FBI lost General Flynn records

Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.
Unfortunately your repetitive personal opinion fails to compare with the existing facts, data, reporting....provided with multiple links in multiple posts / locations....but feel free to cling to that ignorant opinion...and good luck with that.
deflection is all he has. he thinks he be the spin master. but he's so obviously wrong, that he stands out as a kook. this is the guy that thinks missing data means there is data.
Zero Evidence he lied since The FBI buried the Original 302.

Correct, they didn't spot any of those things, so their opinion was he told the truth.

Except that’s not what they said. No where is it written that the agents were of the opinion that he told the truth.

Their conclusion that he wasn't lying is not the same as he was telling the truth? So what is the middle-ground between the two?
They concluded he was lying. All the agents said was that he didn’t give physical indications he was lying. That doesn’t mean they thought he was telling the truth. They knew he wasn’t telling the truth.
Blood thirsty evil liberals want an innocent man to go to prison.....the liberal brand has changed forever from compassionate to evil hateful and vengeful....
Innocent of what? He lied. We know he lied.

I’m actually sympathetic to Flynn. After the Afghanistan papers were published in the WaPo last year, he seems like a voice of reason. However, something about him changed in the later years. He became rather different, doing things he wouldn’t have previously done. He compromised himself.

He lied for Trump. Don’t forget that. He compromised his ethics for Trump.
No one set him up. Flynn lied. No one made him.
Yeah....NO. It is actually COMMON KNOWLEDGE now that McCabe visited Flynn to conduct a follow-up interview / interrogation, one in which Flynn asked up front if this was an official talk and if he needed his Counsel - McCabe admitted LYING to Flynn, telling Flynn that they were just chatting and he did not need his Counsel.

It is also COMMON KNOWLEDGE that agents at the FBI believed that Flynn did NOT lie to the FBI but that Strzok had the final decision and pressed for Flynn's indictment.

And if they had anything on Flynn they would not have had to threaten to go after his family to get him to agree to plead guilty and forfeit his right to Counsel at the time.

Oh yeah, we can TRUST the FBI, the same FBI proven to have committed egregious FISA Court abuses - that included knowingly using a proven untrustworthy foreign source, using known false information, committing perjury, falsifying / altering official documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, withholding exculpatory information, lying to the FISA Court...

After PROVEN to have committed such foul crimes / treason, any attempt to argue that they would not set up and screw General Flynn as they did is ridiculously laughable.
Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.

None of it is true.

Flynn lied. We all know this. Why do you think Trump fired him?
flynn never lied, the FBI said so. you again are in error as usual.


Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied
Disproven over and over again. York and every other right wing yahoo is taking this out of context and distorting it.
Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.
Unfortunately your repetitive personal opinion fails to compare with the existing facts, data, reporting....provided with multiple links in multiple posts / locations....but feel free to cling to that ignorant opinion...and good luck with that.

When your links are to garbage right wing blogs who don’t present facts but distorted opinion and propaganda masquerading as facts, then your resulting opinion is likewise garbage.

Garbage in. Garbage out.
When your links are to garbage right wing...

Losers always attempt to talk shit about / discredit the source when they can't debunk / disprove what has been / is being reported....thanks for proving that again.
Disproven over and over again. York and every other right wing yahoo is taking this out of context and distorting it.

Nice LINK...er, OPINION. :p

It’s been provided numerous times.

Flynn Interview Documents | Making False Statements | Federal Bureau Of Investigation

Bottom of page 5. All the agents said that they saw no physical indications that would make them believe he was lying during the interview. Of course, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t lying. The agents concluded that he did based on all the available information, which is how anyone would make that assessment who isn’t a complete moron.
1. Flynn was STUPID. He learned the hard way that everyone in DC is NOT on 'the same team', that you never speak to anyone who has the power to deny you your rights, go after your family, and put your ass in jail without Counsel present.

Yes. He was stupid. If he is that stupid, best he not be DNI. That’s not a position for idiots.

Even if Flynn believed they were all on the same team, it does nothing to exonerate him. You don’t lie to your teammates.

2. McCabe wanted to prevent Flynn's Counsel from being present, from the WH getting any idea what he / the FBI was doing, and especially prevent the WH Counsel getting involved.

Flynn was given the option to have counsel present. He declined. No one forced him to do anything he didn’t agree to. He was not lied to.

McCabe's phone call clearly - as reported by the FBI - completely gave Flynn a false sense of security, not thinking this was an 'OFFICIAL' interrogation. The fact that the FBI's Top Counter-Intelligence Officer and Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI showed up to do a FIELD AGENT'S job also led Flynn to believe this was not an official interview, as it was not consistent with FBI procedure / protocol - one problem the US IG pointed out in his rebuke of the FBI's conduct during the whole investigation.

