Fascist America! Great job BUSH VOTERS

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Hey, who knows, but the one on "seen on TV soon" pretty depressing!
Prapaganda? All of these links have credible sources. you didnt read them did you? even the silly animations have sources it plain sight!
Yes, very depressing. The US media is purposly messing w/ the facts. They arent showing us the hell in iraq, AND the us troop will tell you its not pretty. Some will be back soon. Spilling everything.

Abe Lincoln
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed."
Well, I guess we will have to wait and see, but on the other hand, I am going to find some of that out for myself! Jim, you know eric, the friend of mine from way back, he was over there and back, I want to see what he has to say about it!
I encourage you to watch or read Al Gore's speech and my other links. There is a bigger picture..
I am not much of a Gore fan, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to read!
Thank you Janeeng. Ya, I didnt really care for him that much either, but he was the best canidate for me to choose at the time.

Ive read his very similar speech in SanFran a few months ago..it was great.

But this actually made me shed a tear, i couldnt believe his Patriotism . I believe Gore is a great man after hearing his, and many americans views, on this topic.
Originally posted by jones
Prapaganda? All of these links have credible sources. you didnt read them did you? even the silly animations have sources it plain sight!

Ummmmm, no!

Just a personal home page of a regular everyday internet user. Makes no mention of the USA or Bush.

US Nobel Laureate Slams Bush Gov't as "Worst" in American History

From the Islamic Republic news, crap.

Please show me an actual speech from our administrations that has facts in it. Heres some facts

A democratic propaganda site, no surprise that some Bush bashing will take place there.


A page by Ron Paul. I guess he wouldn't have a slanted view being he is running for president in 2004?

This will be on TV soon.
Limbaugh at his best...
Pax Americana

Very credible site here! Send them support and they will send you back a Tommy Chong T-Shirt! LOL
Originally posted by jones
I encourage you to watch or read Al Gore's speech and my other links. There is a bigger picture..
Oh come on, state your case. Anyone can post links to websites and the web is full of views that support one side or another. Next you will be asking us to go to MichealMoore.com and telling us the truth is out there. Whatever.:rolleyes:
Oh and Jim, I would love to read some of your reasonings for supporting Bush & CO.

I really would, I like to get all points of views before and make my own stance.

Oh, and the 14 signs, my first link..which one don't you see in america?
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Oh come on, state your case. Anyone can post links to websites and the web is full of views that support one side or another. Next you will be asking us to go to MichealMoore.com and telling us the truth is out there. Whatever.:rolleyes:

Well stated MtnBiker!!! :clap:

jones, seriously, glad you are here, but you've got to do more than post web links. Why don't you tell us what you actually think instead of showing us someone else's thoughts and opinions?
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Well stated MtnBiker!!! :clap:

jones, seriously, glad you are here, but you've got to do more than post web links. Why don't you tell us what you actually think instead of showing us someone else's thoughts and opinions?
Hey thanks man!
Originally posted by jones
Oh and Jim, I would love to read some of your reasonings for supporting Bush & CO.

I really would, I like to get all points of views before and make my own stance.

Oh, and the 14 signs, my first link..which one don't you see in america?

I'll reread the 14 signs one and reply again in a few.

You want my reasonings? Read the other threads, you have lots of catching up to do!
Originally posted by jones
Oh, and the 14 signs, my first link..which one don't you see in america?

Please allow me.

First of all, a quick Google search of Dr. Lawrence Britt finds his article that you linked to, plus others, on quite a few leftist sites. So I'm sure that this was a totally unbiased report, right?


1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism - it couldn't possibly be that, after 9/11, people spontaneously rallied around the flag?

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - I have yet to see "torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc." in America.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - the enemies attacked us on 9/11, not the other way around. Or did you forget that?

4. Supremacy of the Military - Serving in the US military as, with the exception of the Vietnam era, always been held up as a noble profession.

5. Rampant Sexism - does not exist in America.

6. Controlled Mass Media - Let's see... we have everything from Fox NEws, Drudge, CNN, the New Republic... boy, that's a controlled media, isn't it?

7. Obsession with National Security - Again, we have responded to an unprovoked attack on our nation, much unlike Nazi Germany, Chile, Italy, etc.

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined - This would more aptly describe the Taliban, not the US.

9. Corporate Power is Protected - actually, in a facist state, the government controls the economy, not the other way around.

10. Labor Power is Suppressed - labor is anything but supressed in America.

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Again, this is not seen in America.

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment - we have the Bill of Rights to keep us from things like this happening. And please don't being up the Patriot Act... I can't stand people whining about increased crime enforcement.

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - let's see... yup, all of Bush's Texas Rangers and oil business partners are now in office.

14. Fraudulent Elections - Are you still trying to whine about the 2000 elections?

Sorry, I don't see any of the supposed 14 signs of facism in America.
Which one is not a credible source?

-we are being mislead into the first pre emptive war in US history
-In the aftermath of 9/11, the bush administration pushed through many laws. Even days after 9/11. Nobody was told at the time but to examples are URL=http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Surveillance/Terrorism/20011031_eff_usa_patriot_analysis.html]PATRIOT ACT[/URL], the new PATRIOT ACT II, not sure if its enacted yet. VICTORY ACT, Im scared.
-Holliburton got the contract for iraq, with no bidding between companys. Cheney's got great benifits.
-The "Project for the New American Century", do a google search. I believe they are seeking the role of imperialistic status of which has never been seen before.
-its mass fraud, seeking power and money.
-media is not covering the REAL ISSUES, misleading the american people.
-This all was thought up along time ago. I believe it to be a movement started in 1984.
-http://www.blackboxvoting.com/ , these voting machines are owned by Bush lobbiests. There is no recount possible w/ this, its not possible because they cant be counted again. The CEO of this company is known to have said roughly, "I am fully content on delivering the 2004 election to George W. Bush."
-Our Founding fathers new this day would come, and they warned. Lincoln: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed." Jefferson also warned us, if you can find it.
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