F.A.F.O: Grocery Prices, 'Concepts of a Plan,' White Identity Politics & More

So you buy in to the same narrative that the LEFT has created around trump. See, many others, including myself, have seen how the left has acted for the last 10 years and see how vindictive they have been, which results in this negative media storm around trump.

I say this because, once again, I hear both sides through talk radio. I know all the hateful stuff the left says and thinks. I know this because the people and their callers say it on the radio, then I come here and the leftys here say the same thing.
Nah, I saw enough for myself of the old fraudster, got contract/ subcontractor friends ripped of by him. Court cases the get to court, pretty well go against him. Just the usual reality reason to not approve of him.
Nah, I saw enough for myself of the old fraudster, got contract/ subcontractor friends ripped of by him. Court cases the get to court, pretty well go against him. Just the usual reality reason to not approve of him.
Of course the court cases go against him, because it's all being done in liberal, trump hating strongholds by liberal trump hating prosecutors, and DAs. That's kinda my point, really. All of these cases are political in nature, we know this, because they did t surface until trump entered office.
What part of what I have said, gave you that idea? Are you just a partisan mental troll, or simply too stupid to read my comments on her?

Who give a shit? You do know the election is over, right. Just because Trump told people to vote on January 5, doesn't mean there is another election coming up. So, why are you uselessly, stupidly trolling me?
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Sniffle, sniffle, she only had 70 days, sniffle, sniffle, Trump had 3.5 years, sniffle, sniffle. Not the first time you've used that excuse, I'm just curious what the next iteration might look like, that's all. LMAO

You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can fool some of the people all of the time. But in a 3 month campaign, you cannot convince even most of the people, the black woman has not been a fool for much of the time? Donny had 3-1/2 years fool most of the people, all of the time.
Posting while high isn’t good for whatever is left of your rep., White.
Yes. You guys tried and tried to disprove the 2020 and failed and failed to do so, even trump judges laughed you out of court, but there are still morons, who still without proof, want to talk as if it were ever in question. Just partisan troll dumbasses.

Sorry, the 81,2OL,LOL Biden "Votes" instantly proves the fraud
Of course the court cases go against him, because it's all being done in liberal, trump hating strongholds by liberal trump hating prosecutors, and DAs. That's kinda my point, really. All of these cases are political in nature, we know this, because they did t surface until trump entered office.
Plus, they cheat and used real evidence, real law and real legal skills, as if they studied. Totally unfair to people, depending on internet rhetoric to rule the day.:auiqs.jpg:
Sorry, the 81,2OL,LOL Biden "Votes" instantly proves the fraud
Take it to court and prove it. :auiqs.jpg:
Plus, they cheat and used real evidence, real law and real legal skills, as if they studied. Totally unfair to people, depending on internet rhetoric to rule the day.:auiqs.jpg:

Take it to court and prove it. :auiqs.jpg:

Sure, and they charge cases that nobody has been charged with before, or they bring about some strange legal theory that even the democrats were saying was far fetched.
Sure, and they charge cases that nobody has been charged with before, or they bring about some strange legal theory that even the democrats were saying was far fetched.
Cry for me some more.
Blacks did vote for Harris. 86 percent. Whites were the only group who voted for trump by a majority of both sexes. 79 percent of black men voted for Harris. Had 79 percent of either white men or white women voted for Harris, Trump would not have won. So just stop trying to deflect blame. Trump played you whites, he didn't play us.

Yeah but more white people voted for Kamala than black people did.

So, Stall, Stall Stall, works for 3 or 4 years, and Donnie is out in 4? :auiqs.jpg:
The American judicial system seems to upset you…….even when your Dimwinger handlers are using the DOJ to target a political opponent.

Sux to be you.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :113:
The American judicial system seems to upset you…….even when your Dimwinger handlers are using the DOJ to target a political opponent.

Sux to be you.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :113:
Been working predictably, so far. I think we'll keep it.:banana:
So you want to keep lawfare.

Why am I not surprised?
You are a trump supporter, by definition, not believing in courts, judges, laws or voting, unless in your favor.:auiqs.jpg:
You are a trump supporter, by definition, not believing in courts, judges, laws or voting, unless in your favor.
Wrong again, white.

We are the ones who believe in courts and a legal system premised on fairness and justice. Your folks aren’t

You prefer your lawfare and kangaroo courts with Soviet style show trials.

And your folks are bitterly disappointed whenever actual justice prevails.

It really does suck to be you.


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