburger, the president's top science adviser, said the report has "no implications for policy."7 Bush himself denies that there has been any change in the administration's position. Asked by the New York Times to explain the switch, Bush replied "Ah, did we?...I don't think so."8</blockquote>

For those who seem to take pleasure in pointing out Kerry's apparent "flip-flops" on many issues, I would like to point out Dubbyuh's tendency to "flip-flop" on issues. More appropriately, for Dubbyuh, the term is "bait-and-switch"...Take a public stand on a given issue, and when the doors are closed and the deals cut, take exactly the opposite position with the policy that comes out.

We see the same pattern being repeated at the RNC convention...Trot out party moderates to reassure voters, then drop the hammer when the hardline ideologues wield the power.
Bully, I know this will disappoint you, but there is yet another Bush flipflop. First he says we can never really win the war on terror, now he says we will. Tis a sad day. :rolleyes:
Palestinian Jew said:
Bully, I know this will disappoint you, but there is yet another Bush flipflop. First he says we can never really win the war on terror, now he says we will. Tis a sad day. :rolleyes:

Bush made clear his point today. As he HAS SAID BEFORE, this war will NOT end with a big parade, the falling of an empire, etc. We will know it is over, when Islamic Terrorism STOPs. Until then, we won't really know.

Spin, spin, spin..... that is all you guys have.
I couldnt care less what the Presidents position on the myth of global warming any more than i care what his position on purple three eyed fish are.
freeandfun1 said:
Bush made clear his point today. As he HAS SAID BEFORE, this war will NOT end with a big parade, the falling of an empire, etc. We will know it is over, when Islamic Terrorism STOPs. Until then, we won't really know.

Spin, spin, spin..... that is all you guys have.

It's more than Dubbyuh and his loyal, cognitively impaired supporters have.
Avatar4321 said:
I couldnt care less what the Presidents position on the myth of global warming any more than i care what his position on purple three eyed fish are.

Faith-based science. Ignore the facts and keep on wishing it ain't so. Such is Dubbyuh's view of the world.
I think it's funny how double-standards are the norm for liberals. Liberals believe more in evolution, rather than faith-based explanations, as far as life goes. But when the idea that the Earth is still changing, as it did millions of years ago, they say no, it's our fault. The earth has stopped evolving. If there is such thing as global warming, then why, oh why was I wearing fleece outside, and could see my breath at 7am, 10 days ago, when it was the middle of August, when normal temps should have been around 65-70 overnight, yet parts of MN dropped to as low as 35??!!! In the middle of friggin' August!!!! 50% of this summer has been one where you opt for jeans and sweater rather than shorts and t-shirt. Most of the summer, the public (and private) pools have been warmer than the air. This is way off from what MN normally has for highs and lows in summer.

Liberals seem to think that warm=cool and cool=warm, cuz if there is such thing as global WARMING, then all words must mean the opposite of what they are.
fuzzykitten99 said:
I think it's funny how double-standards are the norm for liberals. Liberals believe more in evolution, rather than faith-based explanations, as far as life goes. But when the idea that the Earth is still changing, as it did millions of years ago, they say no, it's our fault. The earth has stopped evolving. If there is such thing as global warming, then why, oh why was I wearing fleece outside, and could see my breath at 7am, 10 days ago, when it was the middle of August, when normal temps should have been around 65-70 overnight, yet parts of MN dropped to as low as 35??!!! In the middle of friggin' August!!!! 50% of this summer has been one where you opt for jeans and sweater rather than shorts and t-shirt. Most of the summer, the public (and private) pools have been warmer than the air. This is way off from what MN normally has for highs and lows in summer.

Liberals seem to think that warm=cool and cool=warm, cuz if there is such thing as global WARMING, then all words must mean the opposite of what they are.

Well, global warming is a TREND, meaning certain days, weeks, and months may be colder on average, but MEAN temperature is rising. So this month being rather cool in MN doesn't mean global warming is false. Global warming doesn't mean that every day is going to be hotter than the last until our skin is melting off.

Today was cold = evidence against global warming :poop:
nakedemperor said:
Well, global warming is a TREND, meaning certain days, weeks, and months may be colder on average, but MEAN temperature is rising. So this month being rather cool in MN doesn't mean global warming is false. Global warming doesn't mean that every day is going to be hotter than the last until our skin is melting off.

Today was cold = evidence against global warming :poop:

Well, this has been the Coldest August on record for Chicago since they began keeping records here, (1928).
Bullypulpit said:
It's more than Dubbyuh and his loyal, cognitively impaired supporters have.

Well now if that were true you wouldn't need the spin spin spin spin spin!!!!!!!!!!!! All you would need is the magnificence of his heinus Kerry and his wonderful Brothers Grimm fairy tales!!!
Not too mention the fact that the earth is 4 billion years old. Its arrogant to think that we are destroying the planet in a our miniscule time that we have existed on her. We are not even an eye bat on the linear scale of the Earth and yet some people choose to believe that we are the cause for the global warming? There is soo much that we do not know about this planet and probably will never know to be able to accurately predict such a global trend.

