First Asimov and Now Sagan


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I searched for thread titles with Carl Sagan and came up with this decade old beauty on Sagan's foolhardy arrogance:

(3) Where else was Carl Sagan 100% wrong? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

P 20: “Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.” (We agree. There is, however, widespread hubris exhibited by “intellectuals”, which is virtually synonymous with leftists such as Carl Sagan.)

P 29: “Each plant and animal is exquisitely made; should not a supremely competent Designer have been able to make the intended variety from the start?
(First he claims each plant and animal is exquisitely made and then he challenges the "Designer"'s comptence.)

P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....”
(Should any Christian suggest "marvelous" design, the godless Left will mock and ridicule him for "the argument from incredulity." But when a fellow godless Leftist suggests marvelous design, well that's brilliant, n'est-ce pas?)

(More of Sagan's arguments from incredulity, which is to say in Lefty speak, ignorance.)

P 93: “Astronomical spectroscopy is an almost magical technique. It amazes me still.”

P 121: (Voyager 2 showed that) “Mars was a place.” (For $265 million, you get such wisdom. And pictures of rocks too. Don’t forget those.)

P 125: “We can be fooled.” (NOOOOOOO ! Scientists? Fooled?)

P 193: We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” (P 289: “The fastest object ever launched by the human species [Voyager] will take tens of thousands of years to go to the nearest star.”)

P 200: “Nothing in physics prevents you from traveling as close to the speed of light as you like.” (Nothing like taking off from the earth with a trillion tons of fuel and oxygen. Nothing like hitting a rock at one-half light speed. Nothing like bringing along LOTS of food. Unbridgeable chasms stand between the theoretical and the realizable.)

P 203: Today we have preliminary designs for ships to take people to the stars. (Project) Orion was designed to utilize explosions of hydrogen bombs against an internal plate . . .” (Made of what? YOU get inside and set off the H bomb.)

P 243: “Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish.” (Except for theologians, militarists, nationalists, and other “chauvinists”.)

Ibid: “If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?” (Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan Page 32: “We can recognize here a shortcoming [that 70% of people surveyed think the sun is alive]”.)

These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.
When science becomes a religion.

Beyond Belief

"Belief systems form a distorting filter through which their adherents view the world. This is usually surreptitious, in the sense that adherents don’t usually even realize that they have adopted a belief system. They interpret the world through the prism of their beliefs without being consciously aware of any filtering or distorting.

This is particularly evident with psi phenomena. Materialists sometimes dismiss the possibility of psi by referring to the "Occam's razor" principle that the simplest and least speculative explanation is usually the right one. But the question of what constitutes simple or speculative is determined by one's perspective, through the lens of expectations and assumptions.

Materialism's explanations only seem simple and economical if you have already decided that materialism is true. Many materialist explanations—such as for altruism or near-death experiences—are tortuous and convoluted, rather than simple and economical.. . . "
Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan

P 210 “My colleagues today ‑ struggling for every space science dollar . . .”
(Perhaps Professor Sagan believed that life ought not be quite so difficult for those who call themselves "scientists" and tug at our wallets.)

P 225 "(Hansen) courageously testified before congress . . .(this was during the Reagan years)" (“Old exhortations to jingoist pride have begun to lose their appeal”, Cosmos, P 332. So Sagan lauds the "courage" of a scientist talking to a group of Americans. What a high standard for "courage" he has established in the realm of science. What contempt for "our" (as Clinton’s fawning supporters refer to Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton only) President Reagan.)

P 268 “The price (of a manned Mars mission) must be reasonable . . .$100 billion “ ("Reasonable" is a relative term. Particularly when the failure rate is 30% to 40%. P 246. Perhaps only the defense budget is “unreasonable”.)

P 295 “ Our world does not seem to have been sculpted by a master craftsman. “ (The atheistic arrogance of this singular statement is incredibly arrogant, not to mention blasphemous. Elsewhere Sagan marvels at our world he so condescendingly criticizes here. From Cosmos, P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....” "Spectroscopy amazes me still.")

