Fatal Police Shootings Through July 29, 2020


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
As of July 29, 2020, there had been 558 fatal police shootings. Of those, 111 were black. Now while blacks are ~12% of the population they account for a higher percentage of fatal shootings (20% as of the date of this article), but they also account for ~33% of all violent crimes committed, and ~50% of all murders committed in any given year.

So what is the outrage again?
As of July 29, 2020, there had been 558 fatal police shootings. Of those, 111 were black. Now while blacks are ~12% of the population they account for a higher percentage of fatal shootings (20% as of the date of this article), but they also account for ~33% of all violent crimes committed, and ~50% of all murders committed in any given year.

So what is the outrage again?
Nice! Did you also notice the decline since 2017 in all colums? Of course we do have 4 months to go, but do not think we will get back up to the previous years of the current administration? You a member? Would not mind seeing the previous 8 years.
As of July 29, 2020, there had been 558 fatal police shootings. Of those, 111 were black. Now while blacks are ~12% of the population they account for a higher percentage of fatal shootings (20% as of the date of this article), but they also account for ~33% of all violent crimes committed, and ~50% of all murders committed in any given year.

So what is the outrage again?
....so, like I've said before --they are ''''killing'' blacks at a LOWER rate than whites per crime rates
...they are more violent [ they commit murder/rape/etc at much higher rates
..it all CROSSCHECKS!---there is no problem of police brutality
..there are over 10 MILLION arrests per year--and MILLIONS more police contacts--not counting traffic stops--there is not a problem of police brutality
...the police are doing a great job at NOT killing the high violence-crime group = blacks
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
Nice! Did you also notice the decline since 2017 in all colums? Of course we do have 4 months to go, but do not think we will get back up to the previous years of the current administration? You a member? Would not mind seeing the previous 8 years.
The "previous administration" did not have a Marxist led insurrection being purued against it.
Those little details can sometimes go under your radar, I know.
Nice! Did you also notice the decline since 2017 in all colums? Of course we do have 4 months to go, but do not think we will get back up to the previous years of the current administration? You a member? Would not mind seeing the previous 8 years.
The "previous administration" did not have a Marxist led insurrection being purued against it.
Those little details can sometimes go under your radar, I know.
What a drama queen. I'm not buying it.
I looked at the site the OP showed or used to generate those numbers and graphical analysis and it did not have that report listed in the part just anyone can access. For all I know, he used site data and access to the tools of the site to generate it. I just do not want to pay to get the access, much less a corporate access.
Lots of things crime stats have declined since the early 2000s. Curiosity as to how the numbers were, is just idle curiosity.
As a country, we do not have a Marxist led insurrection, although some cities may. I have said it before and I will say it again. These riots aren't crap compared with the 60s. Those that are not of age to have seen it, just need to get a grip.
As of July 29, 2020, there had been 558 fatal police shootings. Of those, 111 were black. Now while blacks are ~12% of the population they account for a higher percentage of fatal shootings (20% as of the date of this article), but they also account for ~33% of all violent crimes committed, and ~50% of all murders committed in any given year.

So what is the outrage again?
....so, like I've said before --they are ''''killing'' blacks at a LOWER rate than whites per crime rates
...they are more violent [ they commit murder/rape/etc at much higher rates
..it all CROSSCHECKS!---there is no problem of police brutality
..there are over 10 MILLION arrests per year--and MILLIONS more police contacts--not counting traffic stops--there is not a problem of police brutality
...the police are doing a great job at NOT killing the high violence-crime group = blacks
They walk on egg shells with violent blacks. Not a good policy if you want to live
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
...MR PERFECT again!!! you are so perfect--you would do everything perfect if you were a cop
..we've been over this before in another thread
1.that's a lot of babble crap there
2. your red car analogy is ridiculous---what does it even mean?????!!!
3. they pull less over at night because LESS people are driving at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. blacks are worse drivers---proof???!!!! = they graduate at lower levels = insurance companies put MONEY on it!!...they know people with higher grades drive better
5. so, the blacks are worse at following crime laws [ higher murder rates--higher crime rates ] and you want us to believe they will follow traffic laws better????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. there is NO proof cops pull over blacks because of race --just like when a jackass black dies resisting arrest/etc, there is NO proof race is involved
--you have provided no proof of that
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
hey, there are less people driving at night---DUH!!!!
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
....most of the OJ jury was BLACK!! they voted based on skin color--not the facts...it was one of the most stupid and racist juries ever
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
...MR PERFECT again!!! you are so perfect--you would do everything perfect if you were a cop
..we've been over this before in another thread
1.that's a lot of babble crap there
2. your red car analogy is ridiculous---what does it even mean?????!!!
3. they pull less over at night because LESS people are driving at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. blacks are worse drivers---proof???!!!! = they graduate at lower levels = insurance companies put MONEY on it!!...they know people with higher grades drive better
5. so, the blacks are worse at following crime laws [ higher murder rates--higher crime rates ] and you want us to believe they will follow traffic laws better????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. there is NO proof cops pull over blacks because of race --just like when a jackass black dies resisting arrest/etc, there is NO proof race is involved
--you have provided no proof of that

Again nonsense. The Red Cars was explained in painful simplicity. If you do not understand it, then your ability to understand statistics is going to be questionable.

