

Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I love to fish and we have this cool pond right in our backyard. The dog loves to eat the fish after I catch and cook them. A few nights ago Rod was mowing and he fishbait (grasshoppers) were trying to get away from the mower. I saved them for the hook. Well I caught only two fish a bass & a bluegill. I hate to clean the little buggers so not wanting to make a mess w/ two measley fish I decided to simply stick'm in the freezer until I could catch some more. Rod told me that I would be murdering them. Of course I asked so uh taking a knife to their heads isn't murdering them? He responds no that is butchering them. Hem, I murdered the grasshoppers too?

So last night caught about ten more bluegill. Guess who got to murder them?
I couldn't even BEGIN to count all the Blue Gills I've scaled and butchered ready for the frying pan with my paw and grand parents. They'd catch pan fish, Blue Gills, Sunfish, Crappies, etc by the BUCKET LOAD! It was all worth it come fish fry night. Nothing like a plate full of fresh caught pan fish... :eusa_drool:
Once a year I get together with a few high school buddies for a fishing trip. We rent a cabin for the week. It's a riot. Been to Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky. Next year maybe Arkansas.
I used to fish as a kid, but now I keep fish for pets and would feel horribly guilty killing their wild cousins. I don't mind eating them if someone else murdered them tho. :)
A bad day of fishing is better than any day at work!!!!
I love fishing but I would rather be deer hunting. come on fall!!! Just went out practicing with my blackpowder today, tagging paper at 100 yards with metal sights!!!
I couldn't even BEGIN to count all the Blue Gills I've scaled and butchered ready for the frying pan with my paw and grand parents. They'd catch pan fish, Blue Gills, Sunfish, Crappies, etc by the BUCKET LOAD! It was all worth it come fish fry night. Nothing like a plate full of fresh caught pan fish... :eusa_drool:

Bluegill is the best eating for fresh water fish IMO. Down in the Everglades IMO, those Mangrove Snappers are the best, don't put ur finger by their mouth they have big teeth. (I can only eat a lil bit as I'm allergic to seafood)
personally salmon is my favorite freshwater fish
I couldn't even BEGIN to count all the Blue Gills I've scaled and butchered ready for the frying pan with my paw and grand parents. They'd catch pan fish, Blue Gills, Sunfish, Crappies, etc by the BUCKET LOAD! It was all worth it come fish fry night. Nothing like a plate full of fresh caught pan fish... :eusa_drool:

Bluegill is the best eating for fresh water fish IMO. Down in the Everglades IMO, those Mangrove Snappers are the best, don't put ur finger by their mouth they have big teeth. (I can only eat a lil bit as I'm allergic to seafood)

Blue Gill does have a unique flavor. It's almost a "sweet" fish. It is one of my favorites as well. It's pretty customary for the bars around here in Wisconsin to have a "Friday Fish Fry," and there's one bar/restaurant near me that serves Blue Gill. It's farm raised and you get two huge fillets. It's real good but it's not as good as caught fresh.

Sorry to hear you're allergic to sea food, man, most of the places serving fish around here serve "all you can eat." I usually have seconds. I can eat the shit otta fish... :lol:
I haven't fished in years.

Cannot really understand why people think fishing is a sport, to be honest.

To me fishing was always just a means to an end.

The end of course being a fresh trout cooking in the pan, of course.

Apparently I lived next to one of the best fishing creeks east of the Mississippi when I was a kid, so my expectations for how long one must work to catch a fish is somewhat jaded.

It was not an untypical day for me to catch two or three decent sized rainbows (sometimes brownies) in an hour or two.

I wonder if that creek is anything like it was?