P 375 “[Living on Mars] is not very expensive.” (Never mind the 30% to 40% failure ratio of space flights which Sagan himself cited. I bet “living on Mars” costs a great deal more than living in New York. But when you’re living on the government dole, “expensive” is a pretty meaningless word.)

P 386 “Eventually the solar system will become too dangerous for us. “ (Maybe in 5 billion years. Don’t lose any sleep, though.)

P 394 “ We will spread through the Milky Way.” (With our imaginary space ship, “Orion”, “A trip to Alpha Centauri would take 43 years”, P 203, of Cosmos. Alpha Centauri is a mere 4 light years away. The Milky Way is 100,000 LY across.)
Last edited:
Sagan came up with the baloney detection kit, but didn't use it on himself. What a hypocrite and liar!!!

His 8 min spiel on evolution.

I think it consists of the following:

  1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”
  2. Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
  3. Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.
  4. Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
  5. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will.
  6. Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging.
  7. If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them.
  8. Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.
  9. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. Consider the grand idea that our Universe and everything in it is just an elementary particle — an electron, say — in a much bigger Cosmos. But if we can never acquire information from outside our Universe, is not the idea incapable of disproof? You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result."
Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan

P 210 “My colleagues today ‑ struggling for every space science dollar . . .”
(Perhaps Professor Sagan believed that life ought not be quite so difficult for those who call themselves "scientists" and tug at our wallets.)

P 225 "(Hansen) courageously testified before congress . . .(this was during the Reagan years)" (“Old exhortations to jingoist pride have begun to lose their appeal”, Cosmos, P 332. So Sagan lauds the "courage" of a scientist talking to a group of Americans. What a high standard for "courage" he has established in the realm of science. What contempt for "our" (as Clinton’s fawning supporters refer to Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton only) President Reagan.)

P 268 “The price (of a manned Mars mission) must be reasonable . . .$100 billion “ ("Reasonable" is a relative term. Particularly when the failure rate is 30% to 40%. P 246. Perhaps only the defense budget is “unreasonable”.)

P 295 “ Our world does not seem to have been sculpted by a master craftsman. “ (The atheistic arrogance of this singular statement is incredibly arrogant, not to mention blasphemous. Elsewhere Sagan marvels at our world he so condescendingly criticizes here. From Cosmos, P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....” "Spectroscopy amazes me still.")

P 375 “[Living on Mars] is not very expensive.” (Never mind the 30% to 40% failure ratio of space flights which Sagan himself cited. I bet “living on Mars” costs a great deal more than living in New York. But when you’re living on the government dole, “expensive” is a pretty meaningless word.)

P 386 “Eventually the solar system will become too dangerous for us. “ (Maybe in 5 billion years. Don’t lose any sleep, though.)

P 394 “ We will spread through the Milky Way.” (With our imaginary space ship, “Orion”, “A trip to Alpha Centauri would take 43 years”, P 203, of Cosmos. Alpha Centauri is a mere 4 light years away. The Milky Way is 100,000 LY across.)
Billions and billions of ''quotes''.
Sagan came up with the baloney detection kit, but didn't use it on himself. What a hypocrite and liar!!!

His 8 min spiel on evolution.

I think it consists of the following:

  1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”
  2. Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
  3. Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.
  4. Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
  5. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will.
  6. Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging.
  7. If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them.
  8. Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.
  9. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. Consider the grand idea that our Universe and everything in it is just an elementary particle — an electron, say — in a much bigger Cosmos. But if we can never acquire information from outside our Universe, is not the idea incapable of disproof? You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result."

Apply the above items 1 through 9 to claims for your gods.
Sagan came up with the baloney detection kit, but didn't use it on himself. What a hypocrite and liar!!!

His 8 min spiel on evolution.

The always smiling, always arrogant Carl Sagan began his evolution spiel with this sentence:

"A simple chemical circumstance....."

As if the synthesis of proteins is "simple," particularly from an ocean of inorganic minerals in dirty water. Ignore chirality. Ignore the insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis, i.e. 1/20 to the nth power, where there are thousands of different values for different proteins, up to titin, where n = 33,450.

It's oh so "simple" if you are imaginative and anti-science, as Carl was, as Isaac Asimov was.

