Extremist Democrats



With the recent bizzaro speeches by Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and now the lunatic Al Gore, are these people even MORE of a danger to American security than Al Qaeda?

While I can understand agreeing to disagree with the War on Terror, are they going a little too far? A line has been crossed that I can only imagine has our enemies rubbing their greasy hands together in a "yah, keep it up jerks. Divide yourselves...and we will conquer all your dumbasses."

Maybe it's just me but that's my 2 cents for what it's worth.


scroll down to:

"Al Gore and the Democrats" and download. It's quite telling.
Ive been saying this for awhile but then you get a typical response of "Its our patriotic duty to disagree with an evil president." Its almost pointless to even talk to such brainwashed ilk.
As I have believed for a very long time, the two greatest threats to America are terrorism & liberalism, especially since they share a symbiotic link: Hatred for America & the desire to destroy it.
"are these people even MORE of a danger to American security than Al Qaeda"

Have any of those democrats run a plane into a building lately?


Do any of them want to kill you in some kind of holy war?


Are they makeing statements that you disagree with


and this makes them more dangerous than Al Qaeda why?
Originally posted by deaddude

Are they makeing statements that you disagree with


and this makes them more dangerous than Al Qaeda why?

because the GOP, conservative base, have a set idea of what they want THEIR america to be and like most other idealistic groups (democrats included) they feel that any other view is anti-american or wrong, therefore the only logical conclusion to such diverse opposing and unchangeable views is outright civil war.
lost it's grip on what being a member of the "loyal" ( I say treasonous) opposition means.. If gore, kennedy etal had made those statements during WWII they would have been shot for treason...
Liberals like yourself basically despise American beliefs and mores.. To hell with the lot of you.. Once this war against the terrrorists is concluded we need to clean house at home. Perhaps another Unamerican activities committee should be formed to root out these haters of us and our way of life.
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
As I have believed for a very long time, the two greatest threats to America are terrorism & liberalism, especially since they share a symbiotic link: Hatred for America & the desire to destroy it.

References to present company excluded, for the most part I agree.

I am of the opinion liberalism in its embodiment today is no different than socialism and both go against our Constitution.

As such, when a politician gets up to promote such an agenda while running for office, he should be jailed for attempted treason.

For an elected official, treason its self.
Originally posted by phadras
lost it's grip on what being a member of the "loyal" ( I say treasonous) opposition means.. If gore, kennedy etal had made those statements during WWII they would have been shot for treason...
Liberals like yourself basically despise American beliefs and mores.. To hell with the lot of you.. Once this war against the terrrorists is concluded we need to clean house at home. Perhaps another Unamerican activities committee should be formed to root out these haters of us and our way of life.

I'm assuming your rather hateful and angry remarks are directed at me. Whats the matter? Did I strike too close to the truth for you?

Idiots like YOURSELF have no idea what american beliefs should obviously be. Your only calling seems to be an attempt to either shame or intimidate people into submitting to your will of what YOU believe is right and wrong.

Come try to clean house at home, you'll find that a more difficult task than you believe. To paraphrase a once famous movie quote, 'the more you tighten your grip, the more people that will slip through your fingers'.
Originally posted by deaddude
"are these people even MORE of a danger to American security than Al Qaeda"

Have any of those democrats run a plane into a building lately?


Do any of them want to kill you in some kind of holy war?


Are they makeing statements that you disagree with


and this makes them more dangerous than Al Qaeda why?

Yah you tried but didn't succeed.:rolleyes:

When elected officials who take the oath of office to protect and DEFEND America talk the talk of our enemy they present themselves as a danger. They have political power. Danger doesn't come from just planes taking out 3000 people it comes from anywhere. The apple rots from the inside out.

Kennedy, Gore, Pelosi. All treasonous IMO. This kind of over-the- line-almost-psychotic hatred of the president without any mention of the murdering jerkoffs responsible for 911, the growing filth that was Saddam Hussein and the scum who prospered off the Oil-For-Food thievery, is mighty unsettling. Mighty disgusting and damn dangerous.

THEIR fatasses need to resign, or in the case of Gore... get some gaddamn mental help.
The reason the liberals are treasonous is because they're aiding and abetting the enemy. Not sure if everyone here has noticed, but we're embroiled in a war.

By saying the whacko things they're saying, they are creating a rift within the American people. Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder and winning this war against these terrorists, they're creating and maintaining controversy and undermining our efforts. All for political gain.

