FBI Raids Detroit City Hall, Homes of Democrat Councilmembers in Federal Corruption Probe


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

FBI Raids Detroit City Hall, Homes of Democrat Councilmembers in Federal Corruption Probe

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The FBI on Wednesday raided Detroit City Hall and the homes of Democrat Councilmembers Janee Ayers and Scott Benson
The FBI raid was part of a federal corruption probe that led to a conspiracy to commit bribery charge against Councilman Andre Spivey on July 28.
It is alleged Spivey took over $35,000 in cash bribe payments.
WXYZ reported:
According to the FBI, the raids happened at the homes of Councilwoman Janee Ayers and Councilman Scott Benson. It’s reportedly part of the federal corruption investigation that led to charges against Councilman Andre Spivey last month.​
According to the criminal information filing, Spivey and another person identified as “Public Official A, “corruptly accepted over $35,000 in bribe payments in connection with Spivey’s position as a member of the Detroit City Council.”​
It also alleges that Spivey took a $1,000 cash bribe from an undercover law enforcement agent on Oct. 26, 2018.​
Both Ayers and Benson are running for another term on council. Ayers advanced to the general election in her bid for an at-large seat, and Benson ran unopposed in the primary.​
The searches come three weeks after Spivey was arraigned in federal court on one count of conspiracy to commit bribery over claims he accepted more than $35,000 to be “influenced and rewarded” for votes.​
“The citizens of Detroit have a right to a city government that is free of corruption,” FBI Detroit Special Agent Timothy Waters said during a presser.
Special Agent Waters said no criminal charges have been filed at this time, but evidence is being turned over to the US Attorney’s office.

Can't be. Impossible. Not a Democrat... Haven't we be told by the Quisling Media that Democrat are the most honorable, trustworthy, transparent people in this country?
Yet, this only adds, to the number of Democrats that have been caught in crime, corruption, and total incompetence.
Really! How can a city with 139% voter turnout be ever be corrupt?...
Actually you shouldn't be allowed to count the extra 39% as part of the turnout totals because those voters were dead. You can only count their votes. (Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Liberal Logic 101).
Just think how patriotic you'd have to be, to get up and vote every election when you're freaken' dead ... and now look, it's paid off.
If that's not enough, in November they installed Joey Xi Bai Dung the first cadaver to hold the office.

FBI Raids Detroit City Hall, Homes of Democrat Councilmembers in Federal Corruption Probe

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The FBI on Wednesday raided Detroit City Hall and the homes of Democrat Councilmembers Janee Ayers and Scott Benson
The FBI raid was part of a federal corruption probe that led to a conspiracy to commit bribery charge against Councilman Andre Spivey on July 28.
It is alleged Spivey took over $35,000 in cash bribe payments.
WXYZ reported:
According to the FBI, the raids happened at the homes of Councilwoman Janee Ayers and Councilman Scott Benson. It’s reportedly part of the federal corruption investigation that led to charges against Councilman Andre Spivey last month.​
According to the criminal information filing, Spivey and another person identified as “Public Official A, “corruptly accepted over $35,000 in bribe payments in connection with Spivey’s position as a member of the Detroit City Council.”​
It also alleges that Spivey took a $1,000 cash bribe from an undercover law enforcement agent on Oct. 26, 2018.​
Both Ayers and Benson are running for another term on council. Ayers advanced to the general election in her bid for an at-large seat, and Benson ran unopposed in the primary.​
The searches come three weeks after Spivey was arraigned in federal court on one count of conspiracy to commit bribery over claims he accepted more than $35,000 to be “influenced and rewarded” for votes.​
“The citizens of Detroit have a right to a city government that is free of corruption,” FBI Detroit Special Agent Timothy Waters said during a presser.
Special Agent Waters said no criminal charges have been filed at this time, but evidence is being turned over to the US Attorney’s office.

Can't be. Impossible. Not a Democrat... Haven't we be told by the Quisling Media that Democrat are the most honorable, trustworthy, transparent people in this country?
Yet, this only adds, to the number of Democrats that have been caught in crime, corruption, and total incompetence.
Really! How can a city with 139% voter turnout be ever be corrupt?...
Actually you shouldn't be allowed to count the extra 39% as part of the turnout totals because those voters were dead. You can only count their votes. (Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Liberal Logic 101).
Just think how patriotic you'd have to be, to get up and vote every election when you're freaken' dead ... and now look, it's paid off.
If that's not enough, in November they installed Joey Xi Bai Dung the first cadaver to hold the office.