"Sex was invented." - Carl Sagan

"An object moving upward continues on forever..." - Isaac Asimov

Throw up a rock, will you?
Sagan came up with the baloney detection kit, but didn't use it on himself. What a hypocrite and liar!!!

His 8 min spiel on evolution.

The always smiling, always arrogant Carl Sagan began his evolution spiel with this sentence:

"A simple chemical circumstance....."

As if the synthesis of proteins is "simple," particularly from an ocean of inorganic minerals in dirty water. Ignore chirality. Ignore the insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis, i.e. 1/20 to the nth power, where there are thousands of different values for different proteins, up to titin, where n = 33,450.

It's oh so "simple" if you are imaginative and anti-science, as Carl was, as Isaac Asimov was.

"Sex was invented." - Carl Sagan

"An object moving upward continues on forever..." - Isaac Asimov

Throw up a rock, will you?

Whoo boy. The religious zealot is spewing his AIG version of biology.
I searched for thread titles with Carl Sagan and came up with this decade old beauty on Sagan's foolhardy arrogance:

(3) Where else was Carl Sagan 100% wrong? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

P 20: “Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.” (We agree. There is, however, widespread hubris exhibited by “intellectuals”, which is virtually synonymous with leftists such as Carl Sagan.)

P 29: “Each plant and animal is exquisitely made; should not a supremely competent Designer have been able to make the intended variety from the start?
(First he claims each plant and animal is exquisitely made and then he challenges the "Designer"'s comptence.)

P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....”
(Should any Christian suggest "marvelous" design, the godless Left will mock and ridicule him for "the argument from incredulity." But when a fellow godless Leftist suggests marvelous design, well that's brilliant, n'est-ce pas?)

(More of Sagan's arguments from incredulity, which is to say in Lefty speak, ignorance.)

P 93: “Astronomical spectroscopy is an almost magical technique. It amazes me still.”

P 121: (Voyager 2 showed that) “Mars was a place.” (For $265 million, you get such wisdom. And pictures of rocks too. Don’t forget those.)

P 125: “We can be fooled.” (NOOOOOOO ! Scientists? Fooled?)

P 193: We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” (P 289: “The fastest object ever launched by the human species [Voyager] will take tens of thousands of years to go to the nearest star.”)

P 200: “Nothing in physics prevents you from traveling as close to the speed of light as you like.” (Nothing like taking off from the earth with a trillion tons of fuel and oxygen. Nothing like hitting a rock at one-half light speed. Nothing like bringing along LOTS of food. Unbridgeable chasms stand between the theoretical and the realizable.)

P 203: Today we have preliminary designs for ships to take people to the stars. (Project) Orion was designed to utilize explosions of hydrogen bombs against an internal plate . . .” (Made of what? YOU get inside and set off the H bomb.)

P 243: “Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish.” (Except for theologians, militarists, nationalists, and other “chauvinists”.)

Ibid: “If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?” (Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan Page 32: “We can recognize here a shortcoming [that 70% of people surveyed think the sun is alive]”.)

These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.

So based on a few out of context quotes we're supposed to discard all of what science has shown us over the last 500 years and, instead, embrace the idea that some old guy with a beard sitting on a cloud somewhere ....

You know it's just too stupid to repeat.

Enjoy your religion but, please, don't try to equate your fantasy bearded magician to anything related to science. For thousands of years what we did not understand we attributed to the gods, or in your case, "God." The last 500 have shown all of those beliefs to be false. The next 500 will show even more of how your beliefs are nothing but silly.

Assuming, of course, you people don't decide to destroy all of humanity in you effort to prove "God" right.
So based on a few out of context quotes we're supposed to discard all of what science has shown us over the last 500 years and, instead, embrace the idea that some old guy with a beard sitting on a cloud somewhere ....

You know it's just too stupid to repeat.

Your nonsense is incredibly stupid, and yet I repeat it in order to refute your lies and ignorance, just as I did Asimov's and Sagan's and for profit yet! I sold Sagan's reply letter for $125.
Now here is your ignorance exposed:

1. Not ONE of my quotes was taken out of context. Not ONE. You lie and can't even be decent enough to do any research, any homework and demonstrate your reprehensible claims.
2. Sagan's ignorance has nothing to do with religion. I point out that he was agnostic ONLY BECAUSE you godless Leftists are always pretending to be so smug, so intellectual, and here two of your intellectual giants are exposed by their own published ignorance. You can't stand it!

