Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

no it doesn't, there was no weapon drawn. sorry fk but you all state there has to be a weapon drawn to be justified, I watch all the protests in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. you fail.
Not trying to defend the libtards and their ridiculous criteria for law enforcement, but going for a weapon is the same as actually getting it out.

Clean and justified shooting here. Unless something else much more damning comes out.
I know that, I'm messing with them to draw out their double standard. Like I said, I give two shits about the dude and his destiny. I just love the double standard going on by the libturds here.
No double standard. This guy indicated he would not be taken into custody, and he reached for his gun.
no it doesn't, there was no weapon drawn. sorry fk but you all state there has to be a weapon drawn to be justified, I watch all the protests in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. you fail.
Not trying to defend the libtards and their ridiculous criteria for law enforcement, but going for a weapon is the same as actually getting it out.

Clean and justified shooting here. Unless something else much more damning comes out.
I know that, I'm messing with them to draw out their double standard. Like I said, I give two shits about the dude and his destiny. I just love the double standard going on by the libturds here.
No double standard. This guy indicated he would not be taken into custody, and he reached for his gun.
that doesn't make it justified you stupid fk. but thanks for the laugh.
Instead of running away from the Feds try running towards them. Then you will be shot from the front. The best course of action is simply not to engage the Feds with firearms. Hope this explanation is not so complex you have trouble not understanding.
This was a justified kill, but with you idiots talking all this shit to people you are bound to just stir up more anger and resentment, just like the opposite side of the coin with Odium.

Eat Shit

The militia types are wildly irrational. They were spewing the 'he was killed on his knees, trying to surrender' horseshit for a day.

Until the police announced they had a video. Then suddenly they backpedaled, inssiting that they'd been 'misunderstood'. There was no misunderstanding. The militia lied and didn't think anyone could contradict them.

The video shows a justifiable shooting. A man known to be armed, who insisted he wouldn't be taken alive running a police blockade, resisting arrest and reaching for his weapon. Not just reaching, struggling to get it out. His right arm was tugging at his hip for a full second to a second and a half before he was shot.

You could this in textbooks for what a justifiable shooting consists of.
no it doesn't, there was no weapon drawn. sorry fk but you all state there has to be a weapon drawn to be justified, I watch all the protests in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. you fail.

Nor does a cop have to wait for the gun to be drawn. Lavoy was *reaching* for the weapon, trying to draw it.

For goodness sake, you spent a dozen posts trying to justify Tamir Rice's shooting. Where he had a pellet gun while sitting on a swing that the police said he was reaching for at his waist.

And yet with a man who insisted he wouldn't be taken to prison, who had an ACTUAL gun he was reaching for while resisting arrest gets shot.......you scream like a stuck pig.

Inconsistent much? Shall I quote your posts regarding Tamir Rice?
yeah, I'm still waiting for the difference.

And when have I said there was a difference? I've argued that *both* shootings were justified based on the evidence at hand.

With LaVoy's shooting being *super* justified. As unlike the 'terrible tragedy' of miscommunication that resulted in Rice's death, LaVoy was trying to draw a weapon to actually shoot a police officer.
This was a justified kill, but with you idiots talking all this shit to people you are bound to just stir up more anger and resentment, just like the opposite side of the coin with Odium.

Eat Shit

The militia types are wildly irrational. They were spewing the 'he was killed on his knees, trying to surrender' horseshit for a day.

Until the police announced they had a video. Then suddenly they backpedaled, inssiting that they'd been 'misunderstood'. There was no misunderstanding. The militia lied and didn't think anyone could contradict them.

The video shows a justifiable shooting. A man known to be armed, who insisted he wouldn't be taken alive running a police blockade, resisting arrest and reaching for his weapon. Not just reaching, struggling to get it out. His right arm was tugging at his hip for a full second to a second and a half before he was shot.

You could this in textbooks for what a justifiable shooting consists of.
no it doesn't, there was no weapon drawn. sorry fk but you all state there has to be a weapon drawn to be justified, I watch all the protests in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. you fail.

Nor does a cop have to wait for the gun to be drawn. Lavoy was *reaching* for the weapon, trying to draw it.

For goodness sake, you spent a dozen posts trying to justify Tamir Rice's shooting. Where he had a pellet gun while sitting on a swing that the police said he was reaching for at his waist.

And yet with a man who insisted he wouldn't be taken to prison, who had an ACTUAL gun he was reaching for while resisting arrest gets shot.......you scream like a stuck pig.

Inconsistent much? Shall I quote your posts regarding Tamir Rice?
yeah, I'm still waiting for the difference.

And when have I said there was a difference? I've argued that *both* shootings were justified based on the evidence at hand.

