Firearm safety legislation for movies makers now!

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

There's been enough movie set and TV series deaths over the years because of fools handling working firearms. It's time to give these production companies their two options...

1. If people on movie sets want to use working firearms then anyone working on the set, employee or actor, should be required to take a firearm safety course and get a carry permit.

2. If they don't like option number one then all firearms used in the production need to have leaded barrels making then incapable of firing.

I'm offering NO other options available on this matter.

The NRA needs to make this legislation happen ASAP!!!


From another post in one of the Baldwin threads, I saw that they already have pretty stringent procedures for firearms in movies....Procedures which Baldwin ignored.

Like gun laws, who needs more when the ones already there aren't being enforced?
From another post in one of the Baldwin threads, I saw that they already have pretty stringent procedures for firearms in movies....Procedures which Baldwin ignored.

Like gun laws, who needs more when the ones already there aren't being enforced?


Of course they aren't going to follow the rules...


Enacting this legislation will only prove to the public that they should all...


Movies should replace their guns with sticks like kids had to use in the good old days to play cowboys Ziepersons and indians and indigenous peoples.
From another post in one of the Baldwin threads, I saw that they already have pretty stringent procedures for firearms in movies....Procedures which Baldwin ignored.

Like gun laws, who needs more when the ones already there aren't being enforced?


Besides the legislation I'm proposing is aimed directly at actors and movie producers.

They want realism this is as real as it gets.

Too bad if it drives up the costs of production.



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