Federal Judge Rules Black People Can’t Use N-Word in Workplace


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Now we all know how da black folk love to use the infamous n-woid. You cannot be around a group of young blacks for more than a minute without hearing one of them call another one a xxxx. In fact the only time most white folk or anyone else ever hears that tabooed woid is when a black uses it. And..............has anyone ever heard of one being censured in any way shape or form for using it? Certainly not me...most understand it has been accepted that it is ok for one black to call another one a xxxx. But why is that? If it is such a terrible word as the pc world believes....then why is it ok for anyone......no matter their color to use it?

Anyhow this one judge decided it is not ok. A black girl that was called by her black employer a xxxx.......won a 250 thousand dollar lawsuit based on the fact that it is a demeaning and hurtful word.

Federal Judge Rules Black People Can't Use N-Word in Workplace

Racial slur deleted. Do not bypass the word filter to use racial slurs.

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Sounds like an opportunistic Black girl played the courts for a nice payday.

I would not dispute that but the real important thing here is the judge saying blacks do not have the right to use the n woid in the work place. My question is why do they ever have the right to use such a tabooed woid.

Not even to mention other language problems they exhibit....how many times have you been in a store of some sort and some blacks come in using vulgarities in a very loud manner...taking no regard for anyone...not even the Children that can hear them...most blacks cannot even talk without using the muddarucker word in just about every sentence they utter.....yet no one wants to talk about it.
The ruling is a big deal. It's unfortunate that the terms of controversy are banned from relevant discussion. It's part of the Prosecution and the Defense. I understand why the term is banned out in the wild in places like this, but it's unfortunate that it has to be that way. That, my friends, is how the feds get away with what they do.

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