Filed a statement,He did


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
This " he " from america's premier Political family.
That's he'll be running for Biden's seat.A file of candidacy.
No satire needed.So rest easy in your easy chairs.
If poss-ee-bow.Proilly not.Not in todays overheated
political atmosphere where Virtually EVERYTHING
that ain't nailed down is suspect.Of course unless it involves
a Democrat.Then everything is just hunky dory and a whole
lot more.Um ... Kinda creepy this way of playing politics by the Left.
Good tink this " he " is a Democrat.The son of a former Attorney
General and nephew of a former President.
His last name as legendary as Quaker Oats.
I doubt he'll ever be unbugged by those wiling to make his
first name shortened.By his voice is fairly unique.
He looks like a Kennedy.He dresses like a Kennedy and
he speaks passionately like a concerned American.
" We can't advance ourselves as a people by leaving our
poorer brothers and sisters behind. The things that define our
our nation are these communities,and they are based on the
Constitution. " --
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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