FBI now says it has the Seth Rich laptop, after saying it did not…but wont release computer files for 66 years.

QAnon certainly leaves its mark.

The whole Seth Rich thing was pure Q

There is zero evidence that Rich’s death was anything more than an aborted robbery

There is zero evidence that Rich had anything to do with the DNC hack.

In fact we KNOW WHO DID THAT HACK. Russian GRU
I can imagine how you "vet" people
Happy to explain...
Does the person vote D?
Not necessarily, I don't care who they vote for.
Is the person a climate denier?
No clue
Is the person pro life?
No clue
1 should be YES
2 should be Forget the person who is a climate denier
3 Pro life persons are excluded as well

nice vetting system
Sorry, I guess we had different answers. I don't find peoples political beliefs to be very relevant to the vetting process. I just look for facts and evidence that can provide validity to thing things being claimed.
FBI says it wont release the Seth Rich info for 66 years citing “FAMILY PRIVACY”?

What case law or statute is the precedent?

Can I keep my name and picture out of the paper if I rob a bank, citing FAMILY PRIVACY?

FUCK NO…..the world will Know their dad is a bankrobber.

This FAMILY PRIVACY is a new bullshit twist from the FBI.

Ok we lied. We will release all the information at a later date once everyone is involved is dead and no one cares anymore.

This poster gets it.

Cult fucks…pretend this was about the RNC….you would claim Trump had the guy killed. YOU FUCKING KNOW YOU WOULD.
FBI says it wont release the Seth Rich info for 66 years citing “FAMILY PRIVACY”?

What case law or statute is the precedent?

Can I keep my name and picture out of the paper if I rob a bank, citing FAMILY PRIVACY?

FUCK NO…..the world will Know their dad is a bankrobber.

This FAMILY PRIVACY is a new bullshit twist from the FBI.

You keep sharing a private video that can't be viewed. How about you post some source information that we can actually see.
The FBI lied, saying it never had Seth’s personal and work laptops.

Now they say they cannot release any informaton from those laptops.

The DNC was NOT hacked by Russia. It was Rich, who gave the data to Assange.

This is obvious to any dumb motherfucker with a pulse.

We found out the DNC fucked Bernie….and CNN gave debate questions to Hillary in advance.

Remember when CNN told people to not look atthe emails…because it was illegal? CNN said they would look at them for you and tell you what was in them.

How does that not sound of alarm bells to you dumb cult fucks?
So then who hacked Clinton campaign mgr. Podesta?

Seth was already dead and gone by the time of Podesta's email theft? Did he come back to life from the dead and do it? Please, know what you are talking about before you continue to smear Seth Rich as a thief....working with the Russian asset, Assange... And continue to harm and hurt, Seth's family.
So then who hacked Clinton campaign mgr. Podesta?

Seth was already dead and gone by the time of Podesta's email theft? Did he come back to life from the dead and do it? Please, know what you are talking about before you continue to smear Seth Rich as a thief....working with the Russian asset, Assange... And continue to harm and hurt, Seth's family.
^^^ Democrats protecting the guy who pays for his pizza by the hour.
Imagine clinging to the Seth Rich hoax and calling other people dumb.

Imagine being a dumbass leftard.

Oh wait...

That’s some very serious lack of self awareness.


Don't you realize the conspiracies have been right every single time?

You want to bleat to us about self awareness, dimtard? Progtards are the masters of LIES, they tell so many LIES they can't even keep track of them anymore.

Progtard dimwits are nothing but astroturf. They're a loud and very obnoxious minority
I read that wall of text a long time ago.
No you didn't.
Can you quote the part that you think is relevant to this particular discussion, and explain why you think it's relevant, or are you just too fucking stupid to do that?
An analysis of the metadata collected from the WikiLeaks site revealed that the stolen Podesta emails show a creation date of September 19, 2016.171 Based on information about Assange’s computer and its possible operating system, this date may be when the GRU staged the stolen Podesta emails for transfer to WikiLeaks (as the GRU had previously done in July 2016 for the DNC emails).172 The WikiLeaks site also released PDFs and other documents taken from Podesta that were attachments to emails in his account; these documents had a creation date of October 2, 2016, which appears to be the date the attachments were separately staged by WikiLeaks on its site.173
No you didn't.

An analysis of the metadata collected from the WikiLeaks site revealed that the stolen Podesta emails show a creation date of September 19, 2016.171 Based on information about Assange’s computer and its possible operating system, this date may be when the GRU staged the stolen Podesta emails for transfer to WikiLeaks (as the GRU had previously done in July 2016 for the DNC emails).172 The WikiLeaks site also released PDFs and other documents taken from Podesta that were attachments to emails in his account; these documents had a creation date of October 2, 2016, which appears to be the date the attachments were separately staged by WikiLeaks on its site.173

"May be"?

Those are weasel words, you fucking idiot.

You're a liar and an idiot. A total SADFI.
QAnon certainly leaves its mark.

The whole Seth Rich thing was pure Q

There is zero evidence that Rich’s death was anything more than an aborted robbery

There is zero evidence that Rich had anything to do with the DNC hack.

In fact we KNOW WHO DID THAT HACK. Russian GRU


The DNC does depend on its lemmings. :p

Lets say it was the laptop from someone in the RNC after CORRUPTION WAS REVEALED.

Do you think the cult would want it released?

This is a great breakdown of this story.


The fact that the FBI still exists after decades of lies, corruption, and criminality is further proof will live in a failed state.

No one has been charged in Rich’s murder and apparently they aren’t investigating any further.

Epstein and Mark Middleton committed suicide…lol…and the FBI magically lost all of Epstein’s tapes of elite pedophiles committing crimes.

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