FBI: Another Nail In The Coffin


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Remember when the FBI was respected...'In Peace And War'?
That was before they became Democrat-Occupied Territory.

"The FBI Is America’s the Democrats’ Police Force Gestapo

If you don’t think the FBI is now Democrat “muscle,” let’s take a look at what we know:

Just before the 2016 election, the election everyone thought Hillary would win, then-Director Comey decided not to investigate Crooked Hillary and her vanishing 33,000 emails. Nor did he look into her seeming involvement in using the State Dept. to line her pockets. In fact, it seems Comey helped hide Hillary’s skullduggery.

Strzok famously bragged to his side piece, fellow agent Lisa Page, that the FBI had an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of the White House.

Hunter Biden is filthy and yet walks on water. What’s on all those stolen laptops?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped almost half of the federal charges against Antifa and BLM in Portland alone. The lib prosecutors dropped roughly 90% of the local charges.

Here is the punchline: Despite letting violent Antifa gals go free, the FBI, to this day, has a “pinned” tweet on its Twitter profile (the first tweet you’ll see) asking for help in finding those nasty selfie-taking “insurrectionists” from January 6."

You are blessed with optimism.

Did you see this yesterday?

"UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color​

“By that evening,” Klein notes, “students were calling for my job. Soon after, they circulated a petition demanding I be fired; within a day or two, nearly 20,000 had signed — without knowing anything about me or taking into account, as far as I could tell, the implications of non-color-blind grading. I was attacked for being a white man and ‘woefully racist.’ On June 5, three days after I was first emailed, I was suspended amid a growing online campaign directed at me.”

Demanding grading based on skin color.....

This is America....Americans.
Reagan rescued the Russian people. Who will rescue us?
Not to criticize you, as I tend to be on your side on various issues, but....Reagan rescued the Russian people? They went from a Communist nation to an Oligarchy. Not much of a rescue. Any serious political opponents have tendency to end up arrested or poisoned.
Not to criticize you, as I tend to be on your side on various issues, but....Reagan rescued the Russian people? They went from a Communist nation to an Oligarchy. Not much of a rescue. Any serious political opponents have tendency to end up arrested or poisoned.

Reagan took the Russian people out from under the thumb of the gulag folks....Democrat lite.

How is he responsible for them not following through on the opportunity he provided???

And, speaking of thumbs, does this make you feel better:

"Ronald Reagan, though dismissed by Europeans as a second-rate actor and fondler of cue cards, possessed that magic faculty that separates run-of-the mill politicos from history-molding leaders. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"

When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.'"

Wadda ya' say???
Not to criticize you, as I tend to be on your side on various issues, but....Reagan rescued the Russian people? They went from a Communist nation to an Oligarchy. Not much of a rescue. Any serious political opponents have tendency to end up arrested or poisoned.

Worth a look:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ― Samuel Adams
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ― Samuel Adams

Sadly, it has come to pass.

I came to this country for freedom, free speech, individualism.

I never thought America would succumb and do so so easily.
"Did I mention some of those arrested for January 6 are still in solitary confinement? Rioting is OK as long as you’re with the Democrats.

I vaguely recall human rights groups clamoring over the treatment of those poor jihadists at Guantanamo Bay. Where are they now that Americans languish in federal prison?

FACT-O-RAMA! The FBI sheepishly admitted they found scant evidence that January 6 was an “insurrection.”
Remember when the FBI was respected...'In Peace And War'?
That was before they became Democrat-Occupied Territory.

"The FBI Is America’s the Democrats’ Police Force Gestapo

If you don’t think the FBI is now Democrat “muscle,” let’s take a look at what we know:

Just before the 2016 election, the election everyone thought Hillary would win, then-Director Comey decided not to investigate Crooked Hillary and her vanishing 33,000 emails. Nor did he look into her seeming involvement in using the State Dept. to line her pockets. In fact, it seems Comey helped hide Hillary’s skullduggery.

Strzok famously bragged to his side piece, fellow agent Lisa Page, that the FBI had an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of the White House.

Hunter Biden is filthy and yet walks on water. What’s on all those stolen laptops?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped almost half of the federal charges against Antifa and BLM in Portland alone. The lib prosecutors dropped roughly 90% of the local charges.

Here is the punchline: Despite letting violent Antifa gals go free, the FBI, to this day, has a “pinned” tweet on its Twitter profile (the first tweet you’ll see) asking for help in finding those nasty selfie-taking “insurrectionists” from January 6."

The QOP respects NO institutions.

And that includes LEO if they get in the way of the QOP agenda (see the Capitol Insurrection
Remember when the FBI was respected...'In Peace And War'?
That was before they became Democrat-Occupied Territory.

"The FBI Is America’s the Democrats’ Police Force Gestapo

If you don’t think the FBI is now Democrat “muscle,” let’s take a look at what we know:

Just before the 2016 election, the election everyone thought Hillary would win, then-Director Comey decided not to investigate Crooked Hillary and her vanishing 33,000 emails. Nor did he look into her seeming involvement in using the State Dept. to line her pockets. In fact, it seems Comey helped hide Hillary’s skullduggery.

Strzok famously bragged to his side piece, fellow agent Lisa Page, that the FBI had an “insurance policy” to keep Trump out of the White House.

Hunter Biden is filthy and yet walks on water. What’s on all those stolen laptops?

The Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped almost half of the federal charges against Antifa and BLM in Portland alone. The lib prosecutors dropped roughly 90% of the local charges.

Here is the punchline: Despite letting violent Antifa gals go free, the FBI, to this day, has a “pinned” tweet on its Twitter profile (the first tweet you’ll see) asking for help in finding those nasty selfie-taking “insurrectionists” from January 6."

Per the FBI, concerned parents who speak out against CRT are the primary threat. Not people who burn, murder and loot. Keep up.
Per the FBI, concerned parents who speak out against CRT are the primary threat. Not people who burn, murder and loot. Keep up.

My very next post:

"PJ Media’s own Megan Fox reports on the latest FBI nonsense. The FBI is now going to haunt local school board meetings since conservative parents aren’t happy the schools are teaching critical race theory to their kids. Nor are they ok with teachers, who are members of Antifa, teaching their children.

Does the FBI think local police can’t handle a cranky Karen? Of course not. They know the “civil war” everyone is predicting has started, peacefully, at the school board meeting level. They are trying to scare people into not standing up for their children.

My very next post:

"PJ Media’s own Megan Fox reports on the latest FBI nonsense. The FBI is now going to haunt local school board meetings since conservative parents aren’t happy the schools are teaching critical race theory to their kids. Nor are they ok with teachers, who are members of Antifa, teaching their children.

Does the FBI think local police can’t handle a cranky Karen? Of course not. They know the “civil war” everyone is predicting has started, peacefully, at the school board meeting level. They are trying to scare people into not standing up for their children.

11/22 cannot come soon enough
11/22 cannot come soon enough

I don't believe they won the last election.
Watters then mentioned the audit.

“In Arizona, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by 11,000 votes. An audit in Maricopa County done by an outside firm found 57,000 questionable ballots just in that one county. The media wasn’t interested in this, and the audit wasn’t as thorough as it could have been because Arizona officials wouldn’t fully cooperate and some evidence was removed and destroyed,” he said."


Yogi Berra — 'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.'

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