“Fiscal Conservatives” Have No Problem With Astronomical Military Spending


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

But if $3.5 trillion equals zero dollars, then spending only $740 would have to be making us money.

We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

We have serious enemies around the world and now, thanks to Biden, there is 'blood in the water' due to his weakness. Now more than ever we need a strong military.

In the Democrats' pork-bloated self-enriching deficit-spending Reconciliation Bill Pelosi secured $200 Million for a group in her district to build a park...and a $20 Million dollar kickback for her 're-election campaign. There are literally hundreds of BILLIONS more of such intentional Democrat deficit-adding fiscally criminal spending in this bill they rabidly refuse to give up, determined to ram it through.

Democrats control the WH, House, and Senate - for decades they have promised to eliminate hundreds of billions of dollars in criminal waste in their social programs - Food Stamps, Welfare, Medicare, etc...to save this nation money. They are in control of Congress, they have the votes, they have the power they have the time.....WTF are they waiting for?

Whenever the Democrats ever take power the 1st place they try to cut spending is with the military, weakening our military and making the country less safe, when the other huge sources they could fix / cut and produce more savings they completely ignore.

Biden's un-Constitutional Vaccine mandate already will potentially gut the military as thousands of military members are potentially about to be booted from service with Dishonorable Conduct release from service. How vulnerable do you want to make the United States, and when are you going to call on the Democrats in control to do what they promised and stopped focusing solely on their potential huge deficit-spending payday?
Our defense budget has been bloated to obscene levels for decades. We could cut 1/3 of the budget and still be spending far more than anyone else.
Defense spending is one of the few things the government is authorized to do. Take the money from immigration resettlement.
We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

Okay, we will take you off the list for the military to protect.
We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

You can thank Saint Ronald Reagan, father and patron of modern deficit spending for that.
Nice expensive toys built by defense contractors that have little use fighting a modern war.
And, at the same time, give miniscule raises and cost of living adjustments to the men and women you
ask to fight your wars for you.

I'm hoping we break out of this cycle one day.
We just ended our only war and the House Armed Services Committee voted to *increase* the military budget by $24 billion, to $740 billion.

We can afford anything we want. Our leaders just choose to make some people suffer.

True, but its the one thing the federal govt is supposed to do......and it's pretty important
Now more than ever we need a strong military.
Do you think we're actually at risk of some kind of invasion? By who? Good luck to the stupid fucks that try to invade the United States. The best they can do is take pop shots in the form of terrorism.
Do you think we're actually at risk of some kind of invasion? By who? Good luck to the stupid fucks that try to invade the United States. The best they can do is take pop shots in the form of terrorism.
Closer than any time in the last 50 years. Our national security interests, power projection capabilities, relationship with our allies, and more have been placed in danger.

We are already being attacked by our enemies:
- Russia is actively, aggressively ravaging the US through Cyber Warfare, and Russia is still attacking Americans around the world with their new sonic weapons that leave their victims brain damaged.

- China has already unleashed a pandemic, killing thousands of Americans. A team investigating the Wuhan lab has reported they found a new virus (Nipah Virus)that has an 80% mortality rate....and they have become blatantly aggressive towards Taiwan after Biden's failed Afghanistan withdrawal which projected America as extremely weak and vulnerable.

Al Qaeda and ISIS are back in Afghanistan, vowing to take the fight to us again with an attack worse than 9/11/01.

Countries don't have to invade us to defeat us anymore. Russia proved this by shutting down energy production and our food supply chain several months back.
- Russia is actively, aggressively ravaging the US through Cyber Warfare, and Russia is still attacking Americans around the world with their new sonic weapons that leave their victims brain damaged.
We spy on Russia and fuck with them too. Most of their military is tanks that are obsolete in modern warfare. The GDP of their entire nation is sometimes smaller than the GDP of the city of Tokyo. Think about that for a minute. Unless you think they're going to start lobbing nukes, which I seriously doubt, they're not a true threat. I think Europe could probably beat them without our help.
China has already unleashed a pandemic, killing thousands of Americans. A team investigating the Wuhan lab has reported they found a new virus (Nipah Virus)that has an 80% mortality rate....and they have become blatantly aggressive towards Taiwan after Biden's failed Afghanistan withdrawal which projected America as extremely weak and vulnerable.
China is an economic threat. I don't think they would try to go to war with us.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are back in Afghanistan, vowing to take the fight to us again with an attack worse than 9/11/01.
Yeah. They're always talking shit I guess. Maybe they'll attack us again. High amounts of military expenditure won't safeguard us from small and difficult to track terrorist operations though.
We spy on Russia and fuck with them too.

We 'spy' on Russia.....we 'fuck' with them, too...


Dude, our government spies on our own people. Do you call attacking the united states - an act of war - with Cyber Warfare 'fucking with someone'? It's an ACT OF WAR. Do you call engaging in an ACT OF WAR - attacking US citizens with sonic weapons, leaving them with brain damage 'fucking' with someone?

Weak-ass shit like that attitude is why Russia is STILL engaging in Cyber Warfare and engaging in ransomware, holding business hostage, halting energy production and food / energy distribution and why they are still attacking US citizens. (You aren't one of Biden's advisors, are you?)

'Blood In The Water' - that what Biden has caused.....

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