feral cats and kittens the saga goes on

10 oz ..she is tiny....but dont worry....i will not let her starve.....i think thor is waiting for me to fatten her up....but she is desperate for a friend....and for for reason looks like the 100 lb dog is gonna let the 10 oz kitty take up with him...clark did run over and smack her...no claws but just a solid smack....roland hisses but roland doesnt like anyone....jake is too old to take up with a young kitty...so i bet its gonna be thor
Bones,, Buster and I hand raised four little abandoned kitties for the Humane Society.. feeding them,, making the poop and pee and cleaning them til they were about eight weeks old.. wow,, that was some work. They all turned out to be beautiful kitties and all of them got adopted. You'll be a good mama to that beautiful kitten..:clap2:

ahhh finally thanks MM so there is Buster and his babies.. :)

hey..is that a parson russell?

Looks just like my Mylo. I picked her up from the Humane Society (where I was volunteering). Except Mylo is black and white.
please mm i know she needs toys....i got to get the bigger crate open..no reason to lock her inside it...and with the bigger crate will come toys...she needs lots of food and rest right now to put on weight...think of her as in sumo training..she just wants to be next to another animal or in my lap lol
Mylo is why we are a cat-free zone at my house. She'd grab that kitty up and give it one shake and that would be the end.

We used to have a 90-lb dog who let our vicious baby persian sleep on her.
hell mm i got to find toys smaller than him....playing with thors nub will not go well...plus if you have ever had a doberman...that is the end you dont want to be on...they fart....a lot.....a whole lot
please mm i know she needs toys....i got to get the bigger crate open..no reason to lock her inside it...and with the bigger crate will come toys...she needs lots of food and rest right now to put on weight...think of her as in sumo training..she just wants to be next to another animal or in my lap lol
Yep she needs alot of lap time, nurture time.
10 oz ..she is tiny....but dont worry....i will not let her starve.....i think thor is waiting for me to fatten her up....but she is desperate for a friend....and for for reason looks like the 100 lb dog is gonna let the 10 oz kitty take up with him...clark did run over and smack her...no claws but just a solid smack....roland hisses but roland doesnt like anyone....jake is too old to take up with a young kitty...so i bet its gonna be thor

We had a big old orangatan here in our zoo whose mate died.. He adopted a little kitten.. they were best buds.. I'll post a picture when I find it.. animals are just way cooler than we evil humans are.
she is up...she is eating on her own...want to see the bloody index finger...now she is trying to take up with someone to be her buddy...if i get out of her sight....she just squeals...

just looking for a friend:


maybe trying to play with the thor's nub is not the thing to do:

How freakin' damn cute, bones. I bet the kitten (does he have a name yet?) will be the one to call all the shots.
The name Tiff is kinda cute. Our cat is all black and the oldest named him Shadow when she was 8. She wanted to name him Squanto (she was learning about him in school at the time).
update: husband is doing all he can..to avoid doing anything but holding her and petting her....she is small and needs a lot of sleep ....as for me....i am getting maybe 4 hours sleep at a time...she has this....eye med 3 x a day....some med 2 x a day....has to be feed this kitten milk replacement and chicken and gravy baby food 2...with kitten chow crushed up and place in the milk stufff..heat in microwave...stick finger in it to test..."ouchie thats hot" then add more kitten milk to cool it off..she is eating and pooping on her own...

thor has decided she belongs to him...so if she so much as makes a sound in pain he goes after the other animal closest to her...we have to work on that....but so far we are all making it...well my sanity is slowly slipping even futher away.....
thor has decided she belongs to him...so if she so much as makes a sound in pain he goes after the other animal closest to her...we have to work on that....but so far we are all making it...well my sanity is slowly slipping even futher away.....
He can tell the little tyke is pretty much helpless in this big cold cruel world and his paternal instinct kicked in. My neutered male cat, Powley, did the same thing!
mm you realize thor is the 100 lb doberman , right? and he has to see her when she is out...and he has to watch me put her in her crate to sleep...if she is meowing ...he goes to the door of the room and whines till i get her out...its kinda sweet and funny till one of the other animals get near her...
so now i have to work on that...i will feel a lot more comfie when she is not so little...and has a chance..thor likes to sit on the cats...dont ask me why..but the big cats know to dart out the back of his legs before he sits down totally...so we have to be carefull with them for a while...

plus we have this wee problem...hubby has promised to take me to the blue ridge bbq festival this saturday...i am like..what you gonna do with the kitten, tiff, ...his solution...take her with us and leave her in the car...hello stupid man....that aint happening...too hot down there to leave her in the car...so now i am looking for someone i trust....(hell who am i kidding...i only trust my sons) both are working...i have been looking forward to this festival for a while....ahhh wtf ...there is one in july...it will be hot as hell off the mountain....and my birthday is not in july....

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