CDZ Feminism promotes prostitution?

To Post 1 - I didn't read every thread in here, how about the opposite side of the coin?

So I'm a 43 year old woman, big on mom duty, can't cook admittedly, but I love sex. I'd say I'm mostly traditional in the whole husband "role" vs wife "role"

I believed strongly in raising my kids myself even though I did want to have a career and originally planned to until my first baby boy looked up at me and I said hmm... So I stayed home with them and handled /everything/ to do with them. Ended up divorced - first husband fell in love with someone else, not too big a deal cause our marriage was idk too fast and we'd only stuck together for the kids. But ya know, I find another guy and he's West Point seems stand up with lots of ex girlfriend trouble. For 17 fucking years I do everything I can to help him, I spend as much time as I can with him, and I've only bitched about the fact that /he/ was too tired to have sex with me. I took care of his kid from another mother for 12 years, and my boys too; getting them to school and doctors appointments, all the cub/boy scouts, all the football, baseball, soccer, band, ice skating, swimming, you name it, it was /always/ me taking them.

He decides to go find someone else because I can't cook, can't fix cars, not a carpenter, not a plumber... It's not money, I have it all, but he still wants me to have a job so I'm being "productive" - I just left my last job 4 years ago and decided to work on a publishing another novel series and produce an anime. He bitches that I never do anything cause I'm on the computer all day... I'm like no shit Sherlock that's usually where fucking writers do their work... He says I haven't contributed anything to the household - the fuck... And as for "taking care of me" or "giving me his money" FUUUCK NO, in fact hes so greedy about /his/ money that he wouldn't give me a dime if it might save my life lol Not that I need it, I've got like a mil five in the market. Which is why him being pissed that I retired is so utterly stupid. I mean he pays bills, which I guess is the only really "traditional" thing about him, but he's fucking resentful about it, always bitching about he's working his ass off to pay them - and I'm like well fucking stop it and I'll pay for them then and he says basically "I'm not your bitch!" But he's like jealous as fuck or something that I could just not work anymore, hell he could not work anymore too and I'd pay for it but he doesn't want to be reliant on me or some shit. I don't get it at all.

So yea, other than the cooking thing I'm a pretty good wife and I got shit on for being a traditional wife instead of one who has a career.
If money is not the problem; why not pay more of the bills? It seems like the only issue.

You can always practice investing more, and promise to "buy him toys" if you have a decent, "run in the market".
No need to raise your hackles. I see I've struck a nerve... Lemme guess... I sound like an ex husband? FWIW... I don't patronize hookers. Though I can understand the appeal. However if half my assets are on the line... That ass is mine. Simple as that.

I don't have an ex-husband.

My hackles are raised (not really) because you seem to see a wife as a piece of property, rather than a partner.

Which is why I think the smart thing for you to do is to keep paying for hookers.

Me, I was glad to have my best friend for the time I had him.
Your illiteracy isn't my problem. I don't see a wife as property. I one as a partner. And that includes sex. Sex is the only aspect that differentiates, wife from "friend". No sex? No wife. Deal with it...

Hey, don't get your hackles up. You're the one who wrote, "that ass is mine."

I can deal with your views on relationships, since they don't affect me. I'm trying to have a discussion.
As am I. As for "That ass is mine". It goes both ways. To be a spouse you need to be willing to be another person's "everything". isn't just about sex.
If money is not the problem; why not pay more of the bills? It seems like the only issue.

You can always practice investing more, and promise to "buy him toys" if you have a decent, "run in the market".

That's the thing though, he bitches about "working his ass off to pay the bills," I say well fucking stop it then you idiot I'll go pull a few stocks, then he goes off on a tantrum about how "its not right to just pull money out of your ass." Basically I should get a job and it's not that he /wants/ the money, because I give him money for the bills and he gets pissy that I think he's not bringing home the bacon. I swear he's worse than a woman at times.

He also has more toys than he knows what to do with already. Boats, snow machines, cars, tools (he has a $5k snap on custom painted tool box with a fob for the security alarm), he just spent like $4 on guns (which I wouldn't let him get until now because of the kids.) He's been blowing like $200 a week on a room at the Hilton for him and this chick, plus $50-70 for dinner or whatever... And the fuck all that I have to bribe him for sex or some shit. I'm pissed because I've turned down more offers of a good time from people I'm seriously interested than I can count, and clearly I should have taken them up on their delicious offers.

