FBI Uncovers Russian Collusion.... (Hillary and Uranium One)

Wait, nuclear ambitions? Don't they have even more nukes than we do? Seems like they achieved those ambitions a long time ago.
And now they have our Uranium to boot...all for cash for the Clinton's. Treason is not a vacant word...it has a meaning and you just read the definition of it.

There it is. "They have our Uranium to boot"

Hahahahaha. When did our uranium get shipped out? Considering we have to buy 80% of the uranium we need in any given year and by law our uranium must stay here, I'd say ya'll have fallen for a Faux News hoax once again.

I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.

Mueller needs to resign. Considering he was part of the collusion to sell the uranium to the Russians by hiding the criminal rackateering investigation along with Holder and others .

There it is again. "Considering he was part of the collusion to sell the uranium".

Didn't happen. US uranium mines are simply not allowed to export uranium.

Faux "Squirrel" News.
Just a reminder, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She did not work with or for or at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


She had to approve of the sale though...duh!

No she didn't. The final decision was not hers to make was it?
Both her and the attorney general signed off on it........before Obama approved it.

President Obama could have rejected the deal even with their approval or on the other hand he could have approved it even if they didn't sign off on it.

Mueller must be getting mighty close.

What's next? You guys going after Lois Lerner and the phony IRS Faux Hoax again? Maybe another Benghazi investigation?
Wait, nuclear ambitions? Don't they have even more nukes than we do? Seems like they achieved those ambitions a long time ago.
And now they have our Uranium to boot...all for cash for the Clinton's. Treason is not a vacant word...it has a meaning and you just read the definition of it.

There it is. "They have our Uranium to boot"

Hahahahaha. When did our uranium get shipped out? Considering we have to buy 80% of the uranium we need in any given year and by law our uranium must stay here, I'd say ya'll have fallen for a Faux News hoax once again.

This is about cover....cover to distract from FM 45 stepping in it again over our dead soldiers.
More fake news from the bot woman PC. And soon to appear in the National Enquirer, the Hill, Breitbart and Fox more stuff on the Clintons for how would freedom reign if it wasn't for these great sources of blame. Righties sleep well knowing tomorrow another made up story on Pres Obama and the Clintons will appear out of the dark money bin of idiocy. And they will believe and they will follow... so it goes.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Is there any wonder we now have the dumbest as president?

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays


"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." https://aeon.co/ideas/why-is-the-brain-prone-to-florid-forms-of-confabulation
More fake news from the bot woman PC. And soon to appear in the National Enquirer, the Hill, Breitbart and Fox more stuff on the Clintons for how would freedom reign if it wasn't for these great sources of blame. Righties sleep well knowing tomorrow another made up story on Pres Obama and the Clintons will appear out of the dark money bin of idiocy. And they will believe and they will follow... so it goes.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Is there any wonder we now have the dumbest as president?

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas
All false as your desperation sets in you pathetic disciple of Satan.
More fake news from the bot woman PC. And soon to appear in the National Enquirer, the Hill, Breitbart and Fox more stuff on the Clintons for how would freedom reign if it wasn't for these great sources of blame. Righties sleep well knowing tomorrow another made up story on Pres Obama and the Clintons will appear out of the dark money bin of idiocy. And they will believe and they will follow... so it goes.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Is there any wonder we now have the dumbest as president?

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas
All false as your desperation sets in you pathetic disciple of Satan.

Again, just because they are a disciple of satan in no way means they had any intent to be one.

Please stop judging people.
For something the dems are saying is fake...this thing is starting
to draw a great deal of attention from Congress.
Why can't the CLINTON FOUNDATION give $250,000 to charities for women who are victims of rape?


Can't Hillary talk to a WALL STREET FIRM for 20 minutes and make the $250,000 to give to charities for women who have been raped?

Clinton has already given the money donated by Weinstein to charity. Hillary is not responsible for the actions of Harvey Weinstein.

Why does Trump still publically humiliate and shame the women he admits to groping? Why would you vote for a man who admits to sexually assaulting women?

What kind of person votes in favour someone who has gone bankrupt 7 times? Been sued 3000 times, been accused of fraud - in court and paid a huge settlement of the case? Why would you vote for a man who openly lies, to your face and then insults and lies about others?

Really!!! Hillary gave 10% of the money, you may want to go back are re-watch the video.

Well that's more than Trump. He hasn't donated to his Foundation since 2008, but then his Foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, illegal political campaign contributions (bribes), and misuse of charitable funds (paying off business debts).

Yes let's look at the well documented and illegal activities of the Trump Foundation. Why aren't you concerned about the bribery and corruption of the Trump Family Foundation? What about the payments received by family members for sitting on the Board of the Foundation?

Or the current investigation of the Trump Corporation for skimming more than $3 million dollars off the top of the money raised by Eric Trump in aid of St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Terrific, what the hell does that have to do with Hillary and Weinstein donations.
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Could have told them it will come back and bite them...oh wait I did tell them...libs are too stupid to listen. The new black is orange Hillary :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Just a reminder, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. She did not work with or for or at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Biuuuuuuutttt, the Clinton foundation took in 100's of millions of $$$$ from the 9 stakeholders in the deal.