This administration has done everything it could to root out the terrorists where ever they can be found, and instead of kudos, you hear nothing but off the wall shit, such as "It's all about the OIIILLLLL" or "Bush Lied!" or "It was for Halliburton!"... it's enough to make me sick.

These rat bastards would have been locked up during WWII for these kinds of statements.

In a time of peace, let the political maneuvering and games fly, have at it!

In a time of war, it's time to buck up and put aside your agenda for the greater good of the country. This bullshit is nothing short of treasonous - they're certainly aiding and abetting the enemy.
Originally posted by NightTrain
The reason the liberals are treasonous is because they're aiding and abetting the enemy. Not sure if everyone here has noticed, but we're embroiled in a war.

By saying the whacko things they're saying, they are creating a rift within the American people. Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder and winning this war against these terrorists, they're creating and maintaining controversy and undermining our efforts. All for political gain.

This administration has done everything it could to root out the terrorists where ever they can be found, and instead of kudos, you hear nothing but off the wall shit, such as "It's all about the OIIILLLLL" or "Bush Lied!" or "It was for Halliburton!"... it's enough to make me sick.

These rat bastards would have been locked up during WWII for these kinds of statements.

In a time of peace, let the political maneuvering and games fly, have at it!

In a time of war, it's time to buck up and put aside your agenda for the greater good of the country. This bullshit is nothing short of treasonous - they're certainly aiding and abetting the enemy.

If it were treasonous to oppose an administration during a time of war then we would always be at war. Furthermore, It's not treasonous to be ignorant or idiotic. It's also the sign of a communist dictatorship that tries to quelch political dissent with cries of treason and sedition. While some of the current minority party are using missteps for political gain it's the game of politics. If the roles were reversed, you can't tell me that the republican leadership wouldn't be doing somewhat close to the same thing. If a cause is clear and it's done openly, honestly, and without political manipulation (like whats been done from Nov 2001) then putting aside an agenda would not be an issue.
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
As I have believed for a very long time, the two greatest threats to America are terrorism & liberalism, especially since they share a symbiotic link: Hatred for America & the desire to destroy it.

I think you confuse disliking the GOP with hatred for America.
If it were treasonous to oppose an administration during a time of war then we would always be at war.

To keep this country in a constant state of war is an impossiblity. We've always been slow to go to war, and when it is joined, there's an all out effort to get the job done and move along - with the exception of Vietnam. A classic case of political maneuvering run amok, the result being that politicians tied the hands of the military and prevented them from doing their job. In essence, we beat ourselves.

Furthermore, It's not treasonous to be ignorant or idiotic.

Nevertheless, they are indeed hampering the war effort, and that in itself is treasonous - whether or not they intended to aid and abet the enemy.

It's also the sign of a communist dictatorship that tries to quelch political dissent with cries of treason and sedition.

What we have here in America is a far cry from a communist dictatorship, contrary to what the socialist democrats would like to devolve America to.

While some of the current minority party are using missteps for political gain it's the game of politics. If the roles were reversed, you can't tell me that the republican leadership wouldn't be doing somewhat close to the same thing.

I don't agree. I, for one, would be pissed off at anyone that hinders our war effort. I really don't believe that you'd see the kind of circus the democrats are running now if the shoe were on the other foot. After watching Al Gore come unglued in his little rant the other night, I thank my lucky stars that idiot isn't driving the bus.
Originally posted by phadras
lost it's grip on what being a member of the "loyal" ( I say treasonous) opposition means.. If gore, kennedy etal had made those statements during WWII they would have been shot for treason...
Liberals like yourself basically despise American beliefs and mores.. To hell with the lot of you.. Once this war against the terrrorists is concluded we need to clean house at home. Perhaps another Unamerican activities committee should be formed to root out these haters of us and our way of life.

You are, as my grandfather used to say, “full of donkey dust.” I’m not sure where he got that expression, but your notion that Kennedy or Gore would have been shot for treason fits the description.

If you want to shoot someone for treason, I suggest you start with the senior White House official that leaked the identity of undercover CIA agent Valerie Plame. The White House said she was “fair game” because her husband refuted the White House claim that Iraq was trying to purchase “yellow cake” uranium from Niger.

I would say that is a far stronger case for treason. Apart from being illegal, the fact that the exposure was politically motivated adds the stench of vulgarity to the crime.

As for the rest of your spewing nonesense, when America needs another Joe McCarthy, we'll be sure to call you.
Hmm, do you consider the 60% of Americans who oppose the war treasonist(sp?)?

