Facing The Racist Negro



A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.

50 years ago.

Are you over 70 years old?

No, but I like to make use of as many English words as I can, whether acceptable to others or not. That's the beauty of free speech.

You may call me Caucasian. It's okay.

How about "cracker?"

That's fine. I am, and always have been completely clear as to my identity.

One wonders where this current generation of emotionally skinless humans came from.


A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.

50 years ago.

Are you over 70 years old?

If what happened or what was said 50 years ago means nothing to you, rename all the streets, buildings and establishments named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to what they used to be called.

If you prefer to be called "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" rather than "negro" go to live in Africa.

Your ancestors may have been brought here in chains, but you have the freedom to go anywhere, do anything you please.

And if you have no provable ancestry linked to slavery not only go back to Africa, but also go and fuck your black self.

I'm white.

I'm sorry that your life sucks so much that you worry about these things.

Denotes skin color only idiot. Just like ebony.
But that title of your OP was like unearthing one of my mom's old cookbooks from the attic with a picture of a 50's housewife in her apron and swing skirt smiling as she served her family a roasted chicken on a platter.
Gotta get with the times, Fury. I believe they prefer "black" these days.

I was also disappointed that you simply blamed Democrats for the exploding violence we've experienced in the past week. So what's your answer, then? All voting Republican straight down the ticket will solve the problem? Just asking.
Getting rid of "PC" speech is the start.
Quit making excuses for people. Don't blame an item {gun} blame the criminal.
Go back to putting criminals BACK in prison and NOT on programs.
Go BACK to putting the mentally ill in the "haha hotel" and NOT on the street.
That's fine. I am, and always have been completely clear as to my identity.

One wonders where this current generation of emotionally skinless humans came from.



A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.
and the United Negro College Fund

That moniker is historical.

There's nothing wrong with saying "negro." It just shows that you are old and out-of-touch with modern day society.

Well, modern-day society is coarse, ignorant and puerile, and holds no particular attraction for me.

I was raised to be civilized, and it stuck.
These are very hard decisions for you, aren't they?

Well, there is nothing difficult in your approach of just letting the PC elites decide your values and allowed language for you, that is for sure.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I say "black."

I've thought exactly 0 seconds about it.
But Negro does mean black. Guess they hire idiots at HBU.
why are you bothering to argue if negro is racist or not when the other day you used "ni99er" repeatedly in response to the dallas shooting?

youre a hypocrite for ever mentioning anyone being a racist, being a huge one yourself.


A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.
and the United Negro College Fund

That moniker is historical.

There's nothing wrong with saying "negro." It just shows that you are old and out-of-touch with modern day society.
Just because its historical does NOT lessen the fact its FACT.

The fact that people who say "negro" are out of touch with modern day society.
These are very hard decisions for you, aren't they?

Well, there is nothing difficult in your approach of just letting the PC elites decide your values and allowed language for you, that is for sure.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I say "black."

I've thought exactly 0 seconds about it.
But Negro does mean black. Guess they hire idiots at HBU.
why are you bothering to argue if negro is racist or not when the other day you used "ni99er" repeatedly in response to the dallas shooting?

youre a hypocrite for ever mentioning anyone being a racist, being a huge one yourself.
No stupid as there ARE Negro's and ni99ers. Two different groups idiot. Here's a video to explain.


A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.

50 years ago.

Are you over 70 years old?

No, but I like to make use of as many English words as I can, whether acceptable to others or not. That's the beauty of free speech.

You may call me Caucasian. It's okay.

How about "cracker?"

Have at it.

I enjoy cracking a walnut or a hazelnut or a pit from a peach or an apricot or crack open a coconut and enjoy what I find.

It is a joy to crack something open and find delights you never experienced before or maybe you had, but experiencing them again is a pleasure that those who are not crackers would never know, because they are stuck in their morass of name calling and racist swamp of urban in city slum kind of Democratic plantation slavery.

So, call me a cracker, I will be proud to be one. I just hope you will be as gracious when I call you a ni66er.
These are very hard decisions for you, aren't they?

Well, there is nothing difficult in your approach of just letting the PC elites decide your values and allowed language for you, that is for sure.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I say "black."

I've thought exactly 0 seconds about it.
But Negro does mean black. Guess they hire idiots at HBU.
why are you bothering to argue if negro is racist or not when the other day you used "ni99er" repeatedly in response to the dallas shooting?

youre a hypocrite for ever mentioning anyone being a racist, being a huge one yourself.

Was 21.4 calling blacks n_iggers?

And he started a thread bitching about black racism?

Tell me you're not serious.
These are very hard decisions for you, aren't they?

Well, there is nothing difficult in your approach of just letting the PC elites decide your values and allowed language for you, that is for sure.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I say "black."

I've thought exactly 0 seconds about it.
But Negro does mean black. Guess they hire idiots at HBU.
why are you bothering to argue if negro is racist or not when the other day you used "ni99er" repeatedly in response to the dallas shooting?

youre a hypocrite for ever mentioning anyone being a racist, being a huge one yourself.

Was 21.4 calling blacks n_iggers?

And he started a thread bitching about black racism?

Tell me you're not serious.
he already proved it for ya couple posts above :)
Well, there is nothing difficult in your approach of just letting the PC elites decide your values and allowed language for you, that is for sure.

I used to lecture at a HBU.

I say "black."

I've thought exactly 0 seconds about it.
But Negro does mean black. Guess they hire idiots at HBU.
why are you bothering to argue if negro is racist or not when the other day you used "ni99er" repeatedly in response to the dallas shooting?

youre a hypocrite for ever mentioning anyone being a racist, being a huge one yourself.

Was 21.4 calling blacks n_iggers?

And he started a thread bitching about black racism?

Tell me you're not serious.
he already proved it for ya couple posts above :)
I see where YOU forgot the part where I said there are Negro's and Ni99ers two DIFFERENT groups. Why is that faggot?


A word Martin Luther King Jr. used with pride.

50 years ago.

Are you over 70 years old?

If what happened or what was said 50 years ago means nothing to you, rename all the streets, buildings and establishments named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to what they used to be called.

If you prefer to be called "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" rather than "negro" go to live in Africa.

Your ancestors may have been brought here in chains, but you have the freedom to go anywhere, do anything you please.

And if you have no provable ancestry linked to slavery not only go back to Africa, but also go and fuck your black self.

I'm white.

I'm sorry that your life sucks so much that you worry about these things.

I am white.

I am sorry that your life sucks so much that you have to lower yourself to pretend to be something and/or somebody you are not.

Have you made any plans to hook up with Rachel Dolezal? Or that other phony Benjamin Jealous?

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