Fakhrizadeh assassination is about far more than Biden - analysis


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
It is good to see that Israel continues to do what it must do and not be afraid of the incoming radical leftwing biden administration.

In effect Netanyahu has told biden to go pound sand, as Israel unlike America before Trump and certainly after him will will always take care of their own.

They probably welcomes Sleepy Joe to use Americans to sacrifice their lives for their enemies while they sit back and do the grotesque things middle east cults do.
How do we know he assassinated? He died in a car accident. Iran has got to be a pretty dangerous place to drive.

t is good to see that Israel continues to do what it must do and not be afraid of the incoming radical leftwing biden administration.

In effect Netanyahu has told biden to go pound sand, as Israel unlike America before Trump and certainly after him will will always take care of their own.

Awesome. Let's cut off all aid to the Zionist Entity and while we are at it, stop paying it's neighbors to play nice with it.

And when the Iranians start whacking Israeli citizens, let's not hear any whining about it, since they set the standard.

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