Arrest them and try them. If guilty punish them to the maximum extent of the law. There is no room for that kinda thing in my party.

FBI Raids Detroit City Hall, Homes of Democrat Councilmembers in Federal Corruption Probe

25 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
The FBI on Wednesday raided Detroit City Hall and the homes of Democrat Councilmembers Janee Ayers and Scott Benson
The FBI raid was part of a federal corruption probe that led to a conspiracy to commit bribery charge against Councilman Andre Spivey on July 28.
It is alleged Spivey took over $35,000 in cash bribe payments.
WXYZ reported:
According to the FBI, the raids happened at the homes of Councilwoman Janee Ayers and Councilman Scott Benson. It’s reportedly part of the federal corruption investigation that led to charges against Councilman Andre Spivey last month.​
According to the criminal information filing, Spivey and another person identified as “Public Official A, “corruptly accepted over $35,000 in bribe payments in connection with Spivey’s position as a member of the Detroit City Council.”​
It also alleges that Spivey took a $1,000 cash bribe from an undercover law enforcement agent on Oct. 26, 2018.​
Both Ayers and Benson are running for another term on council. Ayers advanced to the general election in her bid for an at-large seat, and Benson ran unopposed in the primary.​
The searches come three weeks after Spivey was arraigned in federal court on one count of conspiracy to commit bribery over claims he accepted more than $35,000 to be “influenced and rewarded” for votes.​
“The citizens of Detroit have a right to a city government that is free of corruption,” FBI Detroit Special Agent Timothy Waters said during a presser.
Special Agent Waters said no criminal charges have been filed at this time, but evidence is being turned over to the US Attorney’s office.

Can't be. Impossible. Not a Democrat... Haven't we be told by the Quisling Media that Democrat are the most honorable, trustworthy, transparent people in this country?
Yet, this only adds, to the number of Democrats that have been caught in crime, corruption, and total incompetence.
Really! How can a city with 139% voter turnout be ever be corrupt?...
Actually you shouldn't be allowed to count the extra 39% as part of the turnout totals because those voters were dead. You can only count their votes. (Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Liberal Logic 101).
Just think how patriotic you'd have to be, to get up and vote every election when you're freaken' dead ... and now look, it's paid off.
If that's not enough, in November they installed Joey Xi Bai Dung the first cadaver to hold the office.

Don't be silly. There is no parallel between some he said she said bullshit from an opinion piece and taking a bribe from an under cover cop.

Why are you kids so desperate to deflect this thread, anyway? Those are democrats they're talking about in the OP.
I never said it was paralleled,, but you said theres no room in your party for corruption so I just pointed some out for you,,
"Haven't we be told by the Quisling Media that Democrat are the most honorable, trustworthy, transparent people in this country?"
Really, Doc, you've read media that says that?
Can you name names?
Can you tell us about the credible authoritative publication you read that in?

Or, with no intention to be rude, but...............but did you just make that up to give your narrative something it didn't have?

"How can a city with 139% voter turnout be ever be corrupt?..."
I'll be darned!!
I hadn't seem that alleged fact before?
Where did you read that, poster Doc?
Can you give us the name of the publication?
Better yet, a link to the credible authoritative journalism that revealed such?

My avatar has no desire to appear rude, but..............but did you just fantasize that, and insert it into your narrative to add something that it did not have?

Just askin'.

Saddle up, Skippy.
Over the years Detroit has had far more than its share of corrupt public servants and I've long felt it was something that its citizens had little control over through the ballot box. I doubt this raid will change anything, as I lean towards opinion that the power behind it all is organized crime. Detroit's citizens deserve a lot better.
Cocksucking traitor merrick Garland will never prosecute anyone dem or zionist for that....

But duncan Hunter expensed some things he should not have... Wham.

Chris Wray and the FBI failed to show up on election night indetroit as dem thugs pushed out GOP poll observers and dumped in fraud ballots...

Why anyone takes Wray or Garland seriously is a real question. Both are traitors a dozen times over....
"Cocksucking traitor merrick Garland......"

Ah, one of my favs is back, prolific poster and zealous Zionist hunter, "EMH".

However, as much fun as EMH can be in his earnest hunt for the insider Jews who blew up the Twin Towers, killed John Kennedy, and set up ISIS as a false-flag op, well, his too frequent references to fellatio, sodomy, and homosexuality could spark concerns that there is something hiding there............maybe hiding in the closet?

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