Bullshit. Flynn knew it was a counterintelligence investigation. If Flynn was under any different impression, he’s an idiot. You still don’t get to lie to the FBI.

Why did the Deputy FBI Director and the Assistant FBI Director for Counter Intelligence get down in the weeds to do a FIELD AGENT's job?

Because Flynn was the DNI. It’s nearly a cabinet level position. Strzok was accompanied by a field agent. McCabe was not present. You’re factually mistaken.

Thanks for the link....Flynn DID lie...but that has NOTHING to do with what I said /proved.

The FBI - the Deputy Director of the FBI and Assistant Deputy Director of the FBI - set Flynn up. They violated procedure / protocol - stepped into do a FIELD AGENT'S Job ADMITTED they sought to prevent Flynn from having his own Counsel present and sought to prevent the WH and WH Counsel from knowing about what they were doing and stepping in, admitted they deliberately did NOT remind Flynn he was still under oath and that lying to them was a crime, and - despite the FIELD AGENTS stating THEY did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI - proven co-conspirator Strzok (who was already recommended for Indictment by the US IG) was the one who proceeded with Indictment / charges (with help from co-Conspirator Rosenstein - proven FISA Court Abuser....all of which has been proven and substantiated with facts, testimony, links ,etc...)

That does not take away from the fact that the US IG HAMMERED the FBI for violating its own policies, procedures, and protocols in its misconduct.

AGAIN...try THINKING for yourself, not just regurgitating the same ol' spoon-fed BS / narratives.
1. Flynn was STUPID. He learned the hard way that everyone in DC is NOT on 'the same team', that you never speak to anyone who has the power to deny you your rights, go after your family, and put your ass in jail without Counsel present.

Yes. He was stupid. If he is that stupid, best he not be DNI. That’s not a position for idiots.

Even if Flynn believed they were all on the same team, it does nothing to exonerate him. You don’t lie to your teammates.

2. McCabe wanted to prevent Flynn's Counsel from being present, from the WH getting any idea what he / the FBI was doing, and especially prevent the WH Counsel getting involved.

Flynn was given the option to have counsel present. He declined. No one forced him to do anything he didn’t agree to. He was not lied to.

McCabe's phone call clearly - as reported by the FBI - completely gave Flynn a false sense of security, not thinking this was an 'OFFICIAL' interrogation. The fact that the FBI's Top Counter-Intelligence Officer and Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI showed up to do a FIELD AGENT'S job also led Flynn to believe this was not an official interview, as it was not consistent with FBI procedure / protocol - one problem the US IG pointed out in his rebuke of the FBI's conduct during the whole investigation.

Bullshit. Flynn knew it was a counterintelligence investigation. If Flynn was under any different impression, he’s an idiot. You still don’t get to lie to the FBI.

Why did the Deputy FBI Director and the Assistant FBI Director for Counter Intelligence get down in the weeds to do a FIELD AGENT's job?

Because Flynn was the DNI. It’s nearly a cabinet level position. Strzok was accompanied by a field agent. McCabe was not present. You’re factually mistaken.

Did Gruber pay for those knee pads you're wearing, or are they standard issue for official snowflake members? LOL!
1. Flynn was STUPID. He learned the hard way that everyone in DC is NOT on 'the same team', that you never speak to anyone who has the power to deny you your rights, go after your family, and put your ass in jail without Counsel present.

Yes. He was stupid. If he is that stupid, best he not be DNI. That’s not a position for idiots.

Even if Flynn believed they were all on the same team, it does nothing to exonerate him. You don’t lie to your teammates.

2. McCabe wanted to prevent Flynn's Counsel from being present, from the WH getting any idea what he / the FBI was doing, and especially prevent the WH Counsel getting involved.

Flynn was given the option to have counsel present. He declined. No one forced him to do anything he didn’t agree to. He was not lied to.

McCabe's phone call clearly - as reported by the FBI - completely gave Flynn a false sense of security, not thinking this was an 'OFFICIAL' interrogation. The fact that the FBI's Top Counter-Intelligence Officer and Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI showed up to do a FIELD AGENT'S job also led Flynn to believe this was not an official interview, as it was not consistent with FBI procedure / protocol - one problem the US IG pointed out in his rebuke of the FBI's conduct during the whole investigation.

Bullshit. Flynn knew it was a counterintelligence investigation. If Flynn was under any different impression, he’s an idiot. You still don’t get to lie to the FBI.

Why did the Deputy FBI Director and the Assistant FBI Director for Counter Intelligence get down in the weeds to do a FIELD AGENT's job?

