Five Key Reasons to Reject Class-Warfare Tax Policy

Folks, not only did the wealthy investors get a benefit from TARP, but so too did any of you who have pension funds.

Your pension funds were ALSO going to fail if the economy collapsed.

They still might, actually.

What ASTOUNDS ME is the naked truth of how corrupted our government is in that not a single BANKSTER has been charged with a crime.

That ALONE ought to wake every one of you partisans up, but apparently this TARP program is too confusing for you guys to realize what it means.

Hey, in your defence it IS confusing and many of you, I suppose either don't have the intelligence, or the time, or the inclination (or some combination of the three) to study just how BENT this system really is.

I must have 200 hours of study trying to unravel the GREAT UNRAVELING of the debt crises, and I think I bearly have a handle on it.

Conceptually I get it, but the details of the various permutations of debt instruments is so damned confusing that I doubt ANYBODY entirely understand them all.

But here us the thing, folks, the fault rests with the people who had the power and influence to set us up for this meltdown.

Read from the above that I lay the entire blame on the MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, both in government (that failed to regulate or even TRY to regulate in somce cases) and the unmitigated GREED of the BANSTERS, too. least 13 CEOs of this nations's largest banking and hedge funds ought to be in prison, and the board members and officers of the bonds rating agencies ought to be taken out and shot.
Some of those who used their power and influence to set us up for the meltdown aren't through yet.

Tim Geithner proclaimed TARP "the most effective government program in recent memory" without revealing that banks saved by TARP are not paying back the trillions of dollars in non-TARP governmental aid that saved them from bankruptcy.

"What Geithner celebrates is a shell game of his own construction in which far more costly federal programs, with no serious restrictions on banker greed, were used by the banks to 'repay' the TARP funds.

"Nothing was obtained in return from those banks in the way of mortgage cramdowns to keep people in their homes or any restrictions on the interest rates that banks charge on credit cards: Clearly usurious rates of more than 25 percent are now the norm for those struggling to keep their families above water.

"No wonder consumer confidence is down, the housing market is expected to decline an additional 10 percent over the next year, and the job market is predicted by most of the experts to stagnate for years to come.

"Continued tax breaks for the 1 percent of the population that controls 40 percent of the nation’s wealth will do nothing to restore the confidence of the other 99 percent of consumers who are suffering so."

The False Debate on the Debt | The Nation
It take a very simple mind to sign onto class envy,our fearless leader crys we all must sacrifice,when it is in fact the very ones blubbering the loudest are the ones that have driven us to were we are.

Why would anyone believe a word that comes out of DC.Total and complete mismanagement,the sad part is we will wind up sacrificing even more before if ever they get their act together.

Its not the rich,its not the middle class,its simple mismanagement by our elected and collusion from the lazy.

It's not simple mismanagement - it's a coordinated effort to keep the rivers of cash flowing through this country in the direction they currently are. That's the essence of maintaining the status quo - something wealthy individuals and organizations have been doing since Alexander the Thug.

The current cash-flow structure of the US is proudly created, concentrated and maintained by the politicians of BOTH parties at the behest of their campaign financing benefactors.

It is not stupidity, laziness or mismanagement that brought us this current mess. It took planning, coordination and billions to execute the concentration of control over resources we live under today. Make no mistake - them that has those rivers of cash flowing into their own personal reservoirs will fight and spend to keep them in place.

The good news is that they can no longer hire and arm a gang of thugs to simply kill those who would point out the unfairness of their bought-and-paid-for government policies. The middle class has a fighting chance and I remain optimistic.
Since 1980 some of those rivers have overflowed their banks.

When Reagan promised prosperity through tax cuts in 1980 the average income for nine of ten Americans has increased by $303 or 1 percent.

If those Americans had a dollar in 1980, their income increased to $1.01 in 2008.

The richest 1% of Americans' average income more than doubled to $1.1 million during that same time frame.

The top 0.1% today receive almost $4 for each dollar they earned in 1980, and the top 300,000 Americans now control almost as much income as the bottom 150 million of their countrymen.

9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes
When Reagan promised prosperity through tax cuts in 1980 the average income for nine of ten Americans has increased by $303 or 1 percent.

If those Americans had a dollar in 1980, their income increased to $1.01 in 2008.

The richest 1% of Americans' average income more than doubled to $1.1 million during that same time frame.

The top 0.1% today receive almost $4 for each dollar they earned in 1980, and the top 300,000 Americans now control almost as much income as the bottom 150 million of their countrymen.

According to the U.S. Census, the per capita income in 1980 in 2009 dollars was 19,299. the per capita income in 2009 was 26,530.

You're obviously full of shit.
Want a perfect illustration of why the far left are always so miserable? Read this thread!!!

Its classic..........these people are absoultely miserable, jealous and perpetually angry..... and loath anybody who is successful. I never did get it? I could give a rats ass about somebody making lots and lots of money?? ALmost invariably.........they've earned it........and with much risk by the way. As compared to the typical underachieving lefty who becomes consumed with making sure the capitalist gets fcukked, no matter who is effected.

And whats the common thread? These people blame others for their own fcukked up circumstances. Its always that way with the far left.....cant take responsiblity for their own decisions that have left them with their lot in life. How weenieish!!! I work with plenty of them in the field of Human Services.........always feeling they are owed something from sombody more succesful then them. is the same people who pull the same fcukked up stunt when you debate them. When the issue starts to tilt to them looking absurd, they storm off and call you a Nazi, "Oh.....I cant talk to t his guy!!!". Its the same weenie dynamic at work.......explosive anger due to being unable to take responsibility for failure. ( although I will submit that debating somebody and laughing through the whole thing does get people pissed off I guess........but winning does that I guess.)