I doubt it.
personally salmon is my favorite freshwater fish

Salmon is very good also. Near our home in Idaho were all the fish hatcheries. A friend of my daughter's mom worked at one of them the summer Rod and I were married. The heat in combination with a late truck was a blessing for us. They had to take a certain amount of fish out of the runs as they were dieing. Golden salmon was the main course at the wedding reception. My freezer was chucked full of them and my mom got a few for her little pond in her backyard. Mom fed them fish for years in that tiny little pond. Then one day the guy that is in charge of that yard water switched it over to the chlorinated water source, all mom's fish died. They were huge by that time.
I haven't fished in years.

Cannot really understand why people think fishing is a sport, to be honest.

To me fishing was always just a means to an end.

The end of course being a fresh trout cooking in the pan, of course.

Apparently I lived next to one of the best fishing creeks east of the Mississippi when I was a kid, so my expectations for how long one must work to catch a fish is somewhat jaded.

It was not an untypical day for me to catch two or three decent sized rainbows (sometimes brownies) in an hour or two.

I wonder if that creek is anything like it was?

I doubt it.
I'd say I'm a bit more spoiled than that, the pond you can expect to have everything caught to fill the five gallon bucket in a few hours. Out on the river near where we lived in Idaho we would have our limit within an hour. In the Everglades it's always depending on the tide and weather. I don't think one can go very long without pulling out something out of the water. I prefer the salt water fishing. It's a challenge and a surprise to see what come out next. I nailed a 3 foot Snook one day but did not get it all the way to the boat. They shake the hooks outta their mouths, (it's disgusting to get one within a few feet of the boot to only end up losing it, that's part of the thrill). Have caught 6+ Tarpon several times. To watch them walk on water and spin themselves to wrap the line around so they can flex and break it is fascinating to me. When you pull a four foot Coba up out of the water I don't know to many people that would not be thrilled with that. Heck the dog would get as excited as we would to see a fish on the line. Those big ole Reds that nearly break your little Bass rod are a kick and a half to bring in. The salt water trout make a the ones we catch in the rivers and creeks look like minnows.
I love to fish and we have this cool pond right in our backyard. The dog loves to eat the fish after I catch and cook them. A few nights ago Rod was mowing and he fishbait (grasshoppers) were trying to get away from the mower. I saved them for the hook. Well I caught only two fish a bass & a bluegill. I hate to clean the little buggers so not wanting to make a mess w/ two measley fish I decided to simply stick'm in the freezer until I could catch some more. Rod told me that I would be murdering them. Of course I asked so uh taking a knife to their heads isn't murdering them? He responds no that is butchering them. Hem, I murdered the grasshoppers too?

So last night caught about ten more bluegill. Guess who got to murder them?

A hit squad from P.E.T.A. is, at this very moment, enroute to your house with headlights flashing and horns honking wildly. They have signs to stick all over your your yard and spray paint to write nasty things on the side of your house with. When they are finished doing this, they are going to drain your pond so they can rescue the fish that remain and carry them off to a secret location. Sorry, RodISHI, you're on their hit list... Please stand by!:lol:
I love to fish and we have this cool pond right in our backyard. The dog loves to eat the fish after I catch and cook them. A few nights ago Rod was mowing and he fishbait (grasshoppers) were trying to get away from the mower. I saved them for the hook. Well I caught only two fish a bass & a bluegill. I hate to clean the little buggers so not wanting to make a mess w/ two measley fish I decided to simply stick'm in the freezer until I could catch some more. Rod told me that I would be murdering them. Of course I asked so uh taking a knife to their heads isn't murdering them? He responds no that is butchering them. Hem, I murdered the grasshoppers too?

So last night caught about ten more bluegill. Guess who got to murder them?

A hit squad from P.E.T.A. is, at this very moment, enroute to your house with headlights flashing and horns honking wildly. They have signs to stick all over your your yard and spray paint to write nasty things on the side of your house with. When they are finished doing this, they are going to drain your pond so they can rescue the fish that remain and carry them off to a secret location. Sorry, RodISHI, you're on their hit list... Please stand by!:lol:

Bring em on I could use a lil more excitement in life neverland.
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