It's not about the money, its about idk jealousy or some idea that I didn't earn it so it's not fair (though I'd debate that I invested very wisely and risked a lot on a great investment, so I did earn it just not in the physical get up in the morning and go to work kind of way.) He also gets all ragey about my parents being wealthy and spoiling me. His folks made him pay mileage to use the car to get to work. My folks send little gifts for me all the time, or my mother and I go shopping; he comes home and see the new loot and gets all grumpy because I didn't "work for that" (my mother insists on paying because she has more than I do, that's like rich person hierarchy stuff heh)

No, he basically just turned into a fruit loop. It irritates me that I didn't pick up on the stench as I like to pride myself on being intelligent... But clearly I married a complete moron. I've decided to find me one of them pussy men and spoil them rotten. I figure if they're dependent on me financially then they'll keep their stupid rediculious shit to themselves rather than risk being tossed out of my care like a bad dog.
If money is not the problem; why not pay more of the bills? It seems like the only issue.

You can always practice investing more, and promise to "buy him toys" if you have a decent, "run in the market".

That's the thing though, he bitches about "working his ass off to pay the bills," I say well fucking stop it then you idiot I'll go pull a few stocks, then he goes off on a tantrum about how "its not right to just pull money out of your ass." Basically I should get a job and it's not that he /wants/ the money, because I give him money for the bills and he gets pissy that I think he's not bringing home the bacon. I swear he's worse than a woman at times.

He also has more toys than he knows what to do with already. Boats, snow machines, cars, tools (he has a $5k snap on custom painted tool box with a fob for the security alarm), he just spent like $4 on guns (which I wouldn't let him get until now because of the kids.) He's been blowing like $200 a week on a room at the Hilton for him and this chick, plus $50-70 for dinner or whatever... And the fuck all that I have to bribe him for sex or some shit. I'm pissed because I've turned down more offers of a good time from people I'm seriously interested than I can count, and clearly I should have taken them up on their delicious offers.

It's not about the money, its about idk jealousy or some idea that I didn't earn it so it's not fair (though I'd debate that I invested very wisely and risked a lot on a great investment, so I did earn it just not in the physical get up in the morning and go to work kind of way.) He also gets all ragey about my parents being wealthy and spoiling me. His folks made him pay mileage to use the car to get to work. My folks send little gifts for me all the time, or my mother and I go shopping; he comes home and see the new loot and gets all grumpy because I didn't "work for that" (my mother insists on paying because she has more than I do, that's like rich person hierarchy stuff heh)

No, he basically just turned into a fruit loop. It irritates me that I didn't pick up on the stench as I like to pride myself on being intelligent... But clearly I married a complete moron. I've decided to find me one of them pussy men and spoil them rotten. I figure if they're dependent on me financially then they'll keep their stupid rediculious shit to themselves rather than risk being tossed out of my care like a bad dog.
What bills does he have to pay? If they are his credit cards and bills, why is he complaining and not becoming more Perfect at Money Management, like Good Capitalists, should.
He pays most of the bills now, though if he forgets I'll go pay them. I used to pay all the bills but he didn't like me I having that "power" over him or whatever. When we bought this house he took over the house bills and taxes and shit - which I don't understand why frankly, I mean he forgets half the time and the other half he kind of grumbles about having to sit down and deal with getting all the bills out. ~shrug~ Like I said, he's worse than a woman at times.
He pays most of the bills now, though if he forgets I'll go pay them. I used to pay all the bills but he didn't like me I having that "power" over him or whatever. When we bought this house he took over the house bills and taxes and shit - which I don't understand why frankly, I mean he forgets half the time and the other half he kind of grumbles about having to sit down and deal with getting all the bills out. ~shrug~ Like I said, he's worse than a woman at times.
Maybe he merely needs to do some, "manly stuff" for a while, to "re-think" his priorities in life.
He pays most of the bills now, though if he forgets I'll go pay them. I used to pay all the bills but he didn't like me I having that "power" over him or whatever. When we bought this house he took over the house bills and taxes and shit - which I don't understand why frankly, I mean he forgets half the time and the other half he kind of grumbles about having to sit down and deal with getting all the bills out. ~shrug~ Like I said, he's worse than a woman at times.
Maybe he merely needs to do some, "manly stuff" for a while, to "re-think" his priorities in life.
You mean masturbation as corporal punishment?
I think he needs to figure out his priorities for sure. However, frankly, I'm not sure I'm willing to forgive this even if he did come out of it and want to stay together. That asshole made me remain monogamous for 17 years then he fucks around and lies to my face to do it, nu uh The fucking around once cause he got drunk I could maybe forgive, but lying about it for idk I'm guessing 6 months now, fuck that noise. How can I trust him to make the right choice for me if I'm in the hospital and they need his permission for something? How can I trust him to take care of me if my mind goes? How can I rely on him to keep his vows? I mean the whole stupid monogamy thing, and I kinda hated it frankly, but I respected his dumb ass and stayed faithful.

