Fact Check: Joe Biden Promises To Repeal Non-Existent 'Muslim Ban' On Day One Of His Presidency

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
What an idiot! There never was a Muslim ban, although I wish there was. America needs one more than ever. This also shows how incompetent Biden's campaign advisors are.

How wonderful, let’s start importing Muslim terrorists from Islamic jihad strongholds.

Is there any doubt that these Dems want to see America destroyed?

Senate Transcripts: Joe Biden Quoted N-Word 13 Times in 1985 Hearings


The presumptive 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, used the N-word 13 times in a 1985 hearing series, U.S. Senate transcripts reveal.

Video of one such instance where Biden used the N-word twice when he was quoting someone else already surfaced late last month. The Senate hearing series during which Biden repeatedly used the offensive term was when he was questioning William Reynolds, then-President Ronald Reagan’s assistant attorney general for civil rights, when Reynolds was under consideration for a promotion to be associate attorney general. In particular, Biden was asking Reynolds about his role in providing clearance for a redistricting plan in Louisiana that courts later struck down.

Biden just said out loud that he wishes schools taught the Muslim faith. :eek-52: You can't utter the word Christian in a public school without the left freaking out and running to the SCOTUS but Biden wants the Muslim faith taught in schools, wow just wow.

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