FBI being blamed cause Fla has crappy gun laws.

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

I don't know what those Massholes do up there, but let me ask: what gun license are you talking about? Because if you're talking about Concealed Carry, it wouldn't have stopped this guy.

The cops know who the trouble makers are? So if somebody is a trouble maker, what do they do about it in regards to him purchasing a firearm when he was not a convicted felon?

Does Mass also have laws that prohibit a guy like this from getting a gun over state lines and bringing it back home? If so, how do they enforce such a law?

What was Fla supposed to do about a guy buying a gun that passed the federal back ground check that Mass would have done?

Your post sounds unbelievable and reeks of constitutional violations.

Licensing is done by your local PD . They do have the ability to deny someone a license if they are unsuitable . Even if they can pass a background check . Like anything, it’s appealable .
To hear the 2nd Amendment extremists on this forum ranting against the FBI for not busting in and confiscating this guy's guns because he made some racist homophobic posts on social media

is truly the best thing ever!!

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

I don't know what those Massholes do up there, but let me ask: what gun license are you talking about? Because if you're talking about Concealed Carry, it wouldn't have stopped this guy.

The cops know who the trouble makers are? So if somebody is a trouble maker, what do they do about it in regards to him purchasing a firearm when he was not a convicted felon?

Does Mass also have laws that prohibit a guy like this from getting a gun over state lines and bringing it back home? If so, how do they enforce such a law?

What was Fla supposed to do about a guy buying a gun that passed the federal back ground check that Mass would have done?

Your post sounds unbelievable and reeks of constitutional violations.

Licensing is done by your local PD . They do have the ability to deny someone a license if they are unsuitable . Even if they can pass a background check . Like anything, it’s appealable .

So the police there have the ability to deny your constitutional right? A little scary, don't you think? And by licensing, do you mean to carry or just to own?

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

So how many mass murder weapons were purchased by private sale bypassing the background check?

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

So how many mass murder weapons were purchased by private sale bypassing the background check?

Idiotic question. Either you support background checks or you don't.

Which is it?

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

So how many mass murder weapons were purchased by private sale bypassing the background check?

What's the point of having loopholes in background check laws that make it legal for an individual to sell a gun to someone who isn't otherwise eligible to purchase guns?
the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

No, they're catching hell because they did not o their job.

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

So how many mass murder weapons were purchased by private sale bypassing the background check?

Idiotic question. Either you support background checks or you don't.

Which is it?

Background checks lead to registration which lead to confiscation

No thanks

No the GOP Congress wanted the shooter to use his assault weapon or they would have done something about it the school shooting before that and the one before that and the .....
You are a partisan hack...the dems held the majority in the house...the senate and Obama the worthless one was president...there were school shootings gang shootings just as bad as today...they did nothing on guns...NOTHING!!!! stop blaming your political foes for everything and take a better look at the thugs and hacks in the DNC you support...
Well I think that many actions failed and this shooter slipped through the cracks..

One time there was a dead cat cut up in my front yard cut up, my neighbor is a fireman and felt that it was cut open with a knife ..
I called the sheriff, he came and threw the cat in his trunk blew me off and drove off..


In the FBI s case, they were notified, didnt act, and 17 kids were killed. You had a dead cat. Boo hoo.
The local pd wasn't notified of the threat, THE FBI WAS and they sat on the info.

They've been too busy plotting against Trump to worry about some lunatic.

Right the FBI were more concerned with hookers peeing on a bed than public safety.

I honestly think that leftists love these shootings because it gives them another opportunity to try and disarm the people. Their agenda demands that government can control everyone and that means stopping people from fighting against tyranny. That is the very reason our forefathers wanted the second amendment.

The Left certainly never passes up on any opportunity to try to pass more gun laws. A gun law is the solution to every killing. 20,000 already on the books, this killer screaming for attention and known forwards and backwards as a kid off to deep end by both the FBI, the local police and the school and yes, what would have stopped everything? Another gun law! To be fair, just what is the school supposed to do, suspend or eject a kid for errant personal attitudes on his own time? We would have tens of millions of kids suspended and ejected from school---- an even bigger problem. And what should the police have done? Arrest him for maybe committing a crime some day in the future? And what should the FBI do, investigate him more? Keep an agent outside the home of every radical and extremist in the country 24/7?

People in this country honestly do not f---king think anymore. The ONE person(s) who SHOULD have done something is the kid's parents or guardians. Get the kid some help, treatment or something. No guarantees there either.

SO WHAT DOES THE LEFT COME UP WITH? You guessed it. They exploit the situation by putting a bunch of their own kids up to politicizing the affair with signs. Go after those evil, bad guns! I'm waiting for the anti-NRA rhetoric to begin again. BTW, the main course of the NRA is safety and training with guns. The main course of Leftists is prosecuting children for doodling pictures of guns on a book cover, eating pastry that loosely resembles a gun and going "bang-bang" with their finger. Yep, it's the GOVERNMENT'S duty and responsibility to fix the situation---- to stop an unknown and untold number of kids from doing something they haven't done yet. So now they have put a bunch of poor kids up to protesting school shootings, BOYCOTTING their schools, and refusing to go back to school until the government "acts to solve the problem."

