Flaylo's plan to save the country money and reduce spending and debt

You numbnuts are idiots because under my plan I would not let big companies pay their taxes by overcharging you the American people for good that were cheaply made in a foreign country. I can't facking believe some of you are literally arguing that you have a constitutional right to be willfully exploited and ripped off by companies because of some facking freedom argument, how dumb can you be? Why is that I can be stationed in Korea and buy Nike and all other name brand goods at the fraction of the price I pay for the same shat in the CONUS?

Just think, if you made for example, 3000 dollars every two weeks after tax and you buy an pair of shoes from an American owned company with a factory in China for example, for $175. We all know that the actually value of those shoes are most likely at best half that price, so how does the company cover the costs and make a profit? By ripping off you, the dumb consumer arguing about some nonexistent constitutional "freedom to be exploited" and the poor under paid Chinese worker, so the company is making a fortune off of exploiting poor people and using your money by overcharging you and you dumbasses want to argue for tax cuts for these rip off SOBs? My plan would protect both you the consumer by not letting companies rip you off by overcharging you for cheaply made products, which in turn allows you to keep more of your own money.

I don't get ripped off b/c I don't buy over priced crap.

Why would anyone with any sense pay $175 for shoes? Especially if they can't afford it?
i love how you seem to think you can force businesses to follow your rules and yet somehow also employ people.

Violent coercion is not the answer. nor is slavery.

Stupid, I would not let businesses rip people off, thats my point, if you want to argue that businesses have the right to rip off consumers without repercussions you look like a dumbass.

That fail-o he's a real card.
No reading comprehension skills, no comprehension of constitutional limits on government power.

Good thing he's wedded to that government teat, making it in the world would reveal his deficiencies.

You guys are the most retarded crack head I've ever discussed anything with because those rightwingers got you so brainwashed into believing the government is so evil that you're really arguing for the right to be exploited, abused and used by big companies. If you guys really hate government so damn much whenever another Katrina like disaster hits your state don't ask the fed for shat, if there is information from the federal government that terrorists are about to strike your state request that the federal government do nothing about it because less federal government is what you want, right? Don't be half assed about, go 100% cold turkey from the government, do everything on your own and when your state can't do it all sit there and suffer and celebrate your "freedom" from the federal government.

Abused by big companies? Boy go fix yourself another glass of Kool Aid. Terrorists? There is a greater chance of being devastated by locusts, fire from the sky, the waters turning red with blood etc. than terrorist attacks. Live in fear and pray for some government functionary to rescue you if it works for you. Back to your pots and pans mess cook.
i love how you seem to think you can force businesses to follow your rules and yet somehow also employ people.

Violent coercion is not the answer. nor is slavery.

Stupid, I would not let businesses rip people off, thats my point, if you want to argue that businesses have the right to rip off consumers without repercussions you look like a dumbass.

How is it ripping someone off it they are willing to pay for the product? Was their some lie about the quality of the product?

You can't rip someone off when they freely choose to pay you a certain price for your good or service unless you are misrepresenting thte product or service. See, if someone did think you were "ripping them off" they could merely not buy your product by either finding a competitor with a better price, doing it themselves, or doing without.

You're methods involve using government sanctioned coercion, ie violence, to enforce what you have subjectively determined is unfair. On top of that you also wish to use this coercion to force people to labor for the government, even if those chose not to. That is what we call slavery.

And why? because you are jealous that some people make money and you dont. Instead of learning to laws of nature that create wealth and value, you want to try to impose your own laws through violence. That with neither create freedom nor wealth and will result in alot of people enslaved to a tyrant or outright dead.

If you have to enforce your views with violence and cannot persuade people to follow them of their own free will, then your viewpoints are flawed.
I love my country and the Constitution, not the almighty power of the dollar nor the buttholes of the rich. I'm for taking care of my country and its people first, wasting taxpayer dollars in foreign shat that doesn't concern us and our citizens is against the Constitution.

I can not say we have had much common ground. But you have some very workable ideas. I can not agree in its entirety. I happen to believe freedom trumps any possible loyalty I have to big government. In other words no mandatory enlistments.

I'm for freedom also, I believe anything should be allowed as long as it doesn't bring and invite the economic and financial ruin of our country, as long as it doesn't bring about the destruction and exploitation of other countries and as along as it doesn't endanger nor entice others to harm Americans.

As evidenced by a couple of ideas in your OP, no, you are not for freedom.
If you want to save the country money and reduce spending and debt? I suggest you get off foodstamps and get a job.

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