Because Flynn was the DNI. It’s nearly a cabinet level position. Strzok was accompanied by a field agent. McCabe was not present. You’re factually mistaken.

Did Gruber pay for those knee pads you're wearing, or are they standard issue for official snowflake members? LOL!

Is that the best you can do?

Thanks for the link....Flynn DID lie...but that has NOTHING to do with what I said /proved.

The FBI - the Deputy Director of the FBI and Assistant Deputy Director of the FBI - set Flynn up. They violated procedure / protocol - stepped into do a FIELD AGENT'S Job ADMITTED they sought to prevent Flynn from having his own Counsel present and sought to prevent the WH and WH Counsel from knowing about what they were doing and stepping in, admitted they deliberately did NOT remind Flynn he was still under oath and that lying to them was a crime, and - despite the FIELD AGENTS stating THEY did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI - proven co-conspirator Strzok (who was already recommended for Indictment by the US IG) was the one who proceeded with Indictment / charges (with help from co-Conspirator Rosenstein - proven FISA Court Abuser....all of which has been proven and substantiated with facts, testimony, links ,etc...)

That does not take away from the fact that the US IG HAMMERED the FBI for violating its own policies, procedures, and protocols in its misconduct.

AGAIN...try THINKING for yourself, not just regurgitating the same ol' spoon-fed BS / narratives.
That’s not a set up. That’s Flynn making bad decisions.

No one deceived him. No one tricked him. No one asked him to lie. He did it all on his own.

Show me the IG report that criticizes the FBI behavior with respect to Flynn. He isn’t mentioned in the major Horowitz report issued in December.

There’s so many lies in your post, that it’s hard to call them all out.
Flynn was interviewed by a field agent and Peter Strzok.
The IG did not recommend charges for Strzok.
The FBI never concluded Flynn didn’t lie. (Not that it matters to you anyway since we both agree he did lie)
Strzok cannot proceed with charges, he doesn’t have the authority to do so.
Rosenstein didn’t prosecute Flynn. The charges were drafted by the Mueller team.

You haven’t contributed any meaningful to the discussion.
No one set him up. Flynn lied. No one made him.
Yeah....NO. It is actually COMMON KNOWLEDGE now that McCabe visited Flynn to conduct a follow-up interview / interrogation, one in which Flynn asked up front if this was an official talk and if he needed his Counsel - McCabe admitted LYING to Flynn, telling Flynn that they were just chatting and he did not need his Counsel.

It is also COMMON KNOWLEDGE that agents at the FBI believed that Flynn did NOT lie to the FBI but that Strzok had the final decision and pressed for Flynn's indictment.

And if they had anything on Flynn they would not have had to threaten to go after his family to get him to agree to plead guilty and forfeit his right to Counsel at the time.

Oh yeah, we can TRUST the FBI, the same FBI proven to have committed egregious FISA Court abuses - that included knowingly using a proven untrustworthy foreign source, using known false information, committing perjury, falsifying / altering official documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, withholding exculpatory information, lying to the FISA Court...

After PROVEN to have committed such foul crimes / treason, any attempt to argue that they would not set up and screw General Flynn as they did is ridiculously laughable.
Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.

None of it is true.

Flynn lied. We all know this. Why do you think Trump fired him?
flynn never lied, the FBI said so. you again are in error as usual.


Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied
Disproven over and over again. York and every other right wing yahoo is taking this out of context and distorting it.
Dude comey said what he said, you get confused too easily
Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.
Unfortunately your repetitive personal opinion fails to compare with the existing facts, data, reporting....provided with multiple links in multiple posts / locations....but feel free to cling to that ignorant opinion...and good luck with that.

When your links are to garbage right wing blogs who don’t present facts but distorted opinion and propaganda masquerading as facts, then your resulting opinion is likewise garbage.

Garbage in. Garbage out.
Sites that report demofks wrong doings is very distasteful to you loyalists, we get truth hurts

Thanks for the link....Flynn DID lie...but that has NOTHING to do with what I said /proved.

The FBI - the Deputy Director of the FBI and Assistant Deputy Director of the FBI - set Flynn up. They violated procedure / protocol - stepped into do a FIELD AGENT'S Job ADMITTED they sought to prevent Flynn from having his own Counsel present and sought to prevent the WH and WH Counsel from knowing about what they were doing and stepping in, admitted they deliberately did NOT remind Flynn he was still under oath and that lying to them was a crime, and - despite the FIELD AGENTS stating THEY did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI - proven co-conspirator Strzok (who was already recommended for Indictment by the US IG) was the one who proceeded with Indictment / charges (with help from co-Conspirator Rosenstein - proven FISA Court Abuser....all of which has been proven and substantiated with facts, testimony, links ,etc...)