Students to Boycott Schools Until Congress Acts on Guns

This should be good. Our idiot politicians in DC are SO GOOD at writing brainless laws. Here comes Gun Law 20,001. People, rather than taking responsibility for their own lives just keep BEGGING for Big Brother. "Take my freedoms away, World, because I cannot be trusted with them!"
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The local pd wasn't notified of the threat, THE FBI WAS and they sat on the info.

If FBI did a full threat assessment and found 'High Risk - immanent threat.' And they forwarded that finding to local police. Under Florida law, what can the police do?
The local pd wasn't notified of the threat, THE FBI WAS and they sat on the info.

They've been too busy plotting against Trump to worry about some lunatic.

Right the FBI were more concerned with hookers peeing on a bed than public safety.

I honestly think that leftists love these shootings because it gives them another opportunity to try and disarm the people. Their agenda demands that government can control everyone and that means stopping people from fighting against tyranny. That is the very reason our forefathers wanted the second amendment.

The Left certainly never passes up on any opportunity to try to pass more gun laws. A gun law is the solution to every killing. 20,000 already on the books, this killer screaming for attention and known forwards and backwards as a kid off to deep end by both the FBI, the local police and the school and yes, what would have stopped everything? Another gun law! To be fair, just what is the school supposed to do, suspend or eject a kid for errant personal attitudes on his own time? WE would have tens of millions of kids suspended and ejected from school---- an even bigger problem. And what should the police have done? Arrest him for maybe committing a crime some day in the future? And what should the FBI do, investigate him more? Keep an agent outside the home of every radical and extremist in the country 24/7?

People in this country honestly do not f---king think anymore. The ONE person(s) who SHOULD have done something is the kid's parents or guardians. Get the kid some help, treatment or something. No guarantees there either.

SO WHAT DOES THE LEFT COME UP WITH? You guessed it. They exploit the situation by putting a bunch of their own kids up to politicizing the affair with signs. Go after those evil, bad guns! I'm waiting for the anti-NRA rhetoric to begin again. BTW, the main course of the NRA is safety and training with guns. The main course of Leftists is prosecuting children for doodling pictures of guns on a book cover, eating pastry that loosely resembles a gun and going "bang-bang" with their finger. Yep, it's the GOVERNMENT'S duty and responsibility to fix the situation---- to stop an unknown and untold number of kids from doing something they haven't done yet. So now they have put a bunch of poor kids up to protesting school shootings, BOYCOTTING their schools, and refusing to go back to school until the government "acts to solve the problem."

Students to Boycott Schools Until Congress Acts on Guns

This should be good. Our idiot politicians in DC are SO GOOD at writing brainless laws. Here comes Gun Law 20,001. People, rather than taking responsibility for their own lives just keep BEGGING for Big Brother. "Take my freedoms away, World, because I cannot be trusted with them!"

I'd like to REPEAL some gun laws -- the Tiahrt amendments, Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


You don't need a background check in Florida to acquire guns in private sales.

Remember? You should, because you and your extremist pals have ranted against changing that for years.

He didn't do a private sale, did he?

the latest spin from the Florida shooting is the fbi catching crap because they didn’t follow up on some leads . Huh? Shouldn’t the question be why the local PD Wasn’t all over this guy ?

They knew he was a nut , but Florida laws let these nuts buy guns wh no problem .

Massachusetts law would’ve prevented this . Teens are limited on firearm purchases. And local police ok gun licenses . Local Pd know the trouble makers even if they don’t have a rap sheet .

But go on and believe that gun laws wouldn’t prevent this .

How about Gov Scott explain why FL didn't report this guy to NICS when he was put in the wacky ward, that would have prevented him from passing the background check. Also you can keep your commie state laws.

Oh and the FBI did fuck up, TWICE.


wow it just gets deeper the failure of the government

this guy had been committed as well at one time

yet he still could buy a firearm
Hypocrite emotional lefties don't have the education or the moral option to deem laws "crappy" after a tragedy that happened during a republican administration.. Why is it that the resources of the FBI came up with the author of an obscure you tube video that took Hussein and Hillary off the hook for Benghazi but they couldn't find a freaking Florida maniac who posted a you tube video about becoming a mass murderer? Even after a concerned citizen tipped the FBI about the same maniac who was hoarding firearms with a plan to be a mass murderer a month before the incident and after local Police were called to his house 39 times and his parents were terrified of him, the feds couldn't muster the same effort. The point is that ignorant hate filled lefties can't exonerate federal and local law enforcement from responsibility for a tragedy by pronouncing the law to be "crappy".
Everyone talks about gun control when there is a mass shooting, but no one ever talks about the deluding of the family.

You have broken families and both parents working a lot of hours. There is no way parents can be as involved with their kids lives.

Until we fix the family these things will happen.

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