Fairfax County, Virginia takes shotguns away from police, replaces them with beanbags, and you can almost feel crime going down!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They also reduced assaulting an officer from a felony to a misdemeanor. Let’s first allow thugs to attack cops, and then make sure cops can’t defend themselves.

Libtard World.
I doubt seriously if that is the case.

LTL shotguns may augment their cruiser load-out but I doubt they replaced them. That and they have have had ARs for years in addition to their duty sidearm.
They also reduced assaulting an officer from a felony to a misdemeanor. Let’s first allow thugs to attack cops, and then make sure cops can’t defend themselves.

Libtard World.

Still a class 6 felony in Virginia as best as I can tell.


Still a class 6 felony in Virginia as best as I can tell.

I need to be more specific.

While the charge is a felony, a new law allows a judge to reduce it to a misdemeanor if the cop is not injured. So IOW, if a thug assaults a cop but the cop successfully defends himself, the thug can get away with just a misdemeanor charge and no jail.

Fairfax is very liberal and thus has taken an anti-cop attitude where the sympathy lies more with the thug.

I need to be more specific.

While the charge is a felony, a new law allows a judge to reduce it to a misdemeanor if the cop is not injured. So IOW, if a thug assaults a cop but the cop successfully defends himself, the thug can get away with just a misdemeanor charge and no jail.

Fairfax is very liberal and thus has taken an anti-cop attitude where the sympathy lies more with the thug.

It looks like the Bill failed and never became law:

I can't find were it was taken up again, correct me if I'm wrong.

But I see where you are coming from.....It's up to the grand jury to either kick the felony charge out altogether or let it go to trial as it is. There is no middle ground possible the GJ can take.

Cops often us the charge as a catch all for even the slightest physical altercation with a suspect.

One such charge we "no billed" when I was on a GJ was when a cop stood in front of a car door and when he told a DUI suspect to exit the vehicle the cop fell over his feet backing-up as the door opened.....The cop was not injured. He charged the DUI suspect with assault anyway which was total BS. Hell, the drunk even helped the officer to his feet!

Yeah, NOtVA is chock full of liberal shitstains but the housefraus do like their law and order and fund their JBTs to the hilt. If you ever cross a Fairfax County cop you will see exactly what I mean.

Just compare the crime rates in DC to those across any bridge out of DC and into Virginia. 2100' and the crime rate drops almost four-fold.

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