With LaVoy's shooting being *super* justified. As unlike the 'terrible tragedy' of miscommunication that resulted in Rice's death, LaVoy was trying to draw a weapon to actually shoot a police officer.
AND he had previously indicated he'd rather die than be in jail.
no it doesn't, there was no weapon drawn. sorry fk but you all state there has to be a weapon drawn to be justified, I watch all the protests in Ferguson, Chicago and Ohio. you fail.
Not trying to defend the libtards and their ridiculous criteria for law enforcement, but going for a weapon is the same as actually getting it out.

Clean and justified shooting here. Unless something else much more damning comes out.
I know that, I'm messing with them to draw out their double standard. Like I said, I give two shits about the dude and his destiny. I just love the double standard going on by the libturds here.
No double standard. This guy indicated he would not be taken into custody, and he reached for his gun.
that doesn't make it justified you stupid fk. but thanks for the laugh.

A man who insisted he wouldn't be taken to prison, who had just run a blockade, who was resisting arrest, who was reaching for his gun ISN'T a justified shooting....

But a kid on a swing and a toy gun that cops say he was reaching for IS a justified shooting?

Holy shit, dude. You're raising inconsistency to an art form.
Even though you 'say' you've gone there many times and perhaps even 'grew up' around there, your life in Portland has made you forget what it may be like to walk through two or so feet of snow.

When a person is trying to keep their balance on a slippery surface, they hold their arms _out_. Putting their hands in their pockets is the exact opposite of what a person would do if they're trying to balance.

Hence, anyone using that excuse needs to explain why they're saying something so totally contrary to reality.
Even though you 'say' you've gone there many times and perhaps even 'grew up' around there, your life in Portland has made you forget what it may be like to walk through two or so feet of snow.

When a person is trying to keep their balance on a slippery surface, they hold their arms _out_. Putting their hands in your pockets is the exact opposite of what a person would do if they're trying to balance.

Hence, anyone using needs to explain why they said something so totally contrary to reality.

You mean when you're knee deep in snow and fleeing from your car after running a blockade......you *don't* grab your nuts and hold onto them?

You're just talking crazy.
Even though you 'say' you've gone there many times and perhaps even 'grew up' around there, your life in Portland has made you forget what it may be like to walk through two or so feet of snow.

When a person is trying to keep their balance on a slippery surface, they hold their arms _out_. Putting their hands in your pockets is the exact opposite of what a person would do if they're trying to balance.

Hence, anyone using needs to explain why they said something so totally contrary to reality.
Regardless of icey conditions or not, if a cop has a gun pointed at you and you have been armed, talking shit about not going to jail no matter what, etc, then YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP, no matter if you fall flat on your ass.

This looks to me like a totally clean kill.
LaVoy Finicum Isn’t a Heroic Martyr, He’s Just a Dead Idiot

Finicum is: a dumbshit who broke the law a dozen times over, engaging in armed sedition against the U.S. government, and who in the end got himself killed when he could’ve easily avoided it. What LaVoy Finicum isn’t: a martyr who died for our freedoms.

His death is tragic in the sense that it was completely unnecessary and could have been easily avoided by Finicum himself. But that wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was to be remembered as the guy behind some nobly futile “Finicum’s Charge.” What he wanted was to die rather than be taken into custody — and that’s what he got.
Oregon Militant LaVoy Finicum Isn't a Heroic Martyr, He's Just a Dead Idiot - The Daily Banter
LaVoy Finicum Isn’t a Heroic Martyr, He’s Just a Dead Idiot

Finicum is: a dumbshit who broke the law a dozen times over, engaging in armed sedition against the U.S. government, and who in the end got himself killed when he could’ve easily avoided it. What LaVoy Finicum isn’t: a martyr who died for our freedoms.

His death is tragic in the sense that it was completely unnecessary and could have been easily avoided by Finicum himself. But that wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was to be remembered as the guy behind some nobly futile “Finicum’s Charge.” What he wanted was to die rather than be taken into custody — and that’s what he got.
Oregon Militant LaVoy Finicum Isn't a Heroic Martyr, He's Just a Dead Idiot - The Daily Banter
He isnt, or WASNT, an idiot.

just a little clumsy.....
LaVoy Finicum Isn’t a Heroic Martyr, He’s Just a Dead Idiot

Finicum is: a dumbshit who broke the law a dozen times over, engaging in armed sedition against the U.S. government, and who in the end got himself killed when he could’ve easily avoided it. What LaVoy Finicum isn’t: a martyr who died for our freedoms.