The difference of day versus nights continues to be portion of those pulled over. While statistically Blacks are pulled over more often as a percentage of stops during the day, they are pulled over less often at night. Again as a statistical portion of stops.

While they are searched more often, it is the Whites who have the higher percentage of actionable contraband discovered. In other words. Statistically speaking, Whites are more likely to be committing other crimes while driving.

As for being perfect. Nonsense. You do not need to be perfect to reject racism. You need to be an American Patriot. Not perfect.
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
...MR PERFECT again!!! you are so perfect--you would do everything perfect if you were a cop
..we've been over this before in another thread
1.that's a lot of babble crap there
2. your red car analogy is ridiculous---what does it even mean?????!!!
3. they pull less over at night because LESS people are driving at night!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. blacks are worse drivers---proof???!!!! = they graduate at lower levels = insurance companies put MONEY on it!!...they know people with higher grades drive better
5. so, the blacks are worse at following crime laws [ higher murder rates--higher crime rates ] and you want us to believe they will follow traffic laws better????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. there is NO proof cops pull over blacks because of race --just like when a jackass black dies resisting arrest/etc, there is NO proof race is involved
--you have provided no proof of that

Again nonsense. The Red Cars was explained in painful simplicity. If you do not understand it, then your ability to understand statistics is going to be questionable.

The difference of day versus nights continues to be portion of those pulled over. While statistically Blacks are pulled over more often as a percentage of stops during the day, they are pulled over less often at night. Again as a statistical portion of stops.

While they are searched more often, it is the Whites who have the higher percentage of actionable contraband discovered. In other words. Statistically speaking, Whites are more likely to be committing other crimes while driving.

As for being perfect. Nonsense. You do not need to be perfect to reject racism. You need to be an American Patriot. Not perfect.
less are driving at night----HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
..so the blacks commit crime at higher rates and have less contraband!!!???? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
hey, there are less people driving at night---DUH!!!!

People still get pulled over. And according to you the Blacks are out Raping and Robbing not to mention Murdering Whites all night. And curiously enough the percentage of Blacks pulled over drops dramatically. Do they drive more carefully at night because they are on their way to Rape and Rob Whites? Or what?
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
hey, there are less people driving at night---DUH!!!!

People still get pulled over. And according to you the Blacks are out Raping and Robbing not to mention Murdering Whites all night. And curiously enough the percentage of Blacks pulled over drops dramatically. Do they drive more carefully at night because they are on their way to Rape and Rob Whites? Or what?
it all crosschecks:
higher crime rates/etc
blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa
First Nonsense. Let me put your statistics into context. Let's say that you are a cop and you are writing tickets to speeders. You have a stretch of road, a down hill stretch of road that you are on every day. Pretty much everyone is speeding. You don't like Red Cars, and you pull over more of them than any other color. In fact, half the cars you pull over are red. Perhaps the color attracts the eye easier, whatever. In a few months, the statistics say that Red Cars are more likely to be speeding than any other color car. So now, you have a Statistical proof that Red Cars are driven dangerously, and you can focus on the Red Cars even more, because statistically it is more likely that they are speeding than other cars. When the truth is that everyone is driving about the same speed, and it is merely your choice that makes the Red Cars the targets.

You have to go to a larger subset of statistics. Let's take Traffic Stops.

Now, what did we learn looking at over 200 million traffic stops? We learned that Blacks were pulled over more often than whites, statistically speaking. So obviously Black Drivers were more likely to be speeding and driving recklessly right? Yet, those same Black Drivers were pulled over less often at night, when the color or identity of the driver was harder to discern. So wait a minute, if Black Drivers were in fact more likely to be speeding, than that would continue through to the darkness wouldn't it? Yet, in the dark, when you could not tell the car was driven by a Black, they were less likely to be pulled over. Odd isn't it? Seeing Red Cars yet?

SO let's go with Searches. Blacks were more likely to have their cars searched, yet they were less likely statistically speaking to have actionable contraband. By that I mean enough drugs to warrant an arrest, or weapons, or other illegal items in the car. So wait a minute. If Whites were more likely statistically speaking, to have that contraband, why were they not searched more often than their Black counterparts? Red cars anyone?

