It is our sincere hope that the owners and/or administrators of this website will allow our message to remain on their domain.
Ladies and gentlemen, there’s a new and powerful social network/message board coming to town, soon. By soon I mean as soon as a good and proper name is determined for it. The hardware and software has been leased and or purchased. The community is currently up and running although it’s skeletal at the moment, but only because we want the membership to determine what’s best to service “all” of our needs.
The intent of this network is to consolidate every network on the internet, regarding this matter. This is something each and every one of us absolutely needs in our quest to reform the family courts of America and the GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises) that have sprung up around them, such as CPS and DCFS, which quite literally cripple us as legitimate parents, good citizens, and deny us of our Constitutional rights as well as other privileges enjoyed by every other citizen of these United States.
The software we’re using to operate this social network is both powerful and flexible. It can be easily customized to meet the specific needs of the entire community. Additionally there will be multiple administrators to oversee the community regarding customizations to the software as well as multiple moderators to manage sections of the community dedicated to servicing the specific needs of individual states. The software offers features such as Private Messaging, eMailing, Social Groups, Picture Albums, Event Calendars, Link-Backs to and from other sites, Petitions, Press Releases (manually submitted to news organizations by the appropriate administrators or moderators), and will eventually offer individual Blogging.
This site will have its own unique domain name and be indexed by internet search engines to optimize our exposure. The site will be operated as a non profit organization and the owners expect nothing in return for the out of pocket expenses incurred to create it. There will be non intrusive ads on the site, just as you see here, to generate revenue to cover month to month expenses of operating the site and eventually enough to sponsor a Lobbyist group for our cause. Of course that will depend on how many times members click on those Ads which will be the only source of revenue other than voluntary donations of the membership. Membership is and will always remain FREE of charge.
The owners of this website will remain forever anonymous for personal protection. The owners of this website are not only advocates for Family Court Reform we and our children are victims of the injustices of Family Court.
We implore each and every one of you to investigate this website with an open mind and make your own determination as to its validity and capability to become a foundation for us to collectively forge our way forward in our quest to reform the family court systems of America.
The site is currently open and available for you to browse or join at your discretion. The URL to the site (which will be changing as soon as a good and proper name is determined) is: Please bare in mind that the site lacks graphics and a logo by design, not by error because we believe the membership should have a say in such issues.
Finally, it does not matter if you’re a custodial or non custodial parent, relative, or friend on one. The only requirement for membership on this new website is that you recognize the need to reform the family courts of America and that you are willing to participate to achieve that goal.
Paul, an anonymous non custodial parent
If your involved with the family courts... this is THE place to discuss it. I hope you guys will allow this message to stay here. Those of us in the system would be forever grateful.
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