4 billion economists concur.........Economists: Higher Taxes Could Harm Economic Recovery - Energy Tomorrow Blog

Of course, liberals of past generations, like JFK, realized this.......but the Democrats have been hijacked by k00ks who have all graduated from the University of Mars.

Isn't it ODD how so may whine, moan, and complain that so much is going overseas?

DID they ever stop to ponder WHY as they DEMAND MORE taxes?

Of Course they didn't.

4 billion economists concur.........Economists: Higher Taxes Could Harm Economic Recovery - Energy Tomorrow Blog

Of course, liberals of past generations, like JFK, realized this.......but the Democrats have been hijacked by k00ks who have all graduated from the University of Mars.

Isn't it ODD how so may whine, moan, and complain that so much is going overseas?

DID they ever stop to ponder WHY as they DEMAND MORE taxes?

Of Course they didn't.

LMAO true. Not to mention the k00ks see the word "regulation" and its blow the load time!!!!

Fcukking suckers.............
Are you saying it's NOT an accident that the richest 2% of Americans have nearly doubled their "fair" share of returns to wealth in less than one generation?


What leftwing propaganda mill did you retrieve this little non-factoid from?
This one:

Michael Hudson: Obama's Greatest Betrayal

"Obama seems to be campaigning for his own defeat!

"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago. The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

"Michael Hudson is a former Wall Street economist. A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World Economy. He can be reached via his website, [email protected]"
Are you saying it's NOT an accident that the richest 2% of Americans have nearly doubled their "fair" share of returns to wealth in less than one generation?


What leftwing propaganda mill did you retrieve this little non-factoid from?
This one:

Michael Hudson: Obama's Greatest Betrayal

"Obama seems to be campaigning for his own defeat!

"Thanks largely to the $13 trillion Wall Street bailout – while keeping the debt overhead in place for America’s 'bottom 98 per cent' – this happy 2 per cent of the population now receives an estimated three quarters (~75 per cent) of the returns to wealth (interest, dividends, rent and capital gains).

"This is nearly double what it received a generation ago. The rest of the population is being squeezed, and foreclosures are rising."

"Michael Hudson is a former Wall Street economist. A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC), he is the author of many books, including Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (new ed., Pluto Press, 2002) and Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World Economy. He can be reached via his website, [email protected]"

In other words, he's a committed leftist, and you can't take a word he says at face value.

Counterpunch is a notorious leftwing publication - hardly a credible source.
When Reagan promised prosperity through tax cuts in 1980 the average income for nine of ten Americans has increased by $303 or 1 percent.

If those Americans had a dollar in 1980, their income increased to $1.01 in 2008.

The richest 1% of Americans' average income more than doubled to $1.1 million during that same time frame.

The top 0.1% today receive almost $4 for each dollar they earned in 1980, and the top 300,000 Americans now control almost as much income as the bottom 150 million of their countrymen.

According to the U.S. Census, the per capita income in 1980 in 2009 dollars was 19,299. the per capita income in 2009 was 26,530.

You're obviously full of shit.
"Per capita income or income per person is the numerical quotient of income divided by population, in monetary terms. It is a measure of all sources of income in an economic aggregate, such as a country or city. It does not measure income distribution or wealth."
Last edited:
"Per capita income or income per person is the numerical quotient of income divided by population, in monetary terms. It is a measure of all sources of income in an economic aggregate, such as a country or city. It does not measure income distribution or wealth."

You haven't posted any information on income distributions. You've made a bunch of hysterical claims, and nothing more.
When Reagan promised prosperity through tax cuts in 1980 the average income for nine of ten Americans has increased by $303 or 1 percent.

If those Americans had a dollar in 1980, their income increased to $1.01 in 2008.

The richest 1% of Americans' average income more than doubled to $1.1 million during that same time frame.

The top 0.1% today receive almost $4 for each dollar they earned in 1980, and the top 300,000 Americans now control almost as much income as the bottom 150 million of their countrymen.

According to the U.S. Census, the per capita income in 1980 in 2009 dollars was 19,299. the per capita income in 2009 was 26,530.

You're obviously full of shit.
"Per capita income or income per person is the numerical quotient of income divided by population, in monetary terms. It is a measure of all sources of income in an economic aggregate, such as a country or city. It does not measure income distribution or wealth."

Per capita income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And means WHAT?

4 billion economists concur.........Economists: Higher Taxes Could Harm Economic Recovery - Energy Tomorrow Blog

Of course, liberals of past generations, like JFK, realized this.......but the Democrats have been hijacked by k00ks who have all graduated from the University of Mars.

Isn't it ODD how so may whine, moan, and complain that so much is going overseas?

DID they ever stop to ponder WHY as they DEMAND MORE taxes?

Of Course they didn't.

LMAO true. Not to mention the k00ks see the word "regulation" and its blow the load time!!!!

Fcukking suckers.............

The ones WHINING LOUDLY never stop and ask WHY they leave...ONLY that they are...what's the Gubmint gonna do? Bring them back BY FORCE?
Why is it that only taxpayers are expected to sacrifice?

It's time for government employees and welfare parasites to sacrifice.

Welfare was reformed years ago. Massive cuts in defense will get rid of plenty of government employees.

and why did you ask me a question that had nothing to do with what I said? Can't you read?

You know when dummies like this will be happy?

When the Pentagon gets defunded!!!:2up::salute::2up:
How about when the Pentagon gets audited?

How much fraud and corruption takes place in the absence of accountability?

If there is fraud taking place at the Pentagon in a time of war, would that be treason?

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