We continue, slicing and dicing you.

Enjoy your religion but, please, don't try to equate your fantasy bearded magician to anything related to science. For thousands of years what we did not understand we attributed to the gods, or in your case, "God." The last 500 have shown all of those beliefs to be false. The next 500 will show even more of how your beliefs are nothing but silly.

is Carl Sagan's published books. Do try to improve your reading comprehension.
Moreover, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian Charters. Can you name one college with an atheist charter? Take your time.

Assuming, of course, you people don't decide to destroy all of humanity in you effort to prove "God" right.

Atheist communists starved and murdered scores of millions in the 20th Century. Your history is pathetic and so is your reading comprehension.

Try this: Let's Examine Claims of Atheists
I searched for thread titles with Carl Sagan and came up with this decade old beauty on Sagan's foolhardy arrogance:

(3) Where else was Carl Sagan 100% wrong? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

P 20: “Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.” (We agree. There is, however, widespread hubris exhibited by “intellectuals”, which is virtually synonymous with leftists such as Carl Sagan.)

P 29: “Each plant and animal is exquisitely made; should not a supremely competent Designer have been able to make the intended variety from the start?
(First he claims each plant and animal is exquisitely made and then he challenges the "Designer"'s comptence.)

P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....”
(Should any Christian suggest "marvelous" design, the godless Left will mock and ridicule him for "the argument from incredulity." But when a fellow godless Leftist suggests marvelous design, well that's brilliant, n'est-ce pas?)

(More of Sagan's arguments from incredulity, which is to say in Lefty speak, ignorance.)

P 93: “Astronomical spectroscopy is an almost magical technique. It amazes me still.”

P 121: (Voyager 2 showed that) “Mars was a place.” (For $265 million, you get such wisdom. And pictures of rocks too. Don’t forget those.)

P 125: “We can be fooled.” (NOOOOOOO ! Scientists? Fooled?)

P 193: We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” (P 289: “The fastest object ever launched by the human species [Voyager] will take tens of thousands of years to go to the nearest star.”)

P 200: “Nothing in physics prevents you from traveling as close to the speed of light as you like.” (Nothing like taking off from the earth with a trillion tons of fuel and oxygen. Nothing like hitting a rock at one-half light speed. Nothing like bringing along LOTS of food. Unbridgeable chasms stand between the theoretical and the realizable.)

P 203: Today we have preliminary designs for ships to take people to the stars. (Project) Orion was designed to utilize explosions of hydrogen bombs against an internal plate . . .” (Made of what? YOU get inside and set off the H bomb.)

P 243: “Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish.” (Except for theologians, militarists, nationalists, and other “chauvinists”.)

Ibid: “If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?” (Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan Page 32: “We can recognize here a shortcoming [that 70% of people surveyed think the sun is alive]”.)

These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.
There's nothing more arrogant than a Jew turned Godless.
These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.
There's nothing more arrogant than a Jew turned Godless.

There is widespread competition among Leftists to see who, exactly, can be the most insufferably
arrogant. It seems to be a 25,000,000 way tie.

The "Religious Right" as we are called, simply try to present the truth, as best we can. Our intellect is never the subject. Yet the Left always assaults us, calling US "stupid" as if that makes them right and us wrong, without ever addressing the points we make. These two threads are perfect examples. I cite irrefutable evidence of their Best and Brightest making egregious, published, documented errors, and whoosh! They ignore them and try to make me the subject, as Asimov did in his postcard, so fancily signed. heh heh heh
If only he spent some time with his son David, instead of writing for ever more fame, glory, and money.
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul, and his only son.......
These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.
There's nothing more arrogant than a Jew turned Godless.

There is widespread competition among Leftists to see who, exactly, can be the most insufferably
arrogant. It seems to be a 25,000,000 way tie.