Meh. I don't know if I'm prepared to have doubts about those questions with someone who was supposed to be there with me till the end, was supposed to be my other half. He's damaged to begin with, between being abused by his dad and getting shit on by all his other girlfriends, heap this kind of shit on there and I think I'm just going to trade him in for a better model.
He pays most of the bills now, though if he forgets I'll go pay them. I used to pay all the bills but he didn't like me I having that "power" over him or whatever. When we bought this house he took over the house bills and taxes and shit - which I don't understand why frankly, I mean he forgets half the time and the other half he kind of grumbles about having to sit down and deal with getting all the bills out. ~shrug~ Like I said, he's worse than a woman at times.
Maybe he merely needs to do some, "manly stuff" for a while, to "re-think" his priorities in life.
You mean masturbation as corporal punishment?
Only if he cannot come up with anything else.
I think he needs to figure out his priorities for sure. However, frankly, I'm not sure I'm willing to forgive this even if he did come out of it and want to stay together. That asshole made me remain monogamous for 17 years then he fucks around and lies to my face to do it, nu uh The fucking around once cause he got drunk I could maybe forgive, but lying about it for idk I'm guessing 6 months now, fuck that noise. How can I trust him to make the right choice for me if I'm in the hospital and they need his permission for something? How can I trust him to take care of me if my mind goes? How can I rely on him to keep his vows? I mean the whole stupid monogamy thing, and I kinda hated it frankly, but I respected his dumb ass and stayed faithful.

Meh. I don't know if I'm prepared to have doubts about those questions with someone who was supposed to be there with me till the end, was supposed to be my other half. He's damaged to begin with, between being abused by his dad and getting shit on by all his other girlfriends, heap this kind of shit on there and I think I'm just going to trade him in for a better model.

Forgiveness is only appropriate for true repentance, where the other party admits guilt, the undeserved harm that has been caused and sincerely pledges not to repeat it. Not many people are capable of this.
You should keep paying for hookers.

If you think a wife is a "burden" who should pay you back with sex, I don't think feminists are the problem.
No need to raise your hackles. I see I've struck a nerve... Lemme guess... I sound like an ex husband? FWIW... I don't patronize hookers. Though I can understand the appeal. However if half my assets are on the line... That ass is mine. Simple as that.

I don't have an ex-husband.

My hackles are raised (not really) because you seem to see a wife as a piece of property, rather than a partner.

Which is why I think the smart thing for you to do is to keep paying for hookers.

Me, I was glad to have my best friend for the time I had him.
Your illiteracy isn't my problem. I don't see a wife as property. I one as a partner. And that includes sex. Sex is the only aspect that differentiates, wife from "friend". No sex? No wife. Deal with it...

Hey, don't get your hackles up. You're the one who wrote, "that ass is mine."

I can deal with your views on relationships, since they don't affect me. I'm trying to have a discussion.
As am I. As for "That ass is mine". It goes both ways. To be a spouse you need to be willing to be another person's "everything".

To me that this kind of thinking that makes people miserable. To be your "everything"? There is no person on the face of this Earth, that can be "everything". Not possible. Some things.... maybe even many things. But everything?

I was listening to this guy telling a horror story about trying to meet his wife's needs, and it was crazy. He made $100,000 a year. Not enough. She wanted some big CEO income. He went traveling once a year. Wasn't enough. She wanted to go on cruises. He had a $150,000 house. It was too small for her. He wasn't home enough. Wasn't caring enough. Wasn't doing enough with the children. She ditched him.

