“Fascist” Sen. Feinstein Wants to Regulate the 1st Amendment: Bloggers Are Not “Real


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Democrats doing their jobs...now they want to dictate who can and can't be a REPORTER...here they go again STEPPING on our RIGHTS.
links and a video at site


Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Friday, September 13, 2013, 2:51 PM

Dianne Feinstein wants to regulate who can and cannot be a reporter. The Internet’s largest disseminator of news, Matt Drudge, called her a “Fascist”.

Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted for a “Reporter Shield Bill” which would determine who is and who isn’t a journalist.

Here’s Senator Feinstein at the hearing:

Senator Feinstein proposed language that she said,”effectively sets up a test for establishing bona fide credentials that make one a legitimate journalist.” Legitimate journalists will be protected. Non-legitimate journalists, like blogs, will not.

all of it here
- See more at: The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback
well well...make's you go hummmmmmmm....and now they want to dictate who can be classified as journalist


Rick Stengel Is at Least the 21st Journalist to Work for the Obama Administration

Associated Press

Elspeth Reeve 2,612 Views Sep 12, 2013

Time managing editor Rick Stengel (pictured above) is leaving journalism to go work for the State Department, making him at least the 15th 21st reporter to go to work for the Obama administration. Stengel will be the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Politico and Capital New York report. The last high-profile journalist to leave Time for the Obama administration is Jay Carney, who is currently White House press secretary (pictured at right). Update: Thanks to a few tipsters, we've updated with a bigger count. They're listed below.

A wave of reporters went to work for President Obama early in the administration, a time when many media organizations were going through layoffs and Obama's approval rating was sky-high. The flow has tapered off since then. The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe has semi-regularly kept tabs on the number of reporters working for Obama administration, counting 10 in May 2009, 14 in 2010, and 13 in 2011. The Washington Examiner's Paul Beddard counted 19 reporters working for "Team Obama" in February 2012, but he included liberal advocacy groups as part of the "team."

all of it here
Rick Stengel Is at Least the 21st Journalist to Work for the Obama Administration - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire

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