The "Religious Right" as we are called, simply try to present the truth, as best we can. Our intellect is never the subject. Yet the Left always assaults us, calling US "stupid" as if that makes them right and us wrong, without ever addressing the points we make. These two threads are perfect examples. I cite irrefutable evidence of their Best and Brightest making egregious, published, documented errors, and whoosh! They ignore them and try to make me the subject, as Asimov did in his postcard, so fancily signed. heh heh heh
If only he spent some time with his son David, instead of writing for ever more fame, glory, and money.
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul, and his only son.......
I found it hilarious that you define the hyper-religious as some arbiters of truth.

I found your comment about “irrefutable evidence” to be a contradiction to your title of “arbiter of twoof”, I’ve found that the cut and pasters of edited, parsed and out of context ‘quotes” to be among the most dishonest hacks.
So based on a few out of context quotes we're supposed to discard all of what science has shown us over the last 500 years and, instead, embrace the idea that some old guy with a beard sitting on a cloud somewhere ....

You know it's just too stupid to repeat.

Your nonsense is incredibly stupid, and yet I repeat it in order to refute your lies and ignorance, just as I did Asimov's and Sagan's and for profit yet! I sold Sagan's reply letter for $125.
Now here is your ignorance exposed:

1. Not ONE of my quotes was taken out of context. Not ONE. You lie and can't even be decent enough to do any research, any homework and demonstrate your reprehensible claims.
2. Sagan's ignorance has nothing to do with religion. I point out that he was agnostic ONLY BECAUSE you godless Leftists are always pretending to be so smug, so intellectual, and here two of your intellectual giants are exposed by their own published ignorance. You can't stand it!

We continue, slicing and dicing you.

Enjoy your religion but, please, don't try to equate your fantasy bearded magician to anything related to science. For thousands of years what we did not understand we attributed to the gods, or in your case, "God." The last 500 have shown all of those beliefs to be false. The next 500 will show even more of how your beliefs are nothing but silly.

THE SUBJECT is Carl Sagan's published books. Do try to improve your reading comprehension.
Moreover, the Ivy League Colleges all have Christian Charters. Can you name one college with an atheist charter? Take your time.

Assuming, of course, you people don't decide to destroy all of humanity in you effort to prove "God" right.

Atheist communists starved and murdered scores of millions in the 20th Century. Your history is pathetic and so is your reading comprehension.

Try this: Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

That's quite a response for someone who spent all that effort to say nothing.

Yes, quoting a single thought from a several hundred page book among dozens of books is quoting out of context

AND another simple fact that you, in fact, FAILED TO DISPUTE

Since humanity became cogent it has attribute all it did not understand to the gods. And, yes, even your fairy tale admits it is but one of many fairy tales.

If that is not an admission that there are many gods then your holy book is as full of crap as you.
At this point you have a choice
Admit your god is a fantasy or
Admit all the "gods" are just as real as your "god"

I fully support your right to worship any fantasy you choose. THAT is what America is about.
What America is also about is that you don't get to force your fantasies into my life, the schools, or our government.
(FYI, that's in the first amendment)

Christians killed 90% of the native populations in the Americas
Christians purposely infected Native Peoples with small pox
Christians committed the atrocities of the Inquisition
Would you like more or do you need to have a word with your bearded cloud guy?
“There is, for example, the deist god that many of the founding fathers of this country believed in, a roi faineant, a do-nothing king, the god who creates the universe and then retires, and to whom praying to is sort of pointless. He’s not here now; he went somewhere else; he had other things to do.” – Carl Sagan, page 156, Carl Sagan’s Universe, Yervant Terzian and Elizabeth Bilson, 1997

Ann Druyan - “I remember with pride the courage Carl displayed before a sea of military fruit salad and hungry contractors with dollar signs where their eyes should have been, at the Department of Defense at the height of the Reagan-Bush Star Wars hysteria.” – Ibid, page 165

“I’m reminded of another miracle performed by Carl. In the 1980s he was asked to testify at an Arkansas trial over the teaching of evolution in the schools.” – Ibid,page 166

Walter Anderson - “In my country, our country, 44 million Americans - roughly one in five - function at the most marginal level of literacy, according to the U.S. Department of Education.”