But let's look at the arrest and conviction rates. Blacks being generally poorer than the Whites were often unable to afford quality Legal Council. Back to cars. A $15,000 hatchback is not going to be as good as a $150,000 sedan right? So quality cost money, and quality delivers better results.

What happened when a Black man was able to afford that quality legal representation? OJ Simpson anyone? Even now people are outraged that he got off. Several on this board will probably reply that it was because of his race, but it really wasn't. IT was because his lawyers were the best in the nation, and cost several million dollars to defend him. When the legal representation is that expensive, like the quality car we mentioned above, it usually gets much better results.

Then we have the Police. A survey of Judges, and Lawyers, indicated that they believed that police lied in about one case out of five. In other words, twenty percent of the court cases involving police have a lie in there somewhere. How they got the evidence, how they got something. Now, we know these lies are exposed when you have the high priced lawyers who have the money, time, and resources to check and double check every single assertion by the Police. They have investigators, junior lawyers, and others who go blind practically as they examine every thing the cop asserts. The statement of Mark Furman in the OJ Trial that he had never used the N word to describe a Black, and then the audio tape of him saying the word is a good example. At that point, everything that Mark Furman said was now suspect, and the Jury would doubt his assertions on the facts.

It wasn't that OJ was black, it was that OJ was represented by the finest Criminal Defense Lawyers in the Country. People who were legends before they took the case like F. Lee Baily. No public defenders office would have found that recording. No public Defender would have been able to attack the evidence piece by piece, and create the doubt that existed. Only a very skilled, and thus very expensive lawyer could.

Look at the Innocence Project. In nearly every single exoneration, we find that the Convicted Felon was represented by either a very cheap and thus not very good lawyer, or a Public Defender, who has fifty cases that he can't afford to spend the time, or resources to prove the defendant innocent. In every case, we find Police and Proprietorial Misconduct was rampant.

Now, lets step away from Statistics for a minute. We have shown I think that statistics can be made to show whatever you want, when you just look at the surface. Hence the old saying Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

Let's talk about the Constitution. Every single citizen is entitled to the same rights as any other citizen. It is the basis of the idea, which has sadly never actually become reality, that no one is above the law. If we are to give the police a pass in their mistreatment of Blacks based upon demonstrably flawed statistics, we would be denying an entire group of people their rights under the Constitution. We would be driving one of the last, if not the last, nail in the coffin of our nation. We should demand that people, citizens, of this nation are treated fairly and equally. We should be voting anyone who makes such an argument out of office. And we should demand that any Judge who allows such nonsense to guide his actions be impeached and disbarred from ever working in the legal field ever again.

So the Statistics are at best questionable. The Actions of the police are certainly questionable, and the justification for those actions, the questionable statistics, is a weak reed to grasp.

Do you see the Red Cars yet? Because the red cars are right in front of you.
exoneration does not mean innocent

When the DNA of the person committing the crime does not match the person convicted, it most certainly does.
....most of the OJ jury was BLACK!! they voted based on skin color--not the facts...it was one of the most stupid and racist juries ever

Again nonsense. There was the lie Furman was caught in. That again tainted his testimony. And since he discovered most of the evidence, it tainted the evidence. Then there was the gloves “shrinking”.

Kato came off looking like Bill and Ted attended Ridgeway High. And the prosecution experts went into so much detail that the Jury and the people at home got bored and changed the channel. Remember it was broadcast live every day.

Marsha Clark tried to explain to the Jury that the Glove shrank. She should have offered that up before. She tried to explain that yes Furman was caught in a lie, but he totally told the truth about everything else.

And if Race is the deciding Factor in Juries then the Whites who excused the cops who beat Rodney King did so based on Race? Because in my opinion, there again, the Defense Attorney did a fantastic job. The inability of the Prosecution experts to identify when the action went from Justified to excessive was damning for the Prosecution.
What a drama queen. I'm not buying it.
I looked at the site the OP showed or used to generate those numbers and graphical analysis and it did not have that report listed in the part just anyone can access. For all I know, he used site data and access to the tools of the site to generate it. I just do not want to pay to get the access, much less a corporate access.
Lots of things crime stats have declined since the early 2000s. Curiosity as to how the numbers were, is just idle curiosity.
As a country, we do not have a Marxist led insurrection, although some cities may. I have said it before and I will say it again. These riots aren't crap compared with the 60s. Those that are not of age to have seen it, just need to get a grip.
Oh, really? :rolleyes:
You sound like a hack doctor who says you don't have cancer....your liver does.
Thanks for the ridiculous and self serving distinction.

Are these riots we are going through more or less than those of the sixties? I don't think there is any question they are more violent. And I don't think comparisons are useful or instructive.

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