Fear Thy Neighbor


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Jan 6, 2007
The Rightwingdomestofascist

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebnWnmOnWow]YouTube - Christanic domestic terrorist Republicans[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k9P0N1bSgo]YouTube - Rep. Brian Baird accuses protesters of driving people to violence like Timothy McVeigh[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVl54MLE6sw]YouTube - Christians: Your New Domestic Terrorist, Per the Obama Administration[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og7mb-Gz5oA]YouTube - Obama calling those that don't agree with his policies RIGHT-WING DOMESTIC TERRORIST![/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_F4yVsUfq8]YouTube - Conservative Talk Radio incites Domestic Terrorism & Hate[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5yE_EBjK-U&feature=related]YouTube - Texas Filled With Insane Christian Republican Terrorists[/ame]
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eots, "We The People" have been profiled and labeled for decades. Now maybe everybody can see why. There are those who tried to warn others but we were labeled kooks, nutjobs or whackos or something as long as it was denigrating and insulting in nature to those who warned. We now have lifetime politicians who have made a career of politics. They have become the servants who deliver the platters of profit to big business and special interests. They are paid well for their waitress skills.

These politicians have abandoned truth, honor, integrity and morals and have instead chosen lies, shame, apathy and
lasciviousness. Some of them act like dogs in a pack looking for a bitch in heat. Our government can put a label on any one of us at any time but we can't put a label on a jar of fruit and put it on display in a store as organically grown. And now, if we don't agree with the gang in the White House we are called Right Wing Domestic Terrorists.

People out here in la la land don't care any more if you're a republican or a democrat. The whole lump is sour and rancid. Politicians now want to bash the Tea Baggers because they have labeled them as potential threats. What they don't know is that truth may come with a price but a lie is never free. Which one do they think costs the most?
Big business has polluted our water our land and our air and our politicians are worried about global warming? They want us to fight their little wars and make 'em rich and we should pat them on the back and tell them what a good job they're doing. I guess they've gotten so accustomed to having a readily available crop of robots to serve their own interests that they just don't understand why the people are saying 'no more'. Washington needs to wake up. We The People aren't Toto and this ain't Kansas.

Ya sure thing comrade..well at least we knows who's side you are on and who to call
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LciBRRkG_y8&feature=related]YouTube - iWATCH Citizen Program Spy on your neighbor propaganda[/ame]
the christians are the ones to watch. more people have died throughout history from the hands of christians than the rest of them combined.
the christians are the ones to watch. more people have died throughout history from the hands of christians than the rest of them combined.

yes, this is why we need a well armed and well funded national security forces to deal with the ChristandomestOfascist threat

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwaAVJITx1Y]YouTube - Obama civilian national security force.[/ame]

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