Facebook Bans Trump Ad


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This ad has been banned on Facebook. Watch it and tell me WHY!

This ad has been banned on Facebook. Watch it and tell me WHY!

THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION. I don't see a damn thing wrong with it. My best guess:
  1. It was one of Trump's best, most pro-America ads?
  2. It mentioned God.
Do you know the reason?

I think FB needs sued for 1 billion dollars by the DOJ for interfering in an election and lending support and an effective massive politician donation to one candidate.
This ad has been banned on Facebook. Watch it and tell me WHY!
What reason did they give for banning it?
My guess would be that it paints a nice white wash over history and the fact that Trump and his campaign are boasting credit for how US history unfolded. Like they were responsible. LOL.
Sure, white people tamed the land...and killed a bunch of native Americans doing it.
You mean other then it has him in it and it is patriotic? Those two are reason enough for them.
How do we know it was banned?
Wow. Point out where I claimed it WAS banned. I only said that those two things would be enough for them to ban it.
But understanding was never some people’s strong suit.
Facebook is Hater scum.

THE GROWING ANTI-BIG TECH ALLIANCE: 40 States Joining Antitrust Lawsuit To Break-Up Facebook.

38 states acting collectively can amend the Constitution, so 40 States acting in concert are unstoppable.


Forty states are joining together to file an antitrust suit against Facebook to break up the social media giant.

Facebook’s Android-like CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has been awfully relaxed in those Congressional hearings, running circles around the many legislators who don’t really understand the tech and waste their time making political statements. The members of Congress can’t really probe because they are limited to five-minute rounds of questioning, which allows Zuckerberg to play rope-a-dope.

The states’ actions will be much different than the Congressional fare. Zuckerberg will not have the luxury of merely running out the clock, and the people who will be asking the questions will be intimately familiar with all of the relevant questions at hand— including their monopolistic practices. And their first priority will be gathering information instead of creating footage of their scoring points to use for their next campaign commercial.


At Congressional Hearings, Zuckerberg Acts Like An Android

The Washington Examiner reports that more than 40 states apparently plan to sign on to a New York-led antitrust lawsuit against Facebook. The forty states will not be known until the lawsuit is filed. According to CNBC, the action will be filed sometime during the week of December 12th.

Breaking up the tech giants via antitrust actions is the best way to tame the biased social media behemoths who claim they aren’t publishers but believe they have the right to censor conservative public opinion. Removing Section 230 protection and leaving them vulnerable to lawsuits may cause them to censor even more than they now do to protect themselves. Additionally, it will hurt the new competitors who do not become censors. With forty different U.S. States behind the antitrust approach, Illegitimate Joe will not be able to prevent the break up of the left-wing tech giants should he become POTUS.
This ad has been banned on Facebook. Watch it and tell me WHY!
What reason did they give for banning it?
My guess would be that it paints a nice white wash over history and the fact that Trump and his campaign are boasting credit for how US history unfolded. Like they were responsible. LOL.
Sure, white people tamed the land...and killed a bunch of native Americans doing it.
They banned all NEW political ads after Oct. 27.

Advertisers — including both the Trump and Biden campaigns — ramped up spending over the last week to scrape in ads before the Oct. 27 deadline, after which Facebook said that only older ads could continue to run in the week before Election Day.


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