FBI now says it has the Seth Rich laptop, after saying it did not…but wont release computer files for 66 years.


You're a gullible lemming.

Your theory is the GRU gave the stuff to WikiLeaks?

That's not a "theory. That's the Mueller Report CONCLUSION. He indicted over a dozen Russians because they had PROOF of it
No, you don't. You're just another blowhard leftard.

Really? They were working together, or separately?


You'd fail the detective's exam.


You're full of shit.

More bleating leftardry.

Why is the FBI withholding the information?
What information do you THINK they are hiding silly one....

let's hear your conspiracy theory....

As far as the rest of your hogwash, it's clear as day you CHOSE to keep yourself ignorant, by not reading the Mueller report.... That's on you, not me!

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