Find the difference!

Those cops were obviously in fear for their lives. A couple of those little kids looked like they might have had some sort of advanced MMA training, and the cops just couldn't take that chance.



The difference is the police and govt can be checked in America
by enforcing the Constitution through an educated and empowered citizenry.

US laws give people the authority to limit and check the Govt.

Police, Military vets, and Govt officials who take an OATH to uphold the Constitution
can thus be held to those principles, rebuked and corrected
similar to how Scriptural laws and authority are invoked by
"fellow adherents" who can then cite these laws to check and rebuke each other by it.

America has both the church foundation and culture through Scriptural laws, authority and teaching; and the self-government foundation and culture through Constitutional laws, authority and teaching:

* Scriptural laws and authority make people equal as the Church body
* Constitutional laws and authority make people equal as the Government

That's the difference it makes when officers and officials in America
swear an oath to uphold the Constitution and take their vows seriously by conscience.

It allows people to check against political abuses of Govt by citing law as the authority.
Similar to how the laws and authority using Scripture allows check against abuse of religious authority of the church.
Find the difference!
Goof Lord, BluePriester, YOU find the difference! What's your bullshit beef now, that the USA is like Venezuela because you hand-picked two videos of an arrest? Videos don't tell the context-- -- -- how do you tell apart an attack of someone because they intended to rob their purse from them from the attack of someone because they were assaulting your wife and you came to their defense? A punch is a punch when all you see is the punch.

DO US ALL A FAVOR and move to Venezuela.
Find the difference...


That woman needs sanctions! Quick! Before its too late!

Did you see the difference between the USA and Venezuela? 1 woman is eating herself to death, the other is starving to death. First is her choice, the 2nd is the governments choice. This is what you get with Socialism.

Propaganda shit. That woman is fat because your pirate government steals other countries´ wealth. Now, Venezuela.

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