Trump Backtracks On Campaign Pledge To Bring Down Grocery Prices

So you're a liberal mooch

I don't see where the backtracking is.
“Prices will come down,” Trump said during a rally in August. “You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”
“We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,” Trump said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”
“We will cut your taxes and inflation
, slash your prices, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to America,” Trump said at a Georgia rally in October, reciting a line he used in speeches at several other events.

“I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,” Trump said,

Does that help? You know, the part where he backtracks.
“Prices will come down,” Trump said during a rally in August. “You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”
“We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,” Trump said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”
“We will cut your taxes and inflation
, slash your prices, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to America,” Trump said at a Georgia rally in October, reciting a line he used in speeches at several other events.

“I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,” Trump said,

Does that help? You know, the part where he backtracks.

You left out the part where you think that he backtracks.
“Prices will come down,” Trump said during a rally in August. “You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”
“We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,” Trump said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”
“We will cut your taxes and inflation
, slash your prices, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to America,” Trump said at a Georgia rally in October, reciting a line he used in speeches at several other events.

“I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,” Trump said,

Does that help? You know, the part where he backtracks.
He didni't backtrack. Backtracking would be him saying "I can't prices down now".
“I will cut your energy prices in half within 12 months.”

We will know Jan 20th, 2026…..right? Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps he was correct.
The president-elect walked back what was always a wildly unrealistic campaign promise.

President-elect Donald Trump admitted in an interview with Time magazine that it will be difficult for him to reduce consumer prices, contrary to statements he made on the campaign trail this year.

Trump told Time in an hourlong interview for its “Person of the Year” feature that his presidency wouldn’t be a failure if he failed to bring the price of groceries down.

“I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,” Trump said, according to the transcript.

Trump is right that it’s very hard to achieve across-the-board price reductions. Curbing inflation is only a matter of slowing the rate of price increases — actual economy-wide price drops typically don’t happen outside of a massive economic downturn.

Nevertheless, Trump repeatedly told voters during the campaign that electing him president would cause prices to tumble.

“Prices will come down,” Trump said during a rally in August. “You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”

“We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,” Trump said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”

“We will cut your taxes and inflation, slash your prices, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to America,” Trump said at a Georgia rally in October, reciting a line he used in speeches at several other events.

Trump also specifically promised to get gas prices down: “I will cut your energy prices in half within 12 months.”

Trump said during the campaign, and in his Time interview, that cutting regulations would reduce oil prices, which would supposedly drive price reductions everywhere else in the economy. One obstacle to the plan is that it would be up to energy companies, not the government, to ramp up oil production, and doing so would not necessarily be profitable for them. Another obstacle is that oil prices are set by a global market that U.S. doesn’t control.

Nevertheless, the idea that Trump’s election would solve complex economic problems was a core message of the Trump campaign.

More at the link below...

Trump Backtracks On Campaign Pledge To Bring Down Grocery Prices

Is anyone surprised that Trump is backing down from his campaign promises? What do you think?
"Trump hasn't brought down grocery prices".

Trump isn't president yet, Scooter.
Here we go....

4 more years of:

1). TDS claims
2). Excuses for Failed trump Promises
3). Blaming (D) for Everything
4). Corruption from the POTUS at the Highest Level Ever.
5). Political Lawfare.
6). Fake Drill baby Drill claims.

It's such an easy book to read.


This from the people that actually believed Obozocare was going to save so much money it would pay down the national debt. They also believed if this miracle happened politicians would have used the money to pay down the debt instead of pork projects for their re election campaigns.
THey know I’m a liberal.

Omg, one of my arrogant Republican neighbors just told me she may not be able to continue going to Florida for 3 months every year. It’s $4000. I thought she was a hypocrite retired early teacher, divorced, with a lot of money. Now I find out she’s not. So she’s a dumb broke ass who’s living on a pension and doesn’t appreciate teachers in the future won’t get them. Linda McMahon will see to that.

Now the pension isn’t enough. Boo hoo.

You enjoy peoples misery. Sick bastard.
You enjoy peoples misery. Sick bastard.
When they bring it on themselves yes. When it's self inflicted yes.

Rep. Grimm Votes to Repeal Obamacare​

July 11, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY) voted for H.R. 6079, the Repeal of Obamacare Act, a bill to fully repeal the health care law. This is the 31st time the congressman has voted to fully or partially repeal or defund Obamacare.

Fast forward to today

Grimm was involved in a horse-riding accident in September.

GoFundMe for paralyzed former Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm reaches $120K+​

  • Updated: Nov. 11, 2024
But he owes $2.5 million. Are you going to donate? Not me. He should have voted YEA on Obamacare.
“Prices will come down,” Trump said during a rally in August. “You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”
“We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,” Trump said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”
“We will cut your taxes and inflation
, slash your prices, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to America,” Trump said at a Georgia rally in October, reciting a line he used in speeches at several other events.

“I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,” Trump said,

Does that help? You know, the part where he backtracks.
hey bergy do you know any other politicians who have back tracked on what they said? maybe everyone that is out there...
hey bergy do you know any other politicians who have back tracked on what they said? maybe everyone that is out there...
Dude! On day one, prices are going to come down. He lied.

He's been saying he has a replacement for Obamacare for 10 years now. Where is it? 2 weeks away every time he's asked.

Drill baby drill, a lie.

Biden did a great fucking job with the economy. Now that the elections over, maybe Trump will admit that too.

We know you voted for Trump

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