Also, i'm glad to see the desperation dripping from the mouths of the Dems on that comment from bush. Shows the sad state that they are in when they have to take a comment which was clarified later that day and turn it into a flip flop.

The WOT is not a traditional war in the sense that we will sign a treaty and one side will surrender. We can keep combating the conditions that create terrorists. We can eliminate those that would harbor terrorists. We can never truely end terrorism though. As long as humans have free will, they will have the ability to choose between right and wrong. We can not control the wills of every human on the planet. So all we can do is give everyone the choice between right and wrong instead of them being indoctrinated with wrong from the day they were born.

That is what Bush said and meant. By all means though, i hope the dems continue to show their ignorance for the reality that surrounds them. It will make the ladnslide that much easier.
insein said:
Not too mention the fact that the earth is 4 billion years old. Its arrogant to think that we are destroying the planet in a our miniscule time that we have existed on her. We are not even an eye bat on the linear scale of the Earth and yet some people choose to believe that we are the cause for the global warming? There is soo much that we do not know about this planet and probably will never know to be able to accurately predict such a global trend.

Also, i'm glad to see the desperation dripping from the mouths of the Dems on that comment from bush. Shows the sad state that they are in when they have to take a comment which was clarified later that day and turn it into a flip flop.

The WOT is not a traditional war in the sense that we will sign a treaty and one side will surrender. We can keep combating the conditions that create terrorists. We can eliminate those that would harbor terrorists. We can never truely end terrorism though. As long as humans have free will, they will have the ability to choose between right and wrong. We can not control the wills of every human on the planet. So all we can do is give everyone the choice between right and wrong instead of them being indoctrinated with wrong from the day they were born.

That is what Bush said and meant. By all means though, i hope the dems continue to show their ignorance for the reality that surrounds them. It will make the ladnslide that much easier.

Catch that whole little flap re Dems complaining about the band-aids with Purple hearts on them???? :cuckoo:

I guess this will be the band-aid-gate of the convention??
Kathianne said:
Well, this has been the Coldest August on record for Chicago since they began keeping records here, (1928).

<center><IMG src=http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/observe/surftemp/2002fig1_s.gif></center>

The mean global temperature is rising. To see the data, go <a href=http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/observe/surftemp/><b>HERE</b></a>
Bonnie said:
Well now if that were true you wouldn't need the spin spin spin spin spin!!!!!!!!!!!! All you would need is the magnificence of his heinus Kerry and his wonderful Brothers Grimm fairy tales!!!

More faith-based science...If Dubbyuh says it ain't happenin', then by golly it ain't happenin'. :rolleyes:
<center><IMG src=http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/co2/graphics/siple-gr.gif></center>

Atmospheric CO2 levels have been rising steadily since the 1700's. To view the data, go <a href=http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/trends/co2/contents.htm><b>HERE</b></a>


Nothing new Bully. Its been happening for a long time. To think that any president with only 4 to 8 years of service can effect this is asking them to play god.
insein said:


Nothing new Bully. Its been happening for a long time.

there is actually a prediction that we will be hitting another ice age (oh hell, it's winter almost 9 months out of the year here anyway-what's 3 more months?)

the global warming crap has been beaten into our heads for so long that people start halucinating. Record cool temps and even a FROST ADVISORY the weekend of 8/21 here...in the middle of friggin' August. This is the month where those without AC would be sliding out of bed because of the humidity. Instead they are turning on the FURNACE.

This isn't just a few days this summer. The frost advisory was just one. But the WHOLE summer has been f-ed up. Maybe 7 days total in the last 100, we have used the AC in both the house and car.

I have had to go to garage sales to get warm clothes that fit my son, because all we had for him was summer stuff in his size. But it has been too cool to dress in shorts and tshirts. None of the stores here had any cool weather stuff.

global warming should mean that it is WARM or warmer than normal, or consistently.

last winter, we didn't get any real snow until january. it all hit in feb and march. the winter was so cold, that even MY car, which is still pretty new, had a hard time starting in the morning. if there is such thing as global warming, this should not have been possible. according to the 'experts' the earth is warming constantly. if that's the case, then why was this winter the coldest in a decade? And this summer the coolest since i think 1987 or 88?
If there was truly a greenhouse effect, satellites in orbit would have detected a decrease in heat escaping the atmosphere over time. There has been no such decrease.
And the polar icepacks break up earlier with each passing decade. Glaciers are receding at an unprecedented rate...And global warming doesn't exist.
Bullypulpit said:
Faith-based science. Ignore the facts and keep on wishing it ain't so. Such is Dubbyuh's view of the world.

There are no facts to prove that any human activity is causing the world to warm up. 20 years ago they were worried about global cooling. Now its global warming. the problem is we are looking at tempatures for less than 100 and dont have nearly enough data to determine that humans are causing the earth the warm and its not just the natural cyclical pattern of the earth. The burdence of proof is on you not me. So ignore common sense and keep wishing we are facing an apocalypic castastraphy in global warming because of our own actions. the rest of us will not be thinking so narrowly.
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