The things he talked about doing, to try and keep his marriage together was horrifying to me. This is one of the reasons I dismissed getting married a long time ago, and why I think maybe a bunch of these men who find foreign wives have the right idea.

Back to my Nepalese friend and her American husband. She's not expecting him to be her 'everything'. But she's happy with what he can do. Not complaining about what he can't. And she's not his "everything" either. She's had a tough time in the US, but he's saticified with what she is, not what bitching about what she isn't.
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.

So..... If your wife or girlfriend, were to run off to a male prostitute..... You have no problem whatsoever with this? I mean you might not be very saticifying in bed, or just not showing her the attention she needs. And male prostitutes have many ways of meeting a girls needs.... and it's a lucrative form of self employment... and we know jobs are disappearing.... Man's gotta work, and there are no robots to meet a wife's sexual needs.

You would have no problem whatsoever, huh?
If SHE (your little Suzi Rottencrotch) ran OFF with HIM then HE WOULD NO LONGER BE a puto (male prostitute) would he ???

This is a dumb post.

Using basic logical reasoning, involving the use of "context", one should be able to grasp that "running off" doesn't mean forever.

The husbands who run off with escorts and prostitutes in the article, went back home after having their romps. That's why their wives do not know about them.

Using that context, which is the basis of the entire thread, one should assume that 'running off with male prostitute" is a life long choice, but a temporary weekend deal.

So again my question remains.... for those of you who think prostitution is perfectly fine morally.... would you be equally fine if your wife ran off with a prostitute over the weekend, or on a business trip?

Women who love paying gigolos for night of sex

I always get a little bugged when I see men lecturing others that prostitution is perfectly fine. Pretty easy to claim that when it isn't your spouse running off with prostitutes, but rather you, or other men.

Because I know that if you found your wife was boinking a prostitute every Thursday, while you were at work, you would be bouncing off the walls in fury.
To Post 1 - I didn't read every thread in here, how about the opposite side of the coin?

So I'm a 43 year old woman, big on mom duty, can't cook admittedly, but I love sex. I'd say I'm mostly traditional in the whole husband "role" vs wife "role"

I believed strongly in raising my kids myself even though I did want to have a career and originally planned to until my first baby boy looked up at me and I said hmm... So I stayed home with them and handled /everything/ to do with them. Ended up divorced - first husband fell in love with someone else, not too big a deal cause our marriage was idk too fast and we'd only stuck together for the kids. But ya know, I find another guy and he's West Point seems stand up with lots of ex girlfriend trouble. For 17 fucking years I do everything I can to help him, I spend as much time as I can with him, and I've only bitched about the fact that /he/ was too tired to have sex with me. I took care of his kid from another mother for 12 years, and my boys too; getting them to school and doctors appointments, all the cub/boy scouts, all the football, baseball, soccer, band, ice skating, swimming, you name it, it was /always/ me taking them.

He decides to go find someone else because I can't cook, can't fix cars, not a carpenter, not a plumber... It's not money, I have it all, but he still wants me to have a job so I'm being "productive" - I just left my last job 4 years ago and decided to work on a publishing another novel series and produce an anime. He bitches that I never do anything cause I'm on the computer all day... I'm like no shit Sherlock that's usually where fucking writers do their work... He says I haven't contributed anything to the household - the fuck... And as for "taking care of me" or "giving me his money" FUUUCK NO, in fact hes so greedy about /his/ money that he wouldn't give me a dime if it might save my life lol Not that I need it, I've got like a mil five in the market. Which is why him being pissed that I retired is so utterly stupid. I mean he pays bills, which I guess is the only really "traditional" thing about him, but he's fucking resentful about it, always bitching about he's working his ass off to pay them - and I'm like well fucking stop it and I'll pay for them then and he says basically "I'm not your bitch!" But he's like jealous as fuck or something that I could just not work anymore, hell he could not work anymore too and I'd pay for it but he doesn't want to be reliant on me or some shit. I don't get it at all.

So yea, other than the cooking thing I'm a pretty good wife and I got shit on for being a traditional wife instead of one who has a career.

I always try to tell girls growing into women, to avoid men with ex-girlfriend and kids. Your story matches thousands of others. Blended families are a never-ending nightmare. To be honest, I have yet to meet a blended family where the people involved didn't regret it.

