Feds Fight Disclosure of Hillary Clinton Whitewater Indictment Drafts


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Feds fight disclosure of Hillary Clinton Whitewater indictment drafts
The National Archives is fighting a lawsuit trying to force disclosure of several draft indictments of Hillary Clinton prepared by a Whitewater prosecutor in the 1990s.

"She's one of the most well-known women in the world, seeking the office of the presidency and her privacy interests outweigh the public interest in knowing what's in that indictment? It's absurd and it's shameful that the administration is proposing this," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in an interview. "This is a political decision to protect her candidacy—because it is laughable, legally."

The Archives and Justice Department were dismissive about the impact of Clinton's presidential bid on public access to the records.

Read more: Feds fight disclosure of Hillary Clinton Whitewater indictment drafts

Now, I know Hillary and how important "transparency" is to her, I know she'll let let Martha release those indictment drafts!
Of course they would. Bill purged the federal attorney offices first thing when he got into office and its just goes on every time they get a piece of power.
Anytime any agency refuses to turn things over it puts her in a bad light. Could Obama be making the path for Bloomberg just a little easier?
Could be...I really wondered after I read that White House Briefing on Clinton.
Run out of crazy accusations, so you think recycling the old ones might work better the next time around?
Here we go again with liberals telling everyone 'the past doesn't matter' the way they did with Obama....
Sidebar: Saw Hillary at a Townhall Mtg last night...said this doesn't matter, SAID THERE'S NOTHING TO BENGHAZI. That last part pisses me off.

EVERY other nation pulled their people out fue to the threats, but Hillary refused to take Stevens out of harm's way. His 600 requests for additional security were denied, and she took 14 members of his decurity team away. 4 Americans were killed, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years. Declaring 'there is nothing there' cheapens and degrades their lives, which were unnecessarily forfeited.
We knew everything there was to know about every republican president including Reagan and President Bush including their college years, home life and business history and yet the media isn't curious about Obama's past life, most of which is locked up in a vault. Now the National Archives which should be politically neutral is fighting the legitimate access of documents which are important in judging the qualification of a candidate for the most important job in the world. Life under democrat administrations is becoming more and more like Stalinism.
We knew everything there was to know about every republican president including Reagan and President Bush including their college years, home life and business history and yet the media isn't curious about Obama's past life, most of which is locked up in a vault. Now the National Archives which should be politically neutral is fighting the legitimate access of documents which are important in judging the qualification of a candidate for the most important job in the world. Life under democrat administrations is becoming more and more like Stalinism.
They knew if Obama's past was revealed, he would've never got elected.
Here we go again with liberals telling everyone 'the past doesn't matter' the way they did with Obama....
Unless you are Romney then what you did in grade school matters.
It is interesting how standards between the parties exist. Of course the Clinton campaign now has an Attack Office headed by Carville to find or manufacture mud on the GOP candidates.

her campaign and its allies have begun to steer time and resources into framing lines of attack against the blustery billionaire, even if there’s still considerable confusion over how to attack 2016’s top-of-the-food-chain predator.

Read more: How Clinton is plotting to go after Trump
We knew everything there was to know about every republican president including Reagan and President Bush including their college years, home life and business history and yet the media isn't curious about Obama's past life, most of which is locked up in a vault. Now the National Archives which should be politically neutral is fighting the legitimate access of documents which are important in judging the qualification of a candidate for the most important job in the world. Life under democrat administrations is becoming more and more like Stalinism.

Martha Murphy Wagner, Chairman for the National Archives, although proclaiming to be neutral, refuses to release the Indictment drafts for the White Water investigation and scandal. What's up with that?
Here we go again with liberals telling everyone 'the past doesn't matter' the way they did with Obama....
Unless you are Romney then what you did in grade school matters.
It is interesting how standards between the parties exist. Of course the Clinton campaign now has an Attack Office headed by Carville to find or manufacture mud on the GOP candidates.

her campaign and its allies have begun to steer time and resources into framing lines of attack against the blustery billionaire, even if there’s still considerable confusion over how to attack 2016’s top-of-the-food-chain predator.

Read more: How Clinton is plotting to go after Trump
We knew everything there was to know about every republican president including Reagan and President Bush including their college years, home life and business history and yet the media isn't curious about Obama's past life, most of which is locked up in a vault. Now the National Archives which should be politically neutral is fighting the legitimate access of documents which are important in judging the qualification of a candidate for the most important job in the world. Life under democrat administrations is becoming more and more like Stalinism.

Martha Murphy Wagner, Chairman for the National Archives, although proclaiming to be neutral, refuses to release the Indictment drafts for the White Water investigation and scandal. What's up with that?
She will be stupid to go after Trump, does she really want young women to find out what a real piece of shit she is? Trump won't be nice like republicans of the past.
Here we go again with liberals telling everyone 'the past doesn't matter' the way they did with Obama....
Unless you are Romney then what you did in grade school matters.
It is interesting how standards between the parties exist. Of course the Clinton campaign now has an Attack Office headed by Carville to find or manufacture mud on the GOP candidates.

her campaign and its allies have begun to steer time and resources into framing lines of attack against the blustery billionaire, even if there’s still considerable confusion over how to attack 2016’s top-of-the-food-chain predator.

Read more: How Clinton is plotting to go after Trump
We knew everything there was to know about every republican president including Reagan and President Bush including their college years, home life and business history and yet the media isn't curious about Obama's past life, most of which is locked up in a vault. Now the National Archives which should be politically neutral is fighting the legitimate access of documents which are important in judging the qualification of a candidate for the most important job in the world. Life under democrat administrations is becoming more and more like Stalinism.

Martha Murphy Wagner, Chairman for the National Archives, although proclaiming to be neutral, refuses to release the Indictment drafts for the White Water investigation and scandal. What's up with that?
She will be stupid to go after Trump, does she really want young women to find out what a real piece of shit she is? Trump won't be nice like republicans of the past.
After the reports of the Clinton Campaign coming with mud slinging attacks, Trump declared. If they do, I'll beat the shit out of them!" Sigh.
The Clintons are long known criminals in Arkansas that have bought and murdered their path to the White House. American doesn't care.
Isn't that scary? Let's say half are "just coincidence". That is a lot! But look at how many are just beyond coincidence? And liberals get upset when others refer the Clinton's to Sleazeballs?

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