“The third-world character of most schools is a direct consequence of our failure to provide adequate resources to those schools.” – Bill Aldridge, page 213

November, 2017 A YouGov survey found that more millennials would rather live in a socialist (44%) or communist (7%) country than a capitalist one (42%). America and our once cherished ideals are doomed.

“In 1950, we spent (in 1989 dollars) $1,333 per student. In 1989 we spent $4931. As John Silber, the President of Boston University, has written, ‘It is troubling that this nearly fourfold increase in real spending has brought no improvement. It is scandalous that it has not prevented substantial decline.’ ” – William J. Bennett, former Secretary of Education, in
The De-Valuing of America

“Whatever else it is, higher education is not a bastion of excellence. It is shot through with waste, lax academic standards and mediocre teaching and scholarship.” – Robert J Samuelson, member of the National Association of Scholars

“It is almost a miracle that modern teaching methods have not
yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry.” —Albert Einstein

Education is the only industry in America that has yet to face significant pressures to cost-cut. – Scott Galloway, New York University Business School, 2020

“Yet universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance….” -Stephen Pinker, liberal atheist professor, Harvard University

“What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....” - Carl Sagan, Cosmos, page 33

“Nothing in physics prevents you from traveling as close to the speed of light as you like.” - Ibid, page 200

“Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish.” - Ibid, page 243

“If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?” - Ibid

“Those afraid of the universe as it really is, those who pretend to nonexistent knowledge and envision a Cosmos centered on human beings will prefer the fleeting comforts of superstition.” - Ibid, page 332

“Sex was invented.”- Ibid, page 338
I searched for thread titles with Carl Sagan and came up with this decade old beauty on Sagan's foolhardy arrogance:

(3) Where else was Carl Sagan 100% wrong? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Cosmos, by Carl Sagan

P 20: “Intellectual capacity is no guarantee against being dead wrong.” (We agree. There is, however, widespread hubris exhibited by “intellectuals”, which is virtually synonymous with leftists such as Carl Sagan.)

P 29: “Each plant and animal is exquisitely made; should not a supremely competent Designer have been able to make the intended variety from the start?
(First he claims each plant and animal is exquisitely made and then he challenges the "Designer"'s comptence.)

P 33: “What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling each other’s exhalations....”
(Should any Christian suggest "marvelous" design, the godless Left will mock and ridicule him for "the argument from incredulity." But when a fellow godless Leftist suggests marvelous design, well that's brilliant, n'est-ce pas?)

(More of Sagan's arguments from incredulity, which is to say in Lefty speak, ignorance.)

P 93: “Astronomical spectroscopy is an almost magical technique. It amazes me still.”

P 121: (Voyager 2 showed that) “Mars was a place.” (For $265 million, you get such wisdom. And pictures of rocks too. Don’t forget those.)

P 125: “We can be fooled.” (NOOOOOOO ! Scientists? Fooled?)

P 193: We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” (P 289: “The fastest object ever launched by the human species [Voyager] will take tens of thousands of years to go to the nearest star.”)

P 200: “Nothing in physics prevents you from traveling as close to the speed of light as you like.” (Nothing like taking off from the earth with a trillion tons of fuel and oxygen. Nothing like hitting a rock at one-half light speed. Nothing like bringing along LOTS of food. Unbridgeable chasms stand between the theoretical and the realizable.)

P 203: Today we have preliminary designs for ships to take people to the stars. (Project) Orion was designed to utilize explosions of hydrogen bombs against an internal plate . . .” (Made of what? YOU get inside and set off the H bomb.)

P 243: “Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish.” (Except for theologians, militarists, nationalists, and other “chauvinists”.)

Ibid: “If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?” (Pale Blue Dot, by Carl Sagan Page 32: “We can recognize here a shortcoming [that 70% of people surveyed think the sun is alive]”.)

These are just a few excerpts from one of Carl's many books. All are similarly fraught with errors and self-contradictions which would be mocked by Leftists/atheists had they been written by a Christian apologist. The double standard of the Left is deep and wide. It is a complete work of fiction, rather like Isaac Asimov was, another Leftist/atheist of insufferable arrogance.

Oh, gawd. The Jimmy Swaggert wannabe is pontificating again.

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