The fact you even refer to them as "his kids" and "my kids" indicates to me, that there was never a real family there.

I guess it depend on how you define being a good wife, as to whether or not you are one.

To me a good wife doesn't bad mouth her husband, even when he deserves it. Honestly, I'd rather have a women divorce me, than go out in public and tell everyone every flaw and mistake I have ever made.

My father was far from perfect. But I never once heard my mother say anything terrible about him in public.
The Nepalese wife I work with, has never said anything bad about her husband. I highly doubt he's perfect.
Well you're off on that "family" bit, I just say that now because I have to come to grips with them not being "my" kids anymore and that's one of the way's I'm doing it. Not that it matters much our kids are all adults now, the youngest is 18. Either way, I don't regret it, I just have to let it go now because I know they're going to... well basically side with their Dad and not call me or whatever. If we divorce I can't even say they are my step-kids anymore :/ Oh well, we raised them right so they're all doing really well and I can be happy for that.

Meh I only brought up the relevant "flaw" and I suppose it's my flaw anyway. My point was simply that if you can't cook, don't get someone who thinks of them self as a "traditional" husband and wants dinner on the table when he gets home.
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.

So..... If your wife or girlfriend, were to run off to a male prostitute..... You have no problem whatsoever with this? I mean you might not be very saticifying in bed, or just not showing her the attention she needs. And male prostitutes have many ways of meeting a girls needs.... and it's a lucrative form of self employment... and we know jobs are disappearing.... Man's gotta work, and there are no robots to meet a wife's sexual needs.

You would have no problem whatsoever, huh?
If SHE (your little Suzi Rottencrotch) ran OFF with HIM then HE WOULD NO LONGER BE a puto (male prostitute) would he ???

This is a dumb post.

Using basic logical reasoning, involving the use of "context", one should be able to grasp that "running off" doesn't mean forever.

The husbands who run off with escorts and prostitutes in the article, went back home after having their romps. That's why their wives do not know about them.

Using that context, which is the basis of the entire thread, one should assume that 'running off with male prostitute" is a life long choice, but a temporary weekend deal.

So again my question remains.... for those of you who think prostitution is perfectly fine morally.... would you be equally fine if your wife ran off with a prostitute over the weekend, or on a business trip?

Women who love paying gigolos for night of sex

I always get a little bugged when I see men lecturing others that prostitution is perfectly fine. Pretty easy to claim that when it isn't your spouse running off with prostitutes, but rather you, or other men.

Because I know that if you found your wife was boinking a prostitute every Thursday, while you were at work, you would be bouncing off the walls in fury.
I sometimes watch the, honest wife or nice wife channel, to get the latest manners and fashions in usury techniques.

wives seem to do it best.
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.

So..... If your wife or girlfriend, were to run off to a male prostitute..... You have no problem whatsoever with this? I mean you might not be very saticifying in bed, or just not showing her the attention she needs. And male prostitutes have many ways of meeting a girls needs.... and it's a lucrative form of self employment... and we know jobs are disappearing.... Man's gotta work, and there are no robots to meet a wife's sexual needs.

You would have no problem whatsoever, huh?
If SHE (your little Suzi Rottencrotch) ran OFF with HIM then HE WOULD NO LONGER BE a puto (male prostitute) would he ???

This is a dumb post.

Using basic logical reasoning, involving the use of "context", one should be able to grasp that "running off" doesn't mean forever.

The husbands who run off with escorts and prostitutes in the article, went back home after having their romps. That's why their wives do not know about them.

Using that context, which is the basis of the entire thread, one should assume that 'running off with male prostitute" is a life long choice, but a temporary weekend deal.

So again my question remains.... for those of you who think prostitution is perfectly fine morally.... would you be equally fine if your wife ran off with a prostitute over the weekend, or on a business trip?

Women who love paying gigolos for night of sex

I always get a little bugged when I see men lecturing others that prostitution is perfectly fine. Pretty easy to claim that when it isn't your spouse running off with prostitutes, but rather you, or other men.

Because I know that if you found your wife was boinking a prostitute every Thursday, while you were at work, you would be bouncing off the walls in fury.
I sometimes watch the, honest wife or nice wife channel, to get the latest manners and fashions in usury techniques.

wives seem to do it best.
Why does this NOT surprise me?

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