FBI In Revolt

They are honorable men and women. When I was a kid, my pop used to use his vacation days to teach me what is important in life. Yes. For my birthday he took me to Gettysburg. For an Easter vacation he took me to Washington. Yes I loved him to death but I sure as hell would have loved just ONE MOTHER F'N TRIP to Disneyland.

OK I'm over my rant. When we went to Washington oh the stories I could tell you my pop took me to the FBI building. Now I was just a little kid. Ok what was the name of that show? Just the facts m'am just the facts. It was a cop show. But everyone in that building looked like him.

And you would be proud of the FBI. And you would be proud of the CIA. These were the good guys. I don't want them all to be tainted with this. This is dirty. And these good men and women aren't.
Is it any wonder the FBI failed prior to 911 when this recent show of ignorance shows you just how petty they are. Bureaucracies are like that, the mediocre rise to the top because they say 'yes' to anything to please whomever. James Comey has now made our billion dollar agency Wikileaks America, one wonders if he isn't coordinating efforts with Assange? What a joke they have become. To praise this sort of incompetence shows how partisan politics has tainted the nation.
They are honorable men and women. When I was a kid, my pop used to use his vacation days to teach me what is important in life. Yes. For my birthday he took me to Gettysburg. For an Easter vacation he took me to Washington. Yes I loved him to death but I sure as hell would have loved just ONE MOTHER F'N TRIP to Disneyland.

OK I'm over my rant. When we went to Washington oh the stories I could tell you my pop took me to the FBI building. Now I was just a little kid. Ok what was the name of that show? Just the facts m'am just the facts. It was a cop show. But everyone in that building looked like him.

And you would be proud of the FBI. And you would be proud of the CIA. These were the good guys. I don't want them all to be tainted with this. This is dirty. And these good men and women aren't.
The current campaign against government institutions is going strong. There are those who try to build themselves up by tearing others down. But I can't recall destroying faith in the Democratic Republic system of government ever becoming a Presidential campaign party plank. There has probably been minor abuse since 1776, but tossing the baby out with the bathwater seems a tad harsh.

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