FBI seizes LEGO set as proof that man “planned attack” on Capitol


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Breaking, FBI has found the LEGO white supremacist terror plot mastermind!

Check this out.

“We want the details on what looks to be an unprecedented abuse of the financial privacy of countless innocent Americans by big banks and the FBI,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI’s stonewalling and non-denial denial of our request speak volumes.”

I once thought the FBI was a premier law enforcement agency.

Now it looks like they work for the Democratic Party —somewhat like the KGB worked for the Communist Party in the long gone USSR but not quite as evil or competent.

We can thank Obama for weaponizing the DOJ and the FBI as well as a bunch of the other alphabet intelligence agencies. Obama brought Chicago-style politics to the Oval Office.
Morss was identified by witnesses who informed the FBI that he was a graduate of Penn State. The affidavit states that Morss was charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; robbery of personal property of the United States; and obstruction of an official proceeding.
Thats the reason he was arrested. I cringe when I see the white race so obnoxious and violent,
but all in the name of Christ. You morons don't even admit what you did, shameful.

The FBI is the premier agency, its just too bad you agree with the insurrection.
Check this out.

“We want the details on what looks to be an unprecedented abuse of the financial privacy of countless innocent Americans by big banks and the FBI,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The FBI’s stonewalling and non-denial denial of our request speak volumes.”

Watch the videos, its too bad fox doesn't air them.
Maximum Clown World. Biden’s FBI never ceases to amaze.

The FBI never said that the lego set was proof Robert Morss had planned an attack.

In the same filing, feds noted that Morss had sketched out plans to form a militia in a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia,” according to Business Insider. Some of the steps included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.”

Click bait headline from a Trump humper.
Is Robert morss as homosexual?

Why does he want his case heard in DC?

Substitute teacher?
Public school employee?
Putting his hands on little boys....

Morse is a Jewish name. Morss is likely a different spelling of the same sound. All three listed have Jewish last names.

This guy egged it on.

Audit this guy for homosexuality. That will show his real ideology, and his real objective....
In the same filing, feds noted that Morss had sketched out plans to form a militia in a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia,” according to Business Insider. Some of the steps included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.”

Oh my God a home town militia! He's gonna take out the swamp with it
He a serious threat to our democracy

Ya know how many people are doing that or pondering it across the country

I can't wait till they starve 50 million of ya

I hear it's for the good of the planet anyway
Maximum Clown World. Biden’s FBI never ceases to amaze.

The FBI never said that the lego set was proof Robert Morss had planned an attack.

In the same filing, feds noted that Morss had sketched out plans to form a militia in a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia,” according to Business Insider. Some of the steps included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.”

Click bait headline from a Trump humper.
And what is illegal about forming a militia? It’s a protected right under the constitution....not that you wackos care about such things.
Evidence 1/6 was a hate hoax.

1. Capitol police do not erect a standard barricade for large crowd on the Mall
2. A large group of individuals who knew the barricade would be down trolled the trump supporters and egged on a rush
3. The Capitol police let in people decked out in full body something, faces covered, not possible to ID by video
4. The one Capitol police officer who "died" texted after "dying," clocked in the next day, and was cremated seconds after being declared dead - no autopsy due to no body

Now, who were the people in #2, the "homos in MAGAdrag?"

Were they all homos?

Did some homos join oath keepers under fraudulent pretext?

If supporters of trump want to hear about 1/6 forever, do not check these for being homos.

If you would like to bust the 1/6 hate hoax, you have to check right now.....

And if you think that is funny, you aren't really a trump supporter or a patriotic American.....
In the same filing, feds noted that Morss had sketched out plans to form a militia in a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia,” according to Business Insider. Some of the steps included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.”

Oh my God a home town militia! He's gonna take out the swamp with it
He a serious threat to our democracy

Ya know how many people are doing that or pondering it across the country

I can't wait till they starve 50 million of ya

I hear it's for the good of the planet anyway
ALL of them were a serious threat to democracy, moron.

Morss is one of over 535 people that have been charged in connection with the deadly riots on Jan. 6.

The Department of Justice said last month that Morss led “an assault on police” and organized support from other rioters on the lower west terrace of the Capitol.

He faces nine charges in connection to the riots, including assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees; civil disorder; robbery of the personal property of the United States and obstruction of an official proceeding.

Trump humpers would ignore Ted Kaczynski, just because 'others" are making bombs too.
Maximum Clown World. Biden’s FBI never ceases to amaze.

The FBI never said that the lego set was proof Robert Morss had planned an attack.

In the same filing, feds noted that Morss had sketched out plans to form a militia in a notebook titled “Step by Step To Create Hometown Militia,” according to Business Insider. Some of the steps included “Ambush,” “Battle Drills” and “Formations.”

Click bait headline from a Trump humper.
And what is illegal about forming a militia? It’s a protected right under the constitution....not that you wackos care about such things.
Yes, it is.

The U.S Constitution recognizes a state’s rights to form a “well regulated militia.” The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights provides: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of the free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The Supreme Court has historically defined the Second Amendment as giving states the right to maintain a militia separate from a federally controlled army. The Constitution also provides for the “calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.” (U.S. Constitution, art I, § 8, cl 15-16)

Like Trump humpers know anything about the constitution.

The U.S. Constitution and state laws use the term “militia” to refer to all able-bodied residents between certain ages who may be called forth by the government when there is a specific need; but private individuals have no legal authority to activate themselves for militia duty outside the authority of the federal or state government.
Morss was identified by witnesses who informed the FBI that he was a graduate of Penn State. The affidavit states that Morss was charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; robbery of personal property of the United States; and obstruction of an official proceeding.
Thats the reason he was arrested. I cringe when I see the white race so obnoxious and violent,
but all in the name of Christ. You morons don't even admit what you did, shameful.

The FBI is the premier agency, its just too bad you agree with the insurrection.
Hilarious watching God haters spew rants about God.

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