Let's see, Bush stated WMD's as the reason for invading Iraq yet there is absoulutely NO evidence to support this.

Should the US just invade any country it feels like?
Originally posted by NightTrain
To keep this country in a constant state of war is an impossiblity. We've always been slow to go to war, and when it is joined, there's an all out effort to get the job done and move along - with the exception of Vietnam. A classic case of political maneuvering run amok, the result being that politicians tied the hands of the military and prevented them from doing their job. In essence, we beat ourselves.

Maybe the point was missed with this part. I'm saying that if we made it unwritten policy to unilaterally support the president during war, we would always be at war so the president could do what he wanted. Its why we are supposed to have a balance of power so that things like that can't happen.

Nevertheless, they are indeed hampering the war effort, and that in itself is treasonous - whether or not they intended to aid and abet the enemy.

we'll have to agree to disagree. If we reduce treason down to political dissent and speeches of opposition, we've got bigger problems than terrorism to deal with.

What we have here in America is a far cry from a communist dictatorship, contrary to what the socialist democrats would like to devolve America to.

again, maybe you missed my point. what I said was that its a SIGN of communist dictatorships, not that we are one.

I don't agree. I, for one, would be pissed off at anyone that hinders our war effort. I really don't believe that you'd see the kind of circus the democrats are running now if the shoe were on the other foot. After watching Al Gore come unglued in his little rant the other night, I thank my lucky stars that idiot isn't driving the bus.

although it was short lived, I remember a handful of the republican leadership making claims of 'wagging the dog' when clinton bombed iraq during the lewinsky testimony.
Originally posted by NightTrain
The reason the liberals are treasonous is because they're aiding and abetting the enemy. Not sure if everyone here has noticed, but we're embroiled in a war.

By saying the whacko things they're saying, they are creating a rift within the American people. Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder and winning this war against these terrorists, they're creating and maintaining controversy and undermining our efforts. All for political gain.

This administration has done everything it could to root out the terrorists where ever they can be found, and instead of kudos, you hear nothing but off the wall shit, such as "It's all about the OIIILLLLL" or "Bush Lied!" or "It was for Halliburton!"... it's enough to make me sick.

These rat bastards would have been locked up during WWII for these kinds of statements.

In a time of peace, let the political maneuvering and games fly, have at it!

In a time of war, it's time to buck up and put aside your agenda for the greater good of the country. This bullshit is nothing short of treasonous - they're certainly aiding and abetting the enemy.

Shooting the messenger is easier than dealing with the issues. It seems a lot of naïve right-wingers seem to believe that bombing Bagdad eliminates terrorism. Your logic circuits have shorted out. Even Rummy acknowledged that we were creating terrorists faster than we can kill or capture them.

Yes, liberals have noticed that we are in a war. That is why cool heads have to prevail, not radical right-wing ideologues that have the flag wrapped around their head so tightly that they can neither see no think.

This is what Gore said on May 26, 2004. He’s right. You all need check you blind faith in Bush and confront the hard realities of our perilous time.

"The unpleasant truth is that President Bush's utter incompetence has made the world a far more dangerous place and dramatically increased the threat of terrorism against the United States. Just yesterday, the International Institute of Strategic Studies reported that the Iraq conflict " has arguable focused the energies and resources of Al Qaeda and its followers while diluting those of the global counterterrorism coalition." The ISS said that in the wake of the war in Iraq Al Qaeda now has more than 18,000 potential terrorists scattered around the world and the war in Iraq is swelling its ranks."

(You can read a full transcript of the speech and watch a great five-minute video of the highlights at:http://www.moveonpac.org/gore/ )
Originally posted by nycflasher
Hmm, do you consider the 60% of Americans who oppose the war treasonist(sp?)?

no, that makes us a 'focus group'.

Let's see, Bush stated WMD's as the reason for invading Iraq yet there is absoulutely NO evidence to support this.

that may be changing, however, it seems that the urgency was based on the administration knowing exactly where they were due to this ironclad intelligence....which turned out to be not so ironclad.......and exact location reduced to locating barrels in a country the size of california.....to they're in syria, moved right under our intelligence noses............:rolleyes:

Should the US just invade any country it feels like?

some people feel this is a necessity since we are the good guys, even though we've got some issues with abusing prisoners and detainees, but since we're not as morally relative or morally equivalent to the terrorists, then it should be put in to context and perspective.

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