Fathers Day


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Is next Sunday.

Men-what are some of your favorite gifts you have received?

Women-what are some gifts you have given?

(Well, I guess guys can answer that one ^^^^ too, since they give gifts to dads too! ) :)
When I was about 8, I made my Dad a needlepoint that said 'My Dad is the Best Dad'. He had it framed and, to this day, it hangs in his office.
When I was in junior high school, I made my dad a BBQ Apron. He still has it...and uses it when he grills (which is quite often). It's so sweet; and I'm rather surprised at how durable my creative project ended up being.

Now, he really doesn't like receiving gifts..."you kids shouldn't spend your money on us". Food items, however, are exempt from this policy. So I give him a big box of dark chocolate truffles. Truffles have turned into the all purpose gift for both Dad and Mom for all special occasions.
Two come to mind...

My kids gave me a T-Shirt that said "Hands down best Dad in the world" and it had their hand prints on it.

Another was more practical from my wife...a set of heavy clad cookware. I have had then for...about 15 years now.
I'll be working all day next sunday, but I expect assorted baked goods arranged on the table when I get home, as well as some kind of dinner that includes beef and potatoes.

I'll indulge just as soon as the sex is done.
My dad still has this DAD frame we gave him with a picture of all six of us.
I need to figure out what I am going to get my dad this year.
Latest pic of the girls:

That is what I should do. I could frame an updated picture of my son. He is more a father to my son, then his own dad. My dad is probably my son's favorite person. He was mine when I was little. LOL
Me and my father hated (or never meshed with) one another for the first 25 years of my life... Its only been recently that we've begun to grow "closer."

I've always given him a card...

Maybe thats why? :lol:
This year's Father's Day present from me will be a replacement for the Vietnam Veteran grave marker that the cemetary caretakers creamed with the riding lawnmower last year.
I didn't know my real Dad, so that leaves him out.
My SF, even tho he wasn't the best Dad to me, I always got him some candy he could eat, because he was a diabetic and he hated having to give up sweets ~LoL~
He had everything in the world he wanted, he and Mother were hard to buy for towards their latter years. If Dad saw something he wanted, he just bought it, so my gifts were more simpler things.
Since he liked working on antique cars in his big 5 car garage, I would buy him those brown work gloves by the dozens!!!
They were el-cheapos, and he would use them just for about one day, and because they'd get so nasty and greasy, he's toss them and not reuse them....so he liked having a large supply on hand.
I miss doing that........but, since his passing, I will do what I do every year for Father's day, the same thing for the past 3 years.
I will go to the cemetery and talk with him- taking flowers and a card with me :)
Is next Sunday.

Men-what are some of your favorite gifts you have received?

Women-what are some gifts you have given?

(Well, I guess guys can answer that one ^^^^ too, since they give gifts to dads too! ) :)

I don't have any kids to give me a gift.

And Dad's been gone for a long time, so it will be just another Sunday for me.
Just another day here too. My dad has been gone many years and is buried in the valley. And he would not want me to come there to talk to a mound of dirt. He isn't there. He's hanging out with God.

Ex won't get anything from his kids. They are too busy selling their drugs and being stoned on pot.
When Mrs O and I were married her oldest daughter told me "don't ever expect to be a father figure, you can never replace my father." Three years later she gave me a card with a big trophy picture calling me best dad of the century. She's called me Dad ever since.
Me and my Dad really are not big on gifts or saying I love you. I usually call him up and tell him happy fathers day and he says "thanks, here's your mom". Mom always sends me a card with 10 dollars in it and signs my dads name to it. My boys and me go four wheeler riding on fathers day and cook out on the way. A real guys only time. I always tell them i love them and they tell me they love me. The oldest one is my step son and he does not call me dad but he still tells me he loves me.