FBI quietly closes down its Office of DEI


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
There certainly wasn’t much coverage of this, but it seems that Biden et al wanted to close down the “Don’t Hire Whiteys” racist agenda before Trump could get in and really uncover how the FBI rejected better qualified people because they were straight whites and instead hired less competent others because they were blacks, females, black females (the winning combo), gay, transgender, or…..well, anyone…who wasn’t a white.

Since whites are the majority of the FBI, the OP is lying as` usual.

But this stupid ho doesn't understand that everything she has received on the job is due to DEI.
No one was fired. They were absorbed back into the FBI for it to be more difficult for Kash to lay them off.

Anyone who was in the FBI DEI office should be layed off on Tuesday.
Ah….IOW, Biden just wanted to make it harder to get rid of the anti-white racists.

And I agree….people who were part of the DEI are racists making anti-white decisions, and they need to be fired. Otherwise, they’ll just continue to be racists, albeit not officially, in their new jobs.
There certainly wasn’t much coverage of this, but it seems that Biden et al wanted to close down the “Don’t Hire Whiteys” racist agenda before Trump could get in and really uncover how the FBI rejected better qualified people because they were straight whites and instead hired less competent others because they were blacks, females, black females (the winning combo), gay, transgender, or…..well, anyone…who wasn’t a white.

I hope Kash Patel is planning a detailed audit of the FBI's hiring practices since 2008.
Ah….IOW, Biden just wanted to make it harder to get rid of the anti-white racists.

And I agree….people who were part of the DEI are racists making anti-white decisions, and they need to be fired. Otherwise, they’ll just continue to be racists, albeit not officially, in their new jobs.

This was not an FBI epiphany, it was a move to make it more difficult to remove the racists from the FBI.
Since whites are the majority of the FBI, the OP is lying as` usual.

But this stupid ho doesn't understand that everything she has received on the job is due to DEI.

The FBI DEI has been on full display recently. This spokeswoman speaks statements with intonation appropriate for questions. She wore a nose ring in violation of policy. She outright lied to the American people about the obvious terrorist attack, saying it was just bombs....

Time to clean house, and employ the best, brightest, most qualified and most capable, regardless of how they happened to be born.

The FBI DEI has been on full display recently. This spokeswoman speaks statements with intonation appropriate for questions. She wore a nose ring in violation of policy. She outright lied to the American people about the obvious terrorist attack, saying it was just bombs....

Time to clean house, and employ the best, brightest, most qualified and most capable, regardless of how they happened to be born.


At minimum
They should be human.
There certainly wasn’t much coverage of this, but it seems that Biden et al wanted to close down the “Don’t Hire Whiteys” racist agenda before Trump could get in and really uncover how the FBI rejected better qualified people because they were straight whites and instead hired less competent others because they were blacks, females, black females (the winning combo), gay, transgender, or…..well, anyone…who wasn’t a white.

Just means they have finished shredding all the evidence.
The FBI DEI has been on full display recently. This spokeswoman speaks statements with intonation appropriate for questions. She wore a nose ring in violation of policy. She outright lied to the American people about the obvious terrorist attack, saying it was just bombs....

Time to clean house, and employ the best, brightest, most qualified and most capable, regardless of how they happened to be born.


Whites need to shut up about DEI. DEI WAS the attempt to clean house. Whites are the ONLY ones who have been employed because of how they happened to be born.
Whites need to shut up about DEI. DEI WAS the attempt to clean house. Whites are the ONLY ones who have been employed because of how they happened to be born.

It seems we both agree that discrimination based upon race is a bad thing.

I advocate for complete elimination of it. You seem to advocate for reversing the evil by perpetuating it in the opposite direction.

That would be like saying that if someone steals from you, then you have a right to steal from them. That's not how it works; stealing is wrong, so you don't fix it by allowing more of it.

The way to fix discrimination is to stop discriminating. Race, ethnicity and gender should be removed from every government form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate (which is bad). People can't control how they were born, only how they behave.

They shut it down quietly so they could destroy all the records associated with their illegal activity.
The FBI itself needs to be shut down. We can use the US Marshals Service until we create a new, and better, Internal Law Enforcement and Intelligence Service.

I mean, we might take a chance on missing a 9/11 event...No-- Wait...... Or some foreign terrosists like the Tsarnaev bouys.... Okay, bad choices. Then there's .... Ad Infinitum



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