That does not take away from the fact that the US IG HAMMERED the FBI for violating its own policies, procedures, and protocols in its misconduct.

AGAIN...try THINKING for yourself, not just regurgitating the same ol' spoon-fed BS / narratives.
That’s not a set up. That’s Flynn making bad decisions.

No one deceived him. No one tricked him. No one asked him to lie. He did it all on his own.

Show me the IG report that criticizes the FBI behavior with respect to Flynn. He isn’t mentioned in the major Horowitz report issued in December.

There’s so many lies in your post, that it’s hard to call them all out.
Flynn was interviewed by a field agent and Peter Strzok.
The IG did not recommend charges for Strzok.
The FBI never concluded Flynn didn’t lie. (Not that it matters to you anyway since we both agree he did lie)
Strzok cannot proceed with charges, he doesn’t have the authority to do so.
Rosenstein didn’t prosecute Flynn. The charges were drafted by the Mueller team.

You haven’t contributed any meaningful to the discussion.
That’s Flynn failing to see the set up. It wasn’t official

Thanks for the link....Flynn DID lie...but that has NOTHING to do with what I said /proved.

The FBI - the Deputy Director of the FBI and Assistant Deputy Director of the FBI - set Flynn up. They violated procedure / protocol - stepped into do a FIELD AGENT'S Job ADMITTED they sought to prevent Flynn from having his own Counsel present and sought to prevent the WH and WH Counsel from knowing about what they were doing and stepping in, admitted they deliberately did NOT remind Flynn he was still under oath and that lying to them was a crime, and - despite the FIELD AGENTS stating THEY did not believe Flynn lied to the FBI - proven co-conspirator Strzok (who was already recommended for Indictment by the US IG) was the one who proceeded with Indictment / charges (with help from co-Conspirator Rosenstein - proven FISA Court Abuser....all of which has been proven and substantiated with facts, testimony, links ,etc...)

That does not take away from the fact that the US IG HAMMERED the FBI for violating its own policies, procedures, and protocols in its misconduct.

AGAIN...try THINKING for yourself, not just regurgitating the same ol' spoon-fed BS / narratives.
That’s not a set up. That’s Flynn making bad decisions.

No one deceived him. No one tricked him. No one asked him to lie. He did it all on his own.

Show me the IG report that criticizes the FBI behavior with respect to Flynn. He isn’t mentioned in the major Horowitz report issued in December.

There’s so many lies in your post, that it’s hard to call them all out.
Flynn was interviewed by a field agent and Peter Strzok.
The IG did not recommend charges for Strzok.
The FBI never concluded Flynn didn’t lie. (Not that it matters to you anyway since we both agree he did lie)
Strzok cannot proceed with charges, he doesn’t have the authority to do so.
Rosenstein didn’t prosecute Flynn. The charges were drafted by the Mueller team.

You haven’t contributed any meaningful to the discussion.
That’s Flynn failing to see the set up. It wasn’t official

It wasn’t a set up. No one tricked him. They asked him a very simple question and he lied.
No one set him up. Flynn lied. No one made him.
Yeah....NO. It is actually COMMON KNOWLEDGE now that McCabe visited Flynn to conduct a follow-up interview / interrogation, one in which Flynn asked up front if this was an official talk and if he needed his Counsel - McCabe admitted LYING to Flynn, telling Flynn that they were just chatting and he did not need his Counsel.

It is also COMMON KNOWLEDGE that agents at the FBI believed that Flynn did NOT lie to the FBI but that Strzok had the final decision and pressed for Flynn's indictment.

And if they had anything on Flynn they would not have had to threaten to go after his family to get him to agree to plead guilty and forfeit his right to Counsel at the time.

Oh yeah, we can TRUST the FBI, the same FBI proven to have committed egregious FISA Court abuses - that included knowingly using a proven untrustworthy foreign source, using known false information, committing perjury, falsifying / altering official documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, withholding exculpatory information, lying to the FISA Court...

After PROVEN to have committed such foul crimes / treason, any attempt to argue that they would not set up and screw General Flynn as they did is ridiculously laughable.
Your “common knowledge” isn’t knowledge. It’s lies you’ve been fed by your masters.

None of it is true.

Flynn lied. We all know this. Why do you think Trump fired him?
flynn never lied, the FBI said so. you again are in error as usual.


Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied
Disproven over and over again. York and every other right wing yahoo is taking this out of context and distorting it.
Dude comey said what he said, you get confused too easily
You don’t know what Comey said. You just know what you’re told to believe.

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