His death is tragic in the sense that it was completely unnecessary and could have been easily avoided by Finicum himself. But that wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was to be remembered as the guy behind some nobly futile “Finicum’s Charge.” What he wanted was to die rather than be taken into custody — and that’s what he got.
Oregon Militant LaVoy Finicum Isn't a Heroic Martyr, He's Just a Dead Idiot - The Daily Banter
He isnt, or WASNT, an idiot.

just a little clumsy.....
If you have eleven children and you care about them, you don't claim you want to die in a standoff.
Well, they showed a video. A video that pretty much proved what Virginia said was fairly true from her perspective, and the video totally disproved the driver of Ammon's Jeep's testimony. You know the one that the MSM glommed on and the rest of you folks took for gospel.
And you are a liar. I just saw that video. The dumb bastard reached for his gun. And got his just deserts.

I am not a liar, you are just seeing what you wanted to see. From Virginia's perspective, LaVoy exited the vehicle with his hands in the air (remember she was on the floorboard), and kept his hands in the air for several feet away from the vehicle (probably further than Virginia could observe).

Then yes, his hands or at least one of them did come down. But the reason at this time only has one side. The side you are taking. Even though you 'say' you've gone there many times and perhaps even 'grew up' around there, your life in Portland has made you forget what it may be like to walk through two or so feet of snow.

And for a fact, the video does NOT show him charging anyone, as the driver of the Bundy vehicle and the MSM claimed.


Man, you must burn alot of calories with all that work you put in to being stupid. Your whole argument boils down to a woman crammed onto the floor of a vehicle seeing something other than the dashboard, and "maybe he slipped on the ice."

And based on that you want us to believe some wild ass conspiracy that the feds just felt like having a little target practice. No evidence whatsoever to back up your claims, other than the 25 pounds of lard leaking out of your ears.

Man, some people prove Darwin wrong every single day. Which, I suppose, is why they often are creationists.

Hopefully it won't be a Ruby Ridge situation.

I don't think it can be Waco II, as there's been no reports that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have been asking for advice from Janet Reno.

I find it highly partisan of you to bring politics into it and only democratic politicians.

You do know that Ruby Ridge happened in 1992 don't you? The president at the time was bush the first. His attorney general was wiliam barr.

They are republicans so I guess partisans don't want to bring that fact up.

I'm aware that Ruby Ridge was 1992. I wasn't being partisan, which is illustrated by my mentioning Ruby Ridge.

But you don't mention who was president and attorney general in 1992.

Yet you mention a democratic president and attorney general.

If you had not been partisan you would have left out the snarky remark about Obama and Janet Reno. Or you would have included a snarky remark about the first bush and william barr.

But you didn't.

It was partisan.

It wasn't partisan. My mentioning Ruby Ridge was sufficient for all intelligent people to understand what I meant.

Yes it was partisan.

You just don't want to admit it.

That's ok.

All intelligent people understand it was partisan and you don't want to admit it.
It wasn't partisan. My mentioning Ruby Ridge was sufficient for all intelligent people to understand what I meant.

It was sufficient for intelligent people to understand that you've been desperately hoping for a government sanctioned blood bath, and that since you're not getting what you want you're all too happy to deflect.
This whole situation has *really* revealed the fringe right wing. And what they actually believe.

Just as Trump has revealed what republicans actually believe.

I'm kinda digging the lack of pretense.
I just watched the video. That was a justified shooting. He was reaching for something. Maybe he wasn't reaching for his gun, but given his statements he made about not being taken alive, and the fact that he was known to be armed, FBI agents were completely justified in taking him down.

Any yahoo saying otherwise is a hypocritical sack of shit
I just watched the video. That was a justified shooting. He was reaching for something. Maybe he wasn't reaching for his gun, but given his statements he made about not being taken alive, and the fact that he was known to be armed, FBI agents were completely justified in taking him down.

Any yahoo saying otherwise is a hypocritical sack of shit

The cops confirmed he was reaching for a gun.
Will Finecum be a martyr that creates a Timothy McVeigh? Are there more American traitor terrorist sitting around planning on how to kill federal employees and the innocents around them with bombs and bullets?

Waco was pretty gruesome. Buckets of blood, dead kids, fires, the works. Regardless of the conspiracy batshit surrounding the militia 'version' of events, the body count is undeniable.

This was one guy, resisting arrest, reaching for his gun to shoot a police officer. You're going to have a hard time recruiting with that scenario.
you have no idea what he was reaching for, if he was actually reaching. So you fail.

But the officers on the scene did know what he was reaching for. Let's see...

He did not have his hands in the air when he was shot, as you have asserted.
He was not on his knees, as was asserted.

What other lies can you come up with? Try to be creative...

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