FBI: Another Nail In The Coffin

Unless the next Republican President (assuming there's an election in 2024) comes in with an actionable Plan to dismantle most of the Federal government, the only alternative is to follow the instructions left by the Founding Fathers and hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the entire operation.
Unless the next Republican President (assuming there's an election in 2024) comes in with an actionable Plan to dismantle most of the Federal government, the only alternative is to follow the instructions left by the Founding Fathers and hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the entire operation.

I like the cut of your jib, bro!

Take America back.
Remember when the FBI was respected...'In Peace And War'?
That was before they became Democrat-Occupied Territory.

"The FBI Is America’s the Democrats’ Police Force Gestapo

If you don’t think the FBI is now Democrat “muscle,” let’s take a look at what we know:

Just before the 2016 election, the election everyone thought Hillary would win, then-Director Comey decided not to investigate Crooked Hillary and her vanishing 33,000 emails. Nor did he look into her seeming involvement in using the State Dept. to line her pockets. In fact, it seems Comey helped hide Hillary’s skullduggery.

Strzok famously bragged to his side piece, fellow agent Lisa Page, that the FBI had an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of the White House.

Hunter Biden is filthy and yet walks on water. What’s on all those stolen laptops?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped almost half of the federal charges against Antifa and BLM in Portland alone. The lib prosecutors dropped roughly 90% of the local charges.

Here is the punchline: Despite letting violent Antifa gals go free, the FBI, to this day, has a “pinned” tweet on its Twitter profile (the first tweet you’ll see) asking for help in finding those nasty selfie-taking “insurrectionists” from January 6."

How convenient that you ignored the fact that Comey/FBI is likely the main reason that Trump got elected in the first place with his letter noting that he was reopening the e-mail investigation of Clinton just DAYS before the election
How convenient that you ignored the fact that Comey/FBI is likely the main reason that Trump got elected in the first place with his letter noting that he was reopening the e-mail investigation of Clinton just DAYS before the election
She's a criminal and Comey let her walk

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