Fascism will come disguised as Liberalism

Tell me you know nothing about world history without telling me you know nothing about world history.

I know more about world history, and everything else, then you will ever know.

Ronald Reagan was correct. Also, Norman Thomas said in a speech that “Fascism is coming in the United States most probably, but it will not come under that name.” In this statement he was repeating the words of the late Huey Long, but Huey added: “Of course we’ll have it. We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.”

They are all correct. Does your dumb ass even know who those people are?

You and BlindGoo go find the kiddies section and leave us grownups so we can talk, okay?
I also love confession time. Of course you do, little one, of course you do.
That was weak, Bind Commie Boo. Maybe you should call The Collective to come up with a better come back.

Commie Tard Disease must have set in and you can no longer think for yourself?

Why don't you open up a Chicken Franchise? There will be long lines, nothing on your shelves, and any food you can get will be terrible and overpriced.


Kinda like Joe Biden's America.
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Tell me you know nothing about world history without telling me you know nothing about world history.
You definitely know nothing about history which is why you are doomed to repeat it.

"We are all in this together" right Commie Tard? No more commie statement than that. Unity and Togetherness can kiss my Individual Ass.

I am sure the below pic sent a "tingle down your leg" Weirdos.

I know more about world history, and everything else, then you will ever know.

Ronald Reagan was correct. Also, Norman Thomas said in a speech made in Cincinnati that “Fascism is coming in the United States most probably, but it will not come under that name.” In this statement he was repeating the words of the late Huey Long, but Huey added: “Of course we’ll have it. We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.”

They are all correct. Does your dumb ass even know who those people are?

You and BlindGoo go find the kiddies section and leave us grownups so we can talk, okay?

Huey P Long and Edwin Edwards ...
Neither one of them had problem telling you what they wanted.

They also didn't have a problem telling you what you were going to needed to do ...
To be one of the friends they were going to take care along the way.

They might have been crooked as hell, but they were honest about that.

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I was. He is a lovable triggeredtrumphake. I responded to you.


Oh please ... All I can say about Former President Trump is that
Progressives running around with the hair on fire and even making up words to describe their frustrations ...
Hasn't really gotten old yet.

I know more about world history, and everything else, then you will ever know.

Ronald Reagan was correct. Also, Norman Thomas said in a speech that “Fascism is coming in the United States most probably, but it will not come under that name.” In this statement he was repeating the words of the late Huey Long, but Huey added: “Of course we’ll have it. We’ll have it under the guise of anti-fascism.”

They are all correct. Does your dumb ass even know who those people are?

You and BlindGoo go find the kiddies section and leave us grownups so we can talk, okay?
Nah. Reagan was as a-historical as anyone else.

Fascism is a hard thing to actually define, which is why far too few people actually ever try to do it. What is always central to any historically based definition of fascism is nationalism. Not just run of the mill nationalism, but ultranationalism.
Dude, you belong to the cult of EmperorShitzHizPantz, and The Dirty Diaper Don is owned by The CCP and Putin, so no one should listen to your troll bullshit.

Now go back to picking dingleberries off of Xi's ass, cuck.

Your god is a dirty diaper away from shitting what's left of his brain through his ass.
Damn boi

You trigger fast.
Wow. A big giant post full of off topic bullshit.
WOW, what a pathetic Trumptard moron.
Just the way Trump likes them.

It was in response to a comment, "genius".

Can you show me where people are signing up for a Cult? Trump is just a man and anyone who voted for the man sees him as just that.
Dude is a walking anal plug for Commie Pinko Chinese and Putin Puppets.
Sure, gaslighting, Trumptard.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a Chinese communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Six pages of Leftwing Democrats fucktards trying to deny the simple truth spoken by an all-time great American:

“You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism. And what is fascism? Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy? The conservative, so-called, is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny”

All truth.

Fuck any Leftwing POS who says its not
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Now its Seven pages of Leftwing Democrats fucktards trying to deny the simple truth spoken by an all-time great American:

“You know, someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism. And what is fascism? Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise, but total government control and regulation. Well, isn’t this the liberal philosophy? The conservative, so-called, is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny”

All truth.

Fuck any Leftwing POS who says its not

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