Flashback: Leaked DNC E-Mail Exposes Anti-Semitic, Homophobic Racist Content - Now Division Among Dems Over Support For Israel's Defense Against Hamas


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats increasingly divided over Israel as Jewish state nears full-blown war against Hamas terrorists

Democrats increasingly divided over Israel as Jewish state nears full-blown war against Hamas terrorists​

Several years ago leaked DNC e-mails exposed racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content.​

Several years ago leaked DNC e-mails exposes rampant racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content. So it should not be any surprise there is huge division within the Democrat party regarding support for Israel in defending itself from terrorist Hamas' attacks.

Democratic divide over Israel on full display as Jewish state clashes with Hamas terrorists​

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., blamed "right-wing extremists in Jerusalem" for the violence.

"I am extremely concerned by the growing conflict in Israel and Palestine. Once again we are seeing how the irresponsible actions of government-allied right-wing extremists in Jerusalem can escalate quickly into devastating war," Sanders wrote on Twitter Monday.

"Israeli children should not have to spend the night scared in bomb shelters, as many are doing tonight. Palestinian children should not have to grow up under the constant violence and oppression of occupation, as so many do, and have done," he continued.

Other left-wingers went even further than Sanders.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., responded to Biden on Twitter: "Blanket statements like these [with] little context or acknowledgement of what precipitated this cycle of violence - namely, the expulsions of Palestinians and attacks on Al Aqsa - dehumanize Palestinians [and] imply the US will look the other way at human rights violations. It’s wrong."

"By only stepping in to name Hamas’ actions - which are condemnable - [and] refusing to acknowledge the rights of Palestinians, Biden reinforces the false idea that Palestinians instigated this cycle of violence," she added. "This is not neutral language. It takes a side - the side of occupation."

Rep. Ilhan Omar, a member of Ocasio-Cortez's "Squad" of progressive lawmakers, accused Israel of "terrorism."

Hamas is a terrorist group.
Democrats have a recorded / reported history of supporting / facilitating terrorists.
Israel did not start this latest violence...but it has no problkem finishing it.

'Don't WANT none? Don't START them!'

Self defense is a God-given right.


DNC E-Mail Exposes Anti-Semitic, Homophobic Racist Content​

let me guess, it’s torch carrying Republicans chanting “Jews will not replace us“ that are the anti-Semites.

it’s the trans hating and gay hating Republicans that are anti-homophobic

it’s wave the confederate flag, shoot the black-jogger Republicans that are anti-racism

does anyone have any idea how confusing messages just like this are to Anglo Saxon Confederate RePublicans?
The catholic church church made people to be anti - Gay. Be against the church. The Church is for Islam. Be against Islam. Gays who are for Muslims need to pull away. Muslims want all non - Muslims to be a victim. Be for Israel.
let me guess, it’s torch carrying Republicans chanting “Jews will not replace us“ that are the anti-Semites.

it’s the trans hating and gay hating Republicans that are anti-homophobic

it’s wave the confederate flag, shoot the black-jogger Republicans that are anti-racism

does anyone have any idea how confusing messages just like this are to Anglo Saxon Confederate RePublicans?
You are like most leftists who post their hateful imaginings and pretend they are common or acceptable among the right. If you have to define the right using your own opinions and claims you really
have nothing then but your own prejudice and distortions.
Israel is totally racist, illegal, and criminal.

When people call someone "antiSemtic", that is gross cultural appropriations, because the word "Semitic" means "Arab", it does not mean Jewish.
It is Zionists who invented terrorism.
They started murdering Arabs, British peacekeepers, and UN representatives way back in the 1940s.
They captured noncoms at the beach, mutilated and murdered them in the "Sergeant's Affair".
The blew up the King David Hotel, murdering about 100 people, and killing the British commander, in order to get the British to leave.
Then once the British were gone, they started massacring hundreds of Arab villages.

Israel has absolutely no legal right to exist in any way, and has committed more crimes per capita, than any other country in all history.
Jews are native, are illegal European immigrants, less than a third of the population, but occupy over two thirds of the land, illegally.
You have to stick with what you are best at and know.
Democrat's have shallow roots. They are swayed by sneaky liars. Muslims are those sneaky liars. Democrat's: Leave Muslims. Don't be for them. Don't rely on what they say. Muslims need to skedaddle off of this continent. They are after your life